this is a bold face lie...rooted in ignorance.
Most Ghanaians DO NOT trace their heritage back to Sudan....I AM GHANAIAN, I should know. Don't speak on my people's heritage when you don't even know your own.
Sudanese people are Nilo-Saharan (south and central) and Afro-Asiatic (northerners). They are tall, lean, very jet black, etc. Tribes like the Beja, Oromo, Nubian, Nooba, Dinka, Shilluk, etc.
Ghanaians and Sudanese don't even look like.
Nobody who knows anything will ever mistake a them for each other. Your a Black-American and don't know what your talking.
Ghanaians are Niger-Congolese people. That is the area spanned....from the Niger to the Congo and everything in between. That is where our origin lies.