Hit 2 open mats today.
Gonna try 2 cut 15 pounds by 12/19.
Decided not to cut down to 214.9. With Thanksgiving falling at the start of the cut and me not wanting to be miserable trying to cut(never did one b4) and maybe not even making weight, I'll just enter at heavyweight.
I'll prolly be 225-228, fully hydrated and at full strength when I jump on the scale.
Feeling better after open mat last night. Rolled with a 2 stripe Blue that just competed at 238 the week b4 Thanksgiving.
Was able to maintain SC while being in his lockdown for a food amount of time. He eventually got me in something like a crippler crossface with a baseball choke type of set up.
Nx roll, I got all the way in SC after breaking his lockdown. Put pressure on him and he rolled to his side. Trapped the arm and locked in the armbar.
Gave me some confidence to do battle with a white belt of similar size.
My hand is getting better , but due to the concern of landing on it, or getting it tangled in a collar, I havent been drilling any takedowns.
Another this about rolling with my injured hand is I used to get an arm under the neck and gable grip behind the shoulder to maintain side control and squeeze my opponent.
To create/maintain pressure without the grip and the squeeze has been a nice change up and it takes less cardio.
I'll sign up nx week and let u guys know how the nx 2 weeks of training go.