Let's Talk About the Radicalization of Young White Males Online


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
NPR: The Emergence Of The White Troll Behind A Black Face

The Emergence Of The White Troll Behind A Black Face

The Emergence Of The White Troll Behind A Black Face

March 21, 201711:20 AM ET



Marco_Piunti/Getty Images/iStockphoto

Being a prominent Twitter personality comes with its fair share of trolls. Trolls, as the Internet describes them, are users who bait others for their own amusement. So whenever Vann Newkirk, a writer at The Atlantic with a large following, gets a provocative clap back on his tweets about race, he usually ignores it.

But he began to pay attention when an account bearing an image of a black woman mentioned she would be okay with her son being subject to police brutality if he misbehaved, and when another account with a picture of a black person said Emmett Till deserved to die.

"I'm used to trolling, and it doesn't bother me, but the idea of a black woman selling her sons out to police with everything we know now was so sad to me that I couldn't wrap my mind around it. And the idea that anyone — let alone a black person — could say Emmett Till deserved to die is just so beyond the pale," he said.

Over the past few months, Black Twitter has noticed an increase in the number of white trolls creating fake Twitter accounts. Newkirk says he first noticed this around election time last year, when people began posting directions on how to create these fake accounts on websites and forums.

One such post is an article on white supremacist website, The Daily Stormer. "How to be a Ni**** on Twitter" breaks down methods for creating a fake account in order to take "revenge on Twitter" for banning Andrew Auernheimer's white supremacist ads and for blocking Jared Wyand's account for anti-Semitic tweets. The secondary goal, the article notes, is to "create a state of chaos on twitter, among the black twitter population, by sowing distrust and suspicion, causing blacks to panic."

Some of the steps to creating a fake account include pretending to know people they might be related to, calling people out on their drug dealing activities, and accusing them of being Neo-Nazis using fake accounts. This way, Aglin writes, "Blacks will then accuse each other of having fake accounts and start reporting each other."

This infiltration can, at times, be successful, according to Whitney Phillip, a professor at Mercer University who describes herself as a digital media folklorist. "No group is universal. No group behavior is uniform. There's always variation within a group and the trolls that are hardest to distinguish as trolls are the ones that kind of play up those factions," she says. The ultimate intention, Phillips says, is to create "discord and confusion and essentially make people of color look bad. That's what a lot of the behaviors are designed to do."

So far, Newkirk says he has encountered four or five fake white troll accounts since last year's elections, but it is difficult to identify them all the time. "It could very well be that some of the hateful stuff I get in my mentions is from fake accounts that I haven't yet identified," he says.

But how can a user differentiate between trolls with an agenda and users who are just being obstructive?

"I don't have a foolproof method beyond some of the usual troll identification stuff," Newkirk says. He usually checks the number of tweets and followers on the account, how long ago the account was created, and the types of tweets on the timeline. "The thing that has tipped me off most is they often try to speak the way maybe someone who has never been engaged with black culture thinks black people talk. It's all very cartoonish."

The article that's been making the rounds as a sort of troll starter kit indicates that, to be successful, the fake accounts must use relatively generic names, take images off Google and flip them to avoid reverse-image searches and join in on conversations to build up a following. Once that has happened, they can start joining more serious debates on topics like race, feminism and transgender rights and "bring the entire system to its knees."

Newkirk says that the trolls he's encountered emerge in two different ways. "One stage appears to be where they retweet and agree with prominent black accounts in order to build up credentials. Then they basically run campaigns to antagonize those accounts," he says.

But trolls have their tells.

Twitter users S. I. Rosenbaum, digital features editor at Bloomberg, and April Reign, who ignited an entire inclusion movement with the hashtag #OscarSoWhite, say one of the common mistakes trolls make is misusing or overusing African-American Vernacular English. "It's not just that they get the rules of AAVE wrong — both the spoken and written conventions — they also don't code switch the way black people do. Not a lot of effort goes into these accounts, in my honest opinion," Rosenbaum says.

"They're trying to sound black, whatever that means, but it comes off as very stereotypical," Reign, who says she encounters at least four trolls every month, says. "Even if we sound that way, we don't type that way — especially when we have characters to spare."

As trolling evolves into bullying, Phillips advocates against calling this behavior 'trolling' and the people 'trolls.' The term, she says, minimizes the impact of the behavior, making it seem like a funny thing people can do online. But when these behaviors target people based on their embodied identities then "call it racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia," she says. "Calling it trolling just gives the person a rhetorical out."


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Inside the Dangerous Convergence of Men’s-Rights Activists and the Extreme Alt-Right
David Futrelle March 31, 2017 11:47 a.m.

James Harris Jackson is brought to Manhattan Central Booking on Wednesday, March 22, 2017. He is charged with stabbing a black stranger in Midtown. Photo: Jefferson Siegel/NY Daily News via Getty Images
James Jackson had a plan. Traveling by Bolt Bus from his home in Baltimore to New York City, the 28-year-old Jackson hoped to strike a blow for the beleaguered white race by carrying out a bloody massacre of black men in Times Square, using a two-foot sword he’d brought with him for the occasion.

He didn’t get that far, turning himself in to NYC police after stalking, stabbing, and killing 66-year-old can collector Timothy Caughman in midtown in a “trial run” for the planned massacre. In a jailhouse interview, he told the New York Daily Newsthat the murder had been a mistake. He had intended to kill a “young thug” or “a successful older black man” out with a blonde, an act he somehow thought would scare “white girls” away from black men.

It’s not hard to see where Jackson picked up at least some of his noxious views. He was, he told the Daily News, a regular reader of the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer; on YouTube he subscribes to the channels of a vast assortment of alt-rightists and fellow travelers, from Hitler-worshiping revisionist “historians” who call themselves things like Esoteric Truth and the Impartial Truth to conspiracy-addled right-wingers like Alex Jones and the resolutely anti-feminist, anti-Muslim YouTube “philosopher” Stefan Molyneux.

But what is equally disturbing is that Jackson also subscribes to a vast collection of channels promoting the “Men Going Their Own Way” movement, a more radical and openly hateful version of men’s-rights activism, sans even the pretense of activism. MRAs may do precious little actual activism in the real world, but they do have a range of issues that they discuss on a regular basis, some of them legitimate issues they have seized upon largely for propaganda purposes (like male suicide and workplace safety), others generated from their own paranoid fantasies (the supposed epidemic of false rape accusations that leaves every man at risk of being jailed based on nothing more than a woman’s word).

MGTOWs, as they are known, have largely abandoned these issues to focus almost entirely on the airing of grievances. They claim to proudly reject women, but seem to spend most of their time obsessing over them, spouting endless rants about the alleged evils of women on YouTube and assorted online forums. Jackson subscribes to the channels of popular MGTOWs bar bar, Thinking-Ape, and Sandman, as well as many lesser-known names.

While MGTOWs and alt-rightists regularly spar with one another online, the two movements now appear to be converging, with alt-rightists increasingly spouting anti-feminist, anti-women talking points familiar to anyone who has paid attention to the men’s-rights movement; meanwhile, more and more MGTOWs are becoming less shy about expressing their racism, with many openly identifying with the alt-right.

The two movements are drawn together by a shared obsession with, and paranoia about, the sexuality of women.

White supremacists have, of course, long sought to “protect their women” — that is, all white women — from the sexuality of black men. In the several heydays of the Klan, southern whites lynched literally thousands of black men based on accusations of rape that were often wholly false, intended to punish those who willingly crossed the sexual color line.

Alt-rightists today remain obsessed with “race mixing.” The Daily Stormer, in its troll-ish but completely sincere style, rails against miscegenation in posts with titles like “Exposing the Race-Mixing Agenda” and “Tom Hanks’ Jigaboo Granddaughter Reminds Us Why Race-Mixing Shouldn’t Happen.” With something close to glee, the site regularly mocks “mudsharking” white women who end up brutalized by their black boyfriends.

In a post last year, Daily Stormer editor Andrew Anglin declared that racists like him react with “a lot of anger” to white women who have children with black men “because it’s OUR WOMB — that’s right, it doesn’t belong to her, it belongs to the males in her society — that is being used to produce an enemy soldier.”

As racists like Anglin see it, when white women become sexually involved with black men they are in effect cuckolding all white men. This insecurity about “race cucking” is undoubtedly the main reason alt-right men are so fond of calling other men “cucks” — a handy way to project their own anxieties onto others.

Anglin assures his readers that the anger they feel about “race mixing” is perfectly natural. “[W]hen you see women with non-Whites, it’s a biological response that you’re having,” he writes. “Women’s eggs are infinitely more valuable than men’s sperm. So there is an inborn drive in men to constantly protect women. And when you see them with non-Whites, you immediately respond negatively.”

Tellingly, Anglin feels no such anger about white men in relationships with black women. While “gross” and wrong, he explains, this “weird fetish … doesn’t trigger the same visceral reaction when you see it, because in terms of the survival of the race, it doesn’t make any difference.”

It seems fairly clear that the relative values of eggs and sperm have little to do with Anglin’s reaction. Black men dating white women trigger his sexual insecurities; white men dating black women don’t.

MGTOWs are similarly obsessed with women having sex with men other than them. While MRA complaints — especially those involving alleged “false rape accusations” — often reek of sexual insecurity and aggrieved sexual entitlement, MGTOWs seem to be motivated by little other than their own sexual anxieties and resentments. In comment sections and YouTube videos they regularly hash and rehash what is perhaps the central MGTOW myth, that of the “cock carousel.” As MGTOWs see it, women in their prime live in a state of sexual overabundance and endless male affirmation, flitting from alpha male to alpha male in an endless utopia of casual sex — riding that so-called “carousel.”

Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of men in their teens and early 20s live in a parched sexual desert, scorned by women, who have eyes only for the studly and confident jocks that have become known, at least among the bitter young misogynists of the internet, as “Chads,” short for “Chad Thundercock.” Young women consider him far more exciting than the genuine “nice guys” who remain trapped in an extended period of involuntary celibacy because their shallow female counterparts can’t see just how deserving of love and sex they are. MGTOWs see themselves as the innocent victims of a grave sexual injustice, essentially cuckolded by the lucky minority of men who get to enjoy sex with women still in their “prime.”

All this changes when these young women “hit the wall” — that is, hit the magical age in their late 20s or thereabouts when their youthful allure begins to fade. Deprived of easy sex they had previously enjoyed with an endless succession of Chads, these no-longer-young women, now desperate, do their best to attract the attention of the kind and hardworking “beta males” they’ve been ignoring for years.

On the forums at MGTOW.com, a fellow calling himself Geeves complains of one ex-girlfriend who gave her “best years” to Chad instead of him.

he was 24-25 when she was with this guy,” he grouses. “Her prime age of looks and reproductive abilities. He got her in her prime that mother fukker. Then when her clock started ticking and she wanted to settle down and have a family, she meets me. And I’m supposed to get a ring, pay for a wedding, honeymoon and be her slave the rest of her life? fukk THAT!”

The fact that the “cock carousel” myth bears virtually no resemblance to anything that actually happens in the real world does not in any way undercut the fervency of MGTOWs’ belief in it. Or the anger it helps to nurture within them.

MGTOWs are generally young white men stewing in their own aggrieved entitlement, and Chad is always envisioned as another white guy. But he has a black counterpart — a young fellow that the casually racist MGTOWs have labeled “Tyrone,” basically identical to the “young thugs” that Jackson, in the real world, planned to kill.

With the alt-right still in the ascendancy, the racism in the MGTOW movement is growing more obvious and more extreme. You can see this clearly in several of the channels Jackson subscribes to on YouTube. The YouTuber who identifies himself as The Angry MGTOW more than lives up to the name, literally shouting out endless half-hour rants. The most popular of these, with hundreds of thousands of views, are diatribes calling out white women for a multitude of sins, including the cardinal sin of dating black men.

YouTuber Xpall Odoc, meanwhile, identifies himself as both a MGTOW and an alt-rightist; he believes white women, too childish to make their own decisions, need to be expressly forbidden from even socializing with black men.

On MGTOW forums like Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, it’s similarly obvious that the alt-right is leaking in. In one recent discussion of cuckoldry, a Reddit MGTOW offers some thoughts that would not sound out of place at some drunken Klan after-party.

“Even married women who proclaim how pure and innocent they are, will fukk some thug convict or dump whomever she married to chase some jackass,” T0000009 complains. “Females [don’t] give a fukk about culture or society, their family or heritage, they just want some stupid savage to breed them and it’s the only thing on their tiny mind.”

@Shook @Raymond Burrr @Red Shield @bdizzle @satam55 @houston911 @Sagat @Trajan @Sukairain @fact @LeVraiPapi


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Judge to Trump: No protection for speech inciting violence

Judge to Trump: No protection for speech inciting violence


LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — A federal judge has rejected President Donald Trump's free speech defense against a lawsuit accusing him of inciting violence against protesters at a campaign rally.

Trump's lawyers sought to dismiss the lawsuit by three protesters who say they were roughed up by his supporters at a March 1, 2016 rally in Louisville, Kentucky. They argued that Trump didn't intend for his supporters to use force.

Two women and a man say they were shoved and punched by audience members at Trump's command. Much of it was captured on video and widely broadcast during the campaign, showing Trump pointing at the protesters and repeating "get them out."

Judge David J. Hale in Louisville ruled Friday that the suit against Trump, his campaign and three of his supporters can proceed. Hale found ample facts supporting allegations that the protesters' injuries were a "direct and proximate result" of Trump's actions, and noted that the Supreme Court has ruled out constitutional protections for speech that incites violence.

"It is plausible that Trump's direction to 'get 'em out of here' advocated the use of force," the judge wrote. "It was an order, an instruction, a command."

Plaintiffs Kashiya Nwanguma, Molly Shah and Henry Brousseau allege that they were physically attacked by several members of the audience, including Matthew Heimbach, Alvin Bamberger and an unnamed defendant they have yet to be able to identify.

Bamberger later apologized to the Korean War Veterans Association, whose uniform he wore at the rally. He wrote that he "physically pushed a young woman down the aisle toward the exit" after "Trump kept saying 'get them out, get them out," according to the lawsuit.

Heimbach, for his part, sought to dismiss the lawsuit's discussion of his association with a white nationalist group and of statements he made about how Trump could advance the group's interests. The judge declined, saying such information could be important context when determining punitive damages.

The judge also declined to remove allegations that Nwanguma, an African-American, was the victim of racial, ethnic and sexist slurs from the crowd at the rally. This context may support the plaintiffs' claims of negligence and incitement by Trump and his campaign, the judge said.

"While the words themselves are repulsive, they are relevant to show the atmosphere in which the alleged events occurred," Hale wrote.

Lawyers for Trump and his campaign also argued that they cannot be held liable because they had no duty to the plaintiffs, who assumed the risk of injury when they decided to protest at the rally. The judge countered that under the law, every person has a duty to every other person to use care to prevent foreseeable injury.

"In sum, the Court finds that Plaintiffs have adequately alleged that their harm was foreseeable and that the Trump Defendants had a duty to prevent it," the judge ruled, referring the case to a federal magistrate, Judge H. Brent Brennenstuhl, to handle preliminary litigation, discovery and settlement efforts.
May 26, 2012
Direct link between White Supremacist/Reddit/FurChan slang and the Shoryuken/fighting game community. This is one of the leading fighting game channels with constant reposts from SRK and Eventhubs.

:08 seconds in "It's been a while since Ryu, GOYS. It's been a while.."

Replacing Boy with "Goy" is "Fashy" White Supremacist anti jew slang
