whats wrong with the wars we've had in the eyes of libertarianism?
Maybe I'm misinterpreting this question , could you elaborate?
whats wrong with the wars we've had in the eyes of libertarianism?
Maybe I'm misinterpreting this question , could you elaborate?
Things are unequal now.
1% of the population controls most of the wealth, and those same 1%ers make up most if not all of the members of our Congress, Supreme Court, Executive branch, and other powerful positions in our government both federal and state. Libertarians are about weakening our 1% owned government and giving it back to individuals.
We don't need government, just common sense.
Democratic government created and sustained Jim Crow. The seed of Jim Crow was sown in Boston of all places (Roberts v. Boston), and upheld by the Supreme Court (Plessy v. Fergusson).
You don't actually believe this, do you? FDR prolonged the depression. Obama has prolonged the Great Recession.
A stimulation and a transfer of wealth are two different things. A transfer of wealth has occurred during this current recession. Our money has ended up in the pockets of the 1% who, as stated above, compromise the majority of not the entirety of our Congress, Supreme Court, Executive branch and other powerful levels of government both at the federal and state levels. And that's where libertarians come on, to take the power away from the 1% owned Congress and give it back to the people.
We still have the Internal Security Act (ISA) which allows the Government to arbitrarily arrest citizens and detain them without trial. We had many oppositionists, trade union leaders, journalists and activists imprisoned under the ISA for opposing the ruling PAP. The longest-serving prisoner is Mr Chia Thye Poh who was detained for 23 years without ever given a trial.
All newspapers, TV and radio stations are owned and run by the Government.
Then you have all this talk about Singapore being open and transparent. Mr Lee Kuan Yew chairs the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, or GIC, which takes all of the country's financial reserves and invests it all over the world. The organisation does not give an account of these investments. His son, Lee Hsien Loong , is the prime-minister-to-be, the chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore and also the finance minister. His wife, Lee Kuan Yew's daughter-in-law, controls one of the biggest groups of companies controlled by the Government. Lee Kuan Yew's second son is in charge of the biggest government-run corporation, Singapore Telecom.
In the elections in 1997, the PAP announced that if the voters did not vote for its candidates, their housing estates and apartments which are all government-owned, would not be refurbished and would eventually turn into slums.
The Economist Intelligence Unit classifies Singapore as a "hybrid" country, with authoritarian and democratic elements. Freedom House does not consider Singapore an "electoral democracy" and ranks the country as "partly free". Reporters Without Borders ranked Singapore 140th out of 167 countries in its 2005 Press Freedom Index.[2]
Amnesty International has criticised Singapore for having "possibly the highest execution rate in the world" per capita.[8]
Ministers in Singapore are the highest paid politicians in the world, receiving a 60% salary raise in 2007 and as a result Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's pay jumped to S$3.1 million, five times the US$400,000 earned by President Barack Obama.
Voting has been compulsory in Singapore since 1959
Human rights activists, foreign scholars and opposition party members have pointed out that members of the opposition parties often suffer "misfortunes" of various kinds, including arrest, sued into bankruptcy especially in defamatory lawsuits, and imprisonment.[30]
The 1 percent control 40 percent of the Worlds wealth. I think the issue you're talking about is a lot bigger then America. Also, what you're talking about is a war to reset the nation so a new group of individuals can escape men they will ultimately become and i dont see how that benefits the Average American. Just a different set of millionares becoming the 1 percent. If history shows us anything its that things go in circles. But friend, please explain how libertarians would give power back to the people. Can you make that statement a little more tangible?Things are unequal now.
1% of the population controls most of the wealth, and those same 1%ers make up most if not all of the members of our Congress, Supreme Court, Executive branch, and other powerful positions in our government both federal and state. Libertarians are about weakening our 1% owned government and giving it back to individuals.
We don't need government, just common sense.
Democratic government created and sustained Jim Crow. The seed of Jim Crow was sown in Boston of all places (Roberts v. Boston), and upheld by the Supreme Court (Plessy v. Fergusson).
You don't actually believe this, do you? FDR prolonged the depression. Obama has prolonged the Great Recession.
A stimulation and a transfer of wealth are two different things. A transfer of wealth has occurred during this current recession. Our money has ended up in the pockets of the 1% who, as stated above, compromise the majority of not the entirety of our Congress, Supreme Court, Executive branch and other powerful levels of government both at the federal and state levels. And that's where libertarians come on, to take the power away from the 1% owned Congress and give it back to the people.
Do you trust libertarians to not harken back to a day when inequality ran rampant. Do you trust humanity at this stage in our development to not need government?
WHen you think about it, it was the government that has had to intervene on behalf of all oppressed people because human beings, left to their own devices clique up and spread demonic filth.
After the civil war, who had to tell the south to treat friends equally - the government
What did the south do after the government promised to stop meddling in their affairs - institute Jim Crow
Who had to pass multiple civil rights legislation - the government
Who had to send troops to walk friends of African Descent to schools just to protect them from demons - the government
Who made it so that you could marry any woman you wanted - the government
Whos legislation brought women closer to equality - the government
Whos programs stimulate the economy when the private sector crashes and burns - the government.
Whos providing better health care to Americans - the government
Whos programs feed homeless people and those on hard times - the government
I think there is a balance here. The government should make sure equality and fair businesses practices are spread throughout the land and make sure that all states are in compliance, at the minimum.
Not sure why we are making the jump from economic to social issues(which liberals and libertarians agree on for the most part).
How has the power been taken from the people?The 1 percent control 40 percent of the Worlds wealth. I think the issue you're talking about is a lot bigger then America. Also, what you're talking about is a war to reset the nation so a new group of individuals can escape men they will ultimately become and i dont see how that benefits the Average American. Just a different set of millionares becoming the 1 percent. If history shows us anything its that things go in circles. But friend, please explain how libertarians would give power back to the people. Can you make that statement a little more tangible?
Can i get something a little more tangible? Educate a friend.How has the power been taken from the people?
Its seems to me that we just don't have enough people that care.
Long story short, they have been unjust and not in our best interest.whats wrong with the wars we've had in the eyes of libertarianism?
Your asking how can we restore something that hasn't been taken away... it simply isn't being wielded.Can i get something a little more tangible? Educate a friend.
The pressure is really on "the people"
If history show us anything its that, this will end violently with an uprising if not dealt with... and these people with "no power" as you put it will end up murdering those in charge.
Not sure why we are making the jump from economic to social issues(which liberals and libertarians agree on for the most part).
But if you are just throwing it out there that they have some unsavory social policies, I agree.
who said I supported it?Long story short, they have been unjust and not in our best interest.
I'm kind of shocked, I dont run into too many supporters for perpetual war...
The government intrusion is an acceptable trade off for the economic freedom they offer(second only to Hong Kong).The question asked was "Which government is the wealthiest with the most people above poverty with the least amount of government intrusion." and you answered Singapore, while it's quite easy to see that there is tons of government intrusion/intervention in BOTH economical and social issues there. It doesn't make much sense to use Singapore as an example.