Mr. Somebody
Friend Of A Friend
Yea, as great as that document is, it took the government, nearly a 100 years later to amend it to end slavery whcih begin paving the way for equality in America. The government did that so i think you really have to choose at what year are you comfortable with the laws the government has enforced. I cant really say they are MY forefather because these same men regarded you and I as property and owned black people like property but they definately paved the way whether they meant to or not for where we are today.
Every govt. has the same story. Tyranny.
If you take a step back the Constitution and Bill of Rights are leashes on govt. Its what set us apart fro the rest of the world, and made our forefather* so remarkable. The recognized the nature of govt. and sought to control its growth.
"Congress shall make no law" it starts Right there you can feel the tone and direction.
"we the people" have dropped the ball though and here we are
Congress can make laws. You're plucking out quotes without context, friend.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" is the quote, friend.
It seems more like by your logic you want the people to stand up for what is in the constitution more so an abolishment of government.