Live video: George Zimmerman Trial - jury selection, trial, verdict, eye rolling


May 1, 2012
is there any evidence to suggest it wasn't caused by his head slamming on the concrete?

I know emotions are high and everyone is picking sides on some tribal we shall overcome/a black man was murdered tip, but yal gotta think clearly and not get caught up in that emotional sh1t.

All the comments from posters come off as angry and emotional as hell. I already acknowledged that Zimmerman was the aggressor and Trayvon had the right to defend himself. So I don't understand all the irrational hostility thrown my way. I'm just trying to get to the unbiased truth of the matter
You just stated the unbiased truth. Zimmerman was the aggressor. It's not self defense if you instigate a confrontation. You say that posters as angry as emotional, well posters like you are coming off as stupid. You're seemingly sympathizing with Zimmerman justifying an armed man who wrongfully profiled, followed, and killed an unarmed 17 year old.


Jun 2, 2013
Burnt SUVs, Swimming Pools, Dominican dimes and Al
You just stated the unbiased truth. Zimmerman was the aggressor. It's not self defense if you instigate a confrontation. You say that posters as angry as emotional, well posters like you are coming off as stupid. You're seemingly sympathizing with Zimmerman justifying an armed man who wrongfully profiled, followed, then got his ass beat to the point where he felt his life was in danger and killed an unarmed 17 year old.


That's the unbiased truth bro, lets just keep it 100.

I agree that Trayvon did nothing wrong except maybe go a lil too ham on him which resulted in his death. He was wrongly profiled and Zimmerman started all of this, it's true.


It's not self defense if you instigate a confrontation.

Again I'm not a legal expert and maybe someone in this field could clear this up for us. Everything isn't black and white and there are plenty shades of gray. If I were to run up on you and throw water in ur face, and u began to beat me to a pulp to the point where I feel like my life is endangered I don't have the right to prevent that from happening because I started it? I just have to let you kill me?

I honestly don't know what the law says about I'm posing to question to you and others (law students on this forum) to clear it up for me.


May 1, 2012

That's the unbiased truth bro, lets just keep it 100.
This is where you expose yourself and why you deserve to be insulted. Zimmermann being beat to the point that he feared for his life is not necessarily the truth, it's Zimmerman's alibi for killing Trayvon. At this point, there is no evidence to suggest that Zimmerman was being beat that badly. Of course Zimmean is going to make the claim that he feared for his life, he is trying to beat a murder charge. You believe that bullshyt because you want to believe it, and that says a lot about you.

I agree that Trayvon did nothing wrong except maybe go a lil too ham on him which resulted in his death. He was wrongly profiled and Zimmerman started all of this, it's true.

There is no "but", Trayvon did nothing wrong. Even if he did get the better of Zimmerman in their scuffle, he still didn't do anything wrong. Trayvon had every right to defend himself once Zimmerman followed him and became a threat. Funny how people like you only acknowledged Zimmerman's right to self defense and assume that his bullshyt story is true, when all of the evidence suggests the opposite. Why have you assumed that Zimmerman is telling the truth when you haven't seen any evidence to support his story and there are clear inconsistencies? If Trayvon had his hands over Zimmerman's mouth trying to smother him, there would certainly be Zimmerman-DNA on Trayvon's hands somewhere. There was none.

Again I'm not a legal expert and maybe someone in this field could clear this up for us. Everything isn't black and white and there are plenty shades of gray. If I were to run up on you and throw water in ur face, and u began to beat me to a pulp to the point where I feel like my life is endangered I don't have the right to prevent that from happening because I started it? I just have to let you kill me?
If you run up on me armed and throw water in my face instigating a fight, only to pull your gun and shoot me once I start whooping your ass then it's not self defense. You don't get to claim self defense when shooting and killing an unarmed person that you started a fight with simply because they got the better of you. How does that even make sense? If you start it then it's not self defense.

I honestly don't know what the law says about I'm posing to question to you and others (law students on this forum) to clear it up for me.
You don't give a damn about the law, you're just trying to be obtuse. The law says that any defendant who claims self defense as an alibi against a murder charge has a burden to prove his/her claim. Yet that hasn't stopped you from automatically accepting Zimmerman's word as Gospel despite the fact that he's been caught telling untruths. Again, what evidence have you seen that suggests that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman? His wounds only suggest that he was in a scuffle, they don't suggest that Trayvon attacked first. They don't suggest that his life was in danger either.


May 1, 2012
Why are you guys continuing to argue with a troll? Ignore him, and he will go away...
All posters are trolls to me :manny: He certainly reperesents a lot of the opinions that I've seen of talking heads on TV, and I don't get to tell them how silly they sound so......


All Star
Jun 24, 2012
All posters are trolls to me :manny: He certainly reperesents a lot of the opinions that I've seen of talking heads on TV, and I don't get to tell them how silly they sound so......
I get it, but it's taking away from the thread. At least to me it is.


Jun 2, 2013
Burnt SUVs, Swimming Pools, Dominican dimes and Al
This is where you expose yourself and why you deserve to be insulted. Zimmermann being beat to the point that he feared for his life is not necessarily the truth, it's Zimmerman's alibi for killing Trayvon. At this point, there is no evidence to suggest that Zimmerman was being beat that badly.

"that badly" :beli:

that's all relative ....All we know is what Zimmerman said and what the evidence suggest. Which is that he got his ass beat and was bleeding from the back of his head. Everyones threshold for trauma is different. People die from punches to the face so all of what you said is complete bullsh1t.

There is no "but", Trayvon did nothing wrong. Even if he did get the better of Zimmerman in their scuffle, he still didn't do anything wrong. Trayvon had every right to defend himself once Zimmerman followed him and became a threat.

where exactly do we disagree here and why do u feel the need to repeat sh1t everyone agrees on? :what:

If Trayvon had his hands over Zimmerman's mouth trying to smother him, there would certainly be Zimmerman-DNA on Trayvon's hands somewhere. There was none.

One would assume that would be the case but not necessarily especially if the victim is laying on his back and the blood isn't allowed to flow out.

If you run up on me armed and throw water in my face instigating a fight, only to pull your gun and shoot me once I start whooping your *** then it's not self defense. You don't get to claim self defense when shooting and killing an unarmed person that you started a fight with simply because they got the better of you. How does that even make sense? If you start it then it's not self defense.

I can't comment on this. It's one thing to accept an ass whooping and it's another another to feel your life is actually in danger. If he felt his life was in danger who are you and I to say he didn't? I'm not inside that man's head and can only go off what he tells us.

You don't give a damn about the law, you're just trying to be obtuse. The law says that any defendant who claims self defense as an alibi against a murder charge has a burden to prove his/her claim. Yet that hasn't stopped you from automatically accepting Zimmerman's word as Gospel despite the fact that he's been caught telling untruths. Again, what evidence have you seen that suggests that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman? His wounds only suggest that he was in a scuffle, they don't suggest that Trayvon attacked first. They don't suggest that his life was in danger either.

Where did I say Trayvon attacked Zimmerman first? scuffle or not one man had no bruises and the other hand plenty. He says his life was in danger, so that's all we have to run with.


But whatever yo, you obviously have an emotional investment in this case. I don't. I'm indifferent to whatever the final verdict will be. I'm just curious to know which way it goes. Either way no one wins


Why are you guys continuing to argue with a troll? Ignore him, and he will go away...

the simplest way to get out of having to address a point is to attempt to discredit an individual's credibility/motives. Labeling said person as a troll is usually enough to get the job done. Perception isn't always reality tho.

If you don't want to comment then just sit quiet and shut the hell up.


I'm not a Zimmerman supporter and continuously acknowledged that he started the situation. My only stance is that if I'm getting my head slammed into the ground that I would most likely do the same exact thing he did in the same situation. Regardless of what transpired before, in that very moment I would do the same thing.

Did he legally have the right to do such a thing since he started it?

Opinions differ.

All I can say is that I'm not dying for anybody.



Sep 29, 2012
Again I'm not a legal expert and maybe someone in this field could clear this up for us. Everything isn't black and white and there are plenty shades of gray. If I were to run up on you and throw water in ur face, and u began to beat me to a pulp to the point where I feel like my life is endangered I don't have the right to prevent that from happening because I started it? I just have to let you kill me?

I honestly don't know what the law says about I'm posing to question to you and others (law students on this forum) to clear it up for me.

If Zimmerman is found to be the initial aggressor then he cannot claim self defense unless he can show that he withdrew from the confrontation but Trayvon continued to use force.


Jun 2, 2013
Burnt SUVs, Swimming Pools, Dominican dimes and Al
If Zimmerman is found to be the initial aggressor then he cannot claim self defense unless he can show that he withdrew from the confrontation but Trayvon continued to use force.


this is just a weird ass case man. I would have whooped Zimmerman's ass just like Trayvon did for stalking him, but I also would have defended my self by any means necessary if I felt my life was in danger like Zimmerman allegedly felt his life was. Whatever the final verdict is lots of people won't be happy.

sh1ts cray.

racial profiling gone wrong.......... sad fact is that all this sh1t started because of FEAR and ASSUMPTION. Sometimes it's beneficial to assume, be paranoid and be alert because it could save your life, but in this case it only helped Zimmerman dig his very own grave.

Trayvon, an innocent kid died because of a stereotype that people have of young black males. That is unfortunately often times warranted.


Sep 29, 2012

this is just a weird ass case man. I would have whooped Zimmerman's ass just like Trayvon did for stalking him, but I also would have defended my self by any means necessary if I felt my life was in danger like Zimmerman allegedly felt his life was. Whatever the final verdict is lots of people won't be happy.

sh1ts cray

It is a weird case. I find it funny how some can unequivocally claim certain things did in fact happen when we really don't know.

But, the thing too with Florida's self defense law is that you only have to fear great bodily harm. So fear of death does not even have to be a thought.


Staff member
Jul 22, 2012
The simple fact is he went after the kid(intent), in self defense the kid the kid got killed, fukk a bruise or lacerations to the aggressor. Intent to kill, nothing less, plus he shot the kid after he was screaming for help, disgusting!!