Let's Talk About the Radicalization of Young White Males Online


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex

Steve Bannon has been propelled over the last year from fringe media outlier to top propagandist of the U.S. Empire as Trump's Chief Strategist.

From his Wall Street roots and apocalyptic film career to his cultivation of alt-right bigots at Breitbart News, Abby Martin exposes Bannon's true character in this explosive documentary.

Dissection of Bannon's ideology of "economic nationalism" and desire to "Make America Great Again" reveals the danger of his hand in Trump's agenda.


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex

Following my last post, “What is this Hotep and Alt-Right alliance?” I have been both praised and attacked. Praised by whites and mostly attacked by blacks. Obviously, one of these groups is confused but only one of these groups actually read the article in detail, though.

Before we begin this piece, allow me to clarify the mission of Hotep Nation so it won’t be confused – although because people choose not to read, I’m sure there will still be confusion.

Hotep Nation is a group of people looking to restore integrity to the term “hotep” as it has been smeared by left-wing black media and the likes. Hotep Nation is about self-empowerment, self-accountability, and independence for people of African descent. This is a “pro-black” movement for the benefit of all Earth people.

Now that we have that squared away, hopefully, we won’t be confused with being a white supremacist group. Although, I’m sure we still will be. Ha!

What would Malcolm X say about a Hotep & Alt-right meeting?
Much push back has come with talks of “Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey would not approve of this Hotep & Alt-right alliance”. My first response is, “well I’m neither of these people, I’m my own man”.

But since we’re on the topic, let’s break out the FACTS! Left-wing liberals hate facts and when this article starts circulating, they’re going to avoid them like blacks avoid personal responsibility.

In December of 1960 in Atlanta, GA, Malcolm X did, in fact, meet with the KKK under the commission of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Now, how is it that I’ve been criticized for opening up dialogue with Alt-Right, alleged racist white nationalists, with Malcolm X being used as their oral weapon when he actually did the same exact thing, but just a step further? He actually met them – I have not.

Why would Elijah Muhammad side with white supremacists? Because the two groups shared a hatred of the Jews, as well as a desire to separate blacks and whites. They held a common interest, basically.

Nazi Leader George Lincoln Rockwell said, “You know that we call you ‘******s.’ But wouldn’t you rather be confronted by honest white men who tell you to your face what the others all say behind your back?”
I agree with Mr. Rockwell. Please do tell me exactly how you feel. I don’t want you to hide it. I’d rather have a knife through the chest I can see coming than a knife in the back that I can’t. It appears to me that blacks prefer whites to hide their racism. I personally prefer my racist blunt and upfront. I like honesty.

For example, the negroes on the left supported Hillary Clinton, a known racist. But because she hides it well by appearing to appeal to black concerns, by “putting hot sauce in her bag”, they hold no qualms. Even though she blatantly called them “super-predators” and her husband enabled mass incarceration.

Later in his speech, Mr. Rockwell states: “I am not afraid to stand here and tell you I hate race-mixing and will fight it to the death, but at the same time, I will do everything in my power to help the Honorable Elijah Muhammad carry out his inspired plan for land of your own in Africa. Elijah Muhammad is right. Separation or death!”
Now, I don’t agree entirely with this statement but if I did, how could I NOT be considered “pro-black”? If I detest race-mixing and want to inspire a plan for our own land in Africa, wouldn’t that make me super “pro-black”?

Of course, the negroes who love to appeal to their white democrat masters, deem this not “pro-black”. They want acceptance from “whitey”. I’m disgusted by this. Here it is a people that have shown no moral compass in your favor and you want to be buddy-buddy with them. If that isn’t the most ridiculous thought process ever…

Allow me to conclude this section by stating that Malcolm was uneasy about the meeting with the KKK and the allegiance to the Nazi. Read more about this here.

Considering that I am being compared to the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, it is important to illustrate his reasons behind working with white supremacists and why that applies to us. In addition, Garvey discovered his own people were his biggest enemies.

Note the next few quotes from Garvey’s editorial, “The Negro’s Greatest Enemy”, written in Current History Magazine, September 1923.

I asked, “Where is the black man’s Government?” “Where is his King and his kingdom?” “Where is his President, his country, and his ambassador, his army, his navy, his men of big affairs?” I could not find them, and then I declared, “I will help to make them.”
These are quite similar, if not identical, questions to the ones I have asked the black community. Of course, as with Garvey, this attitude will not be welcomed among blacks. They do not want their own, it seems. They want what “whitey” has and to be next to “whitey”. They think equality is some sort of tangible goal and whites set the bar for that.

“Here I found a new and different problem. I immediately visited some of the then so-called negro leaders, only to discover, after a close study of them, that they had no program, but were mere opportunists who were living off their so-called leadership while the poor people were groping in the dark. I traveled through thirty-eight States and everywhere found the same condition.”
I can definitely relate to Garvey here. I too see the landscape filled with race pimps and hustlers. We have way too many of these in the pro-black community. I’ll reserve the right to call them out here but if you check the comments section, I invite everyone to call them out. From there, do your own investigation.

“My negro enemies, finding that they alone could not destroy me, resorted to misrepresenting me to the leaders of the white race, several of whom, without proper investigation, also opposed me.”
Again, I can relate. Consistently the black community has relentlessly misrepresented me and my words. They have done NO investigation as to my motives for an Alt-right / Hotep alliance. How many white-media-outlets have reached out to me for clarification on the matter? I’ve lost count. How many from black media? ZERO. Not a single one has reached out to gain clarity but they have in fact passed judgement upon me. I now feel the pain and struggle of Marcus Garvey with his own people.

“We love all humanity. We are working for the peace of the world which we believe can only come about when all races are given their due.”
Many have asked me, “What is the goal for Hoteps?” I believe the above statement specifies it in totality. Although we are a “pro-black” organization, our actions are for the benefit of all humanity.

Many negros have accused me of being an Uncle Tom or c00n when I say this or they just exude a lack of belief. They think this sort of thing is unfathomable for blacks because of their perception of white people. They think this means kissing up to white people. Let us pray for them all.

The black people should not be encouraged to remain in white people’s countries and expect to be Presidents, Governors, Mayors, Senators, Congressmen, Judges and social and industrial leaders.
I happen to agree here. Why would we force ourselves into unwanted territory? Especially, when the continent with the richest natural resources, Africa, is our home. It is humanity’s progenitor, according to science. Why are we so afraid of our black land? I’ll have to write on this topic at a later date.

“It is because of this belief no doubt that my negro enemies, so as to prejudice me further in the opinion of the public, wickedly state that I am a member of the Ku Klux Klan, even though I am a black man.”
I’ve lost count as to how many times I’ve been accused of joining Alt-Right. Again, it is my black enemies that perpetuate this lie. Garvey, I feel your pain.


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
part 2:
“Having had the wrong education as a start in his racial career, the negro has become his own greatest enemy. Most of the trouble I have had in advancing the cause of the race has come from negroes. Booker Washington aptly described the race in one of his lectures by stating that we were like crabs in a barrel, that none would allow the other to climb over, but on any such attempt all would continue to pull back into the barrel the one crab that would make the effort to climb out. Yet, those of us with vision cannot desert the race, leaving it to suffer and die.”
On an ongoing basis, I’ve expressed to blacks that they are simply uneducated on race and racism – what it is and how to combat it. I’m met with ears covered by hands. I have since started calling the negros who attack me, crabs. It’s the most suitable term for them and Booker Washington agrees.

But just like Garvey and Washington, I will not desert my race no matter how much they look at me like an enemy. I will reverse their condition. That is my personal mission. Although many will not agree with my sometimes abrasive methods.

Let’s move onto the juicy stuff before I depart.

“I regard the Klan, the Anglo-Saxon clubs and White American societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of hypocritical whites put together.” Marcus Garvey
Wait. Didn’t the uninformed blacks tell me that my stance on Alt-Right would not sit well with Marcus Garvey? Well, they were WRONG. Marcus Garvey was WOKE! The real kind of WOKE!

On June 25th, 1922 in Atlanta, GA, Garvey met with the acting Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. As evidenced in his speech “The Ku Klux Klan is the invisible government of the United States of America”, at Liberty Hall, New York City July 9, 1922.

“The negro’s attitude toward such an organization should not be to stand off, not knowing its program, not understanding it and saying and writing all kinds of things against it with the intention of aggravating its program and its attitude toward the race, but the duty of the leadership of the negro race, finding itself in such an unenviable position, is to study the thing and get as much information as possible about the thing in your own interests. Aggravating the Ku Klux Klan or aggravating any organization in the world organized for the specific purpose of white supremacy is NOT going to help the race in America, placed at a disadvantage as it is.”
A wise man Garvey was. Again, I’ve expressed this same concern to the blacks and they accused me of being scared and not wanting to fight. They are so ignorant – they do no independent objective thinking. Everything with them is emotionally subjective.

There is NO benefit to blacks to attack another race. NONE. Instead, turn your focus inward.

“You cannot blame any group of men, whether they are Chinese, Japanese, Anglo-Saxons or Frenchmen, for standing up for their interests or for organizing in their interest.”
For blacks, it is okay to say “I’m proud to be black”, but if a white person were to say “I’m proud to be white”, all of a sudden this white person is deemed racist and blacks are offended. Disgusting.

In our present time, 2017, blacks are fighting for Mexicans, Muslim refugees, gay peoples and transexual people. They take on everyone’s fight but their own. Meanwhile, these other groups do not reach back to help the negro. You are witnessing the decline of a race.

I believe in white power for white people and black power for black people. etc.

“No law can put down the prejudice of a race. You may legislate between now and eternity. If I hate you, no law in the world can make me love you.” – Imperial Wizard of the KKK
The KKK is right. Why do negros believe that some law is supposed to change the way someone feels? If anything, these new laws will only incite anger and resentment. Blacks are a naive and ignorant bunch.

Would you force a woman or man to be in a relationship with you? No, and if you do, expect things to turn ugly. Why would you expect a different consequence when it comes to relations between whites and blacks?

“To be fair, I advise every Negro and those who aspire to leadership to form an organization similar to that of the Ku Klux Klan so that the negros may be able to look out for their own interests and not continue to be begging white people to do for them that they ought to do for themselves.” President Harding – Birmingham speech
Here’s another statement blacks won’t like. Why? Because the negro is so dependent upon whites that they are afraid to do for self – just like the freed slave who chose to stay on his master’s plantation because he did not know what else to do.

Why does Alt-Right prefer Hotep Nation? Because we push blacks to do for themselves and to stop looking for white handouts. They are sick of your crying – you look pitiful to them.

“The Negro will have to build his own government, industry, art, science, literature and culture, before the world will stop to consider him.” Marcus Garvey “An Appeal to the Conscience of the Black Race to See Itself
Why do blacks clamor and rush to vote in a system they deem white supremacy instead of building their own? I’ve expressed many times that the purpose of my idea of segregation is not to keep the races completely separate forever. What I mean is that blacks, due to being behind the other races, has some housekeeping to do before we can sit down at the roundtable.

We cannot even take care of our own so how can we commingle with others? We don’t produce anything of value, therefore we provide no value to other races. Other than to employ us, to turn us into TV shows and other jester-like minstrel acts. Our athletes are nothing more than Ceasar’s gladiators.

“There is no doubt that a race that doesn’t respect itself forfeits the respect of others, and we are in the moral-social position now of losing the respect of the world.” – Marcus Garvey “An exposé of the Caste System among Negroes”
Look at Chicago or Detroit. The black on black crime is cataclysmically out of control. Blacks call each other bytch, hoe, thot, nikka, etc. Our TV programming like Love & HipHop, show disregard to the respect of the black race. So, how can we expect other races to respect us if we don’t respect ourselves?

“The National Association for the Advancement of “Colored” People (NAACP) is a scheme to destroy the Negro Race, and the leaders of it hate Marcus Garvey, because he has discovered them at their game and because the Universal Negro Improvement Association, without any prejudice to color or caste, is making headway in bringing all people together for their common good.” – Marcus Garvey
I too have discovered the hoax that is Black Lives Matter and the limbs that grow from it. I have discovered their diabolical plot to destroy the black race and I’m hated for it, just as Garvey was. I strongly suggest you people read the speeches of Garvey and not just some quotes you read on a meme. You can purchase it here:

The negros, by following behind their (((mainstream media))) associates have had the wool pulled over their eyes. The information about their past and present are cloaked with misinformation and disinformation. Therefore they cannot make educated and logical decisions for the present time.

They are being manipulated by their emotions which do not allow them to think logically. All they have in their hearts is fear. They fear white people, especially the blatantly racist kind. But it is the kind that hides their racism that they should fear most.

It is my personal goal to understand the wishes of all races, especially the white nationalist, so as to form a solid plan for the advancement of the African race. I fear no man or no race and I will sit with anyone willing to speak with me – even if they want my third eye in their cross hairs.

I find it quite ironic that alleged white racists will sit down for civil discourse with me but the negro will not. I find it ironic that I’m attacked by my own race, way more than those alleged right-wing racists. Who is to blame here?

When will blacks build for self and stop worrying about white people because white people are not worried about you? Will you join us in our mission to revitalize the planet?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Racial hate motivated white man’s killing of black NYer: NYPD

Racist Maryland man who fatally stabbed black New Yorker admits his intent to kill African-American men
Updated: Wednesday, March 22, 2017, 3:45 PM

The 28-year-old man busted for fatally stabbing a black stranger in Midtown on Tuesday has told cops he came the city from Baltimore to kill African-Americans, sources said.

James Harris Jackson, an Army veteran who served in Afghanistan and is a member of a documented hate group from Maryland, surrendered to cops just after midnight Tuesday, sources said.

“You need to arrest me. I have the knife in my coat,” Jackson told police officers after marching into the Times Square substation, sources said. “I’m the person you’re looking for.”

He later told police he was motivated by rage against black men who get romantically involved with white women, sources said.

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“You need to arrest me. I have the knife in my coat,” Jackson (c.) told police officers after marching into the Times Square substation, sources said. “I’m the person you’re looking for.”


“It is believed he was specifically intending to target male blacks. It’s been well over 10 years that he has been harboring his hate towards blacks,” said NYPD Assistant Chief William Aubrey, head of Manhattan detectives.

“The reason why he chose New York because it is the media capital of the world and he wanted to make a statement.”

Video surveillance “proves that the victim was attacked because he was black,” he said.


James Harris Jackson, suspected in the brutal stabbing in Midtown, is walked out of the Midtown South Precinct on Wednesday in Manhattan.
When Jackson walked into the NYPD’s Times Square substation and announced he was their suspect, cops recognized him from pictures put out by the NYPD. Officers searched Jackson and found a knife on him and the 26-inch black sword used in the murder of Timothy Caughman, 66, of Manhattan.

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Jackson randomly picked Caughman, as the older man was going through a waste bins looking for recyclables, Aubrey said.

He allegedly stabbed Caughman multiple times in the chest and back following an argument on the southeast corner of W. 36th St. and Ninth Ave. around 11:25 p.m. Monday, cops said.


An officer collects evidence from the scene of the grisly stabbing near W. 36th St. and 9th Ave.
“What are you doing?” Caughman was overheard saying to his attacker, who was seen stabbing him nearby on W. 39th St. and Ninth Ave.

After the attack, Caughman staggered nearly two blocks to the Midtown South Precinct stationhouse on W. 35th St., bleeding from his wounds.

Medics rushed him to Bellevue Hospital, but he could not be saved, officials said.


Victim Timothy Caughman, 66
“It’s extremely distressing,” Police Commissioner James O’Neill said.

On Tuesday night, cops released surveillance video of the attacker, shown bolting from the stabbing dressed in a sharp overcoat.

The suspect was being held at the stationhouse, sources said. Authorities were expected to announce his arrest Wednesday afternoon.


Suspect James Harris Jackson, 28
Caughman lived in transitional housing on W. 36th St. that serves people with HIV/AIDS. Praxis Housing Initiatives holds a contract with the city. He has 11 prior arrests, including for marijuana, assault, resisting arrest and menacing.

On his Twitter page, Caughman, nicknamed “Hard Rock,” describes himself as a collector of autographs, bottles and cans. He is depicted in selfies with the performer Beyoncé and other celebrities, and he was an avid gossip follower. He also posted a photo of a playbill from “The Glass Menagerie” signed by actor Joe Mantello.

Jackson arrived in New York on St. Patrick’s Day on a BoltBus and “proceeded to wander through the city,” Aubrey said. He stayed at a hotel in Midtown.

A video and a photograph the NYPD released show Jackson trotting down the street holding his jacket closed and carrying something in his hand. He was dressed in dark clothes.

In December 2014, Ismaaiyl Brinsley traveled to Brooklyn from Baltimore and assassinated Police Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, who were in the car near Myrtle and Tompkins Aves. in Bedford-Stuyvesant. Brinsley had made anti-police statements on social media prior to the murders.

Brinsley fled police to the platform of a nearby subway station and shot himself to death.