Please, friends. I understand emotions are running high. But the jury has made their decision. George Zimmerman has been found not guilty. Let us not resort to violence or talks of violence to deal with our emotions. Killing George Zimmerman will not bring back Trayvon. Killing him or assaulting random white persons, will not prevent incidents like this from happening in the future. It will not help to fix any imperfect laws that are in place. It will not help black people to advance.
The system, while imperfect at times, is still the best we have overall. Let us remember that there are other places, where a young woman can be raped by several random men and also burned aftewards.......and the officials in that place will simply blame the young woman for the incident, and claim that she burned herself. That is not a made-up situation; that has actually happened in India, and it is hardly an isolated incident. At least in the U.S., most persons are put on trial for their actions, and the facts of the case are produced for all to see, so that regardless of the verdict, right or wrong, people will still know the suspects and know the facts, and be able to draw their own conclusions from there.
Let us not encourage demonic, violent behavior as a result of Trayvon Martin's death and the trial of George Zimmerman. Let us not engage in the same activity which we claim we are frustrated by seeing others do. It is so demonic, friends.