Let's talk about the NOI/FOI.


Jun 4, 2012
Fard/Ford dissapeared after 1934. Its plausible he was killed; he, and his followers in the Moorish Science Temple were involved in a number of homicides, and ritual murders. A journalist claims Fard was of Pakistani descent.
Concerning Farakhan and Malcolm, Farakhan admitted to fostering a environment that was conducive to Malcolm's killing.
I think Malcolm would have been taken out anyway.... it's not like the gov decided to kill him once he split from the NOI - they already wanted him gone. Farrakhan just made the shyt easy for them to do the usual divide and conquer...

Farakhan routinely called Malcolm a hyprocite, or a Judas. What do you do with a hyprocite? Do you allow them to further spill slander against your leader, or do you deal with them with extreme prejudice? One of the reasons why I think it was possible for the NOI to be complicit in Malcolm's death is becuause of the murders some of their members from Philadelphia committed in N.W. D.C. in1973 in which 4 children were drowned. All because the man they wanted to kill broke away from the NOI, and spoke about some of the chicanery he felt Elijah was practising.
http://books.google.com/books?id=hvM8cFfb1X0C&pg=PA35&lpg=PA35&dq=hanafi killings in d.c.&source=bl&ots=QHiXe5BrWv&sig=hZjGlxI4uCp_GIBpGyNhdbuoh-U&hl=en&sa=X&ei=utsIUqC_Fsjb2AWE_oCwAw&ved=0CEwQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=hanafi killings in d.c.&f=false
Its also possible the government was involved in Malcolm's killing as alleged in these books.

That running through the crib murking people shyt was some crazy shyt... the man they were targeting was getting money from madd people and doing corrupt shyt just like Elijah, he was hypocritical. Since the beginning of Islam orthodox, cult, or other... That's pretty much how hypocrites are dealt with. Combine that with hood shyt and there u go. I have cuz who murked some people and kidnapped a dudes daughter... over some drugs. He was dealt with in a crazy way and burned.. Point is, fire is usually met with fire. That dude got upset at getting demoted within the nation - then left and sent our nationwide letters blasting the nation, then had his own goons doing goon shyt - so it was expect that goon shyt would happen to him. Not that it's right, but you know "live by the sword"... But just to keep it in prospective - that situation wasn't a case of some dudes from a Mosque murking. it was gangsters and gangs with affiliations to Elijah who had beef. Those dudes were doing that same shyt before they ever even heard of Islam.
I think that was a bad look for the nation. The black mafia in phili was a drug selling drug using group. The nation wasn't. It's just that some of the nation members met them in prison and then joined the nation and the partnership was formed. The Nation provided empowerment to youth - that gang provided drug money to support that shyt. The nation provided black businesses... that gang used those business as fronts for illegal activities. It's not like the NOI was getting bank loans or government support -- so it was a partnership. The gang members murked people who fukked with the nation because they felt like that was fukking w their money. But no one who was 'targeted' was innocent w/o bodies on their own hands.


Jun 4, 2012
Read blackking's two posts before me. You're witnessing a cult member first hand. It doesn't matter what evidence you present he will refuse to accept anything that he views as detrimental to the cult. It's quite fascinating.
yall troll too much on here.

I never been w the nation, I'm stating things how they are. You WANT things to be facts that aren't... how does that make any sense?


Jun 4, 2012

all the parts are pretty good.... u have to pay attention to how they say what they say....


Jun 4, 2012
90% of the people who aren't militant black people who like Malcolm X like a fake image of the man.

They say fukk the NOI - and ignore the millions of black men, including X - who they turned into moral rightous proud powerful men instead of ignorant, self hating, criminal, destructive people.

They say well... I like the Malcolm at the end of his life - he changed. They ignore the fact that the speeches and videos and interviews that we really like all came from NOI version of X.

They also say, he went to Mecca and his views changed and his ideas were " fukk noi ideas cuz I love all these random liberal white ideas" : Just not true. It was not pro integration. Mainly because (we can see he was right ) black students would fail and suffer under a system like this. The education gap increases because of this system regardless of economic level.

They say he went to MEcca and now he was all about all races and all people. They say he was flipping the scripted on the SO CALLED racist ideas of the noi : reality is he promoted many of the NOI ideas because he respected and understood those idea. He even helped shape some of their ideas. Even when he left the nation - he didn't fukk with CAC or white people. He didn't let them join his group at all. Stated that no white male could be trusted. BUT he did let asians and non white hispanics join his group .... just as the nation does.

It just seems foolish to confused Malcolm x for someone he's not. Truthfully, most people wouldn't like who he truly was. shyt, most people wouldn't like who MLK truly was.


Jun 4, 2012
I just wish it wasn't called the Nation of Islam... what the fukk does this group have to do with Islam at all? I mean what is the relationship? Someone tell me?

they read the Quran, some of them know the words better than some other Muslims. They pray eat and live righteously. The consider Muhammad the messenger of Allah. The loosely follow most of the stories. They respect and try to honor the truth of the Quran,and wisdom of the Bible. The Nation part is added because black people have never been accepted in this nation; in reality this is jjust the land we ended up accepting.... but truthfully we are a nation within a nation.

Just as a Muslim in Turkey is different than one in the Congo is different than the one in Ethiopia, is different than one in Indonesia... the black man living in America will always place his value and cause on everything he touches because that's what human beings do in our universe.

Many slaves who came over here practiced African religions that were lost and replaced with some fake cac version of christianity that has been part of a system used to keep our minds enslaved. Those religions were lost.... 20-50% of the slaves were Islam, and if u study Islamic history - Muslims aren't the type to vibe very well with oppression (as the victims of it).

Slave owners hated them the most and found them the most 'difficult' . Very few of them keep their religion.... after slavery - slaves held on to religions because most humans go towards a religions in some way and it was African nature to be religious in some type of way. Of course the most militant of blacks aren't gonna go Christian and no body knew what particular african tribe they should study so there were lil groups that sprang up that promoted Islam.. those groups trickled down and killed eachother and trickled some more and ended up with these black Muslim groups. Mainly the need is to keep something black away from EVerything else, because we are at most need of empowerment - SO some of the Arabic customs n shyt were dropped and replaced with various forms of pan african militant shyt.

dude who founded the morrish science temple had a mix background of different ethicities ( i think) and drew inspiration from those. He had contacts with native americans. Native Americans were hardest core people in History on that "White man is evil shyt, cac are all about oppression shyt. " Then some Buddhism, and 'lost' Christianity were added and justified because it's believed that African religions laid the foundations for those beliefs. So you take all of those mix it with Quran and black oppression - u get the first groups.

IF you read the story of Muhammad and the first Muslim you can easy see why the ideas stuck and created some of the most 'bout it' black americans we talk about.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
they read the Quran, some of them know the words better than some other Muslims. They pray eat and live righteously. The consider Muhammad the messenger of Allah. The loosely follow most of the stories. They respect and try to honor the truth of the Quran,and wisdom of the Bible. The Nation part is added because black people have never been accepted in this nation; in reality this is jjust the land we ended up accepting.... but truthfully we are a nation within a nation.

Just as a Muslim in Turkey is different than one in the Congo is different than the one in Ethiopia, is different than one in Indonesia... the black man living in America will always place his value and cause on everything he touches because that's what human beings do in our universe.

Many slaves who came over here practiced African religions that were lost and replaced with some fake cac version of christianity that has been part of a system used to keep our minds enslaved. Those religions were lost.... 20-50% of the slaves were Islam, and if u study Islamic history - Muslims aren't the type to vibe very well with oppression (as the victims of it).

Slave owners hated them the most and found them the most 'difficult' . Very few of them keep their religion.... after slavery - slaves held on to religions because most humans go towards a religions in some way and it was African nature to be religious in some type of way. Of course the most militant of blacks aren't gonna go Christian and no body knew what particular african tribe they should study so there were lil groups that sprang up that promoted Islam.. those groups trickled down and killed eachother and trickled some more and ended up with these black Muslim groups. Mainly the need is to keep something black away from EVerything else, because we are at most need of empowerment - SO some of the Arabic customs n shyt were dropped and replaced with various forms of pan african militant shyt.

dude who founded the morrish science temple had a mix background of different ethicities ( i think) and drew inspiration from those. He had contacts with native americans. Native Americans were hardest core people in History on that "White man is evil shyt, cac are all about oppression shyt. " Then some Buddhism, and 'lost' Christianity were added and justified because it's believed that African religions laid the foundations for those beliefs. So you take all of those mix it with Quran and black oppression - u get the first groups.

IF you read the story of Muhammad and the first Muslim you can easy see why the ideas stuck and created some of the most 'bout it' black americans we talk about.

Yea but breh... lets break this down...

1. A Muslim can only be defined as a person who believes in the oneness of Allah, without any partners, and his prophets including his final messenger Muhammed PBUH.

With that in mind... How can a group of people who believe in WD Fard as an incarnation of God be Muslims? How can people who believe in another messenger after Muhammed be Muslims?

I guarantee there is not one Nation of Islam member who knows the Quran better than a Muslim, because their entire religion goes against the oneness of god. Their doctrine teaches that the black man is GOD... that is totally out of the fold of Islam and literally antithetical to what Muslims believe... so it's not as simple as oh, Turkish Muslims practise one way, Congo practices another etc etc... you're talking about Sunni's for the most part.

How can you be a Muslim and not follow the Hadeeths of the Prophet? How can you build mosques and call them temples? The entire thing has absolutely nothing to do with Islam, whatsoever, at all! They patronize the Quran by saying they respect and honor the truth, but the entire purpose of believing in the Quran is to believe in it... it's not a history book like the Bible... believers believe that it is the unadulterated word of the Almighty!

Please do not tie in this religion with Islam, it is very misleading.


Jul 2, 2013
I know many good people who are members of the NOI; but I still can't fathom how they can actually read Qu'ran and still believe Fard is Allah in human form.


Aug 5, 2013
The Chi
I know many good people who are members of the NOI; but I still can't fathom how they can actually read Qu'ran and still believe Fard is Allah in human form.
Other can argue they can't understand religions in general. The concept of Jesus. The stories of Abraham. It's the same.


Jun 4, 2012
Yea but breh... lets break this down...

1. A Muslim can only be defined as a person who believes in the oneness of Allah, without any partners, and his prophets including his final messenger Muhammed PBUH.

With that in mind... How can a group of people who believe in WD Fard as an incarnation of God be Muslims? How can people who believe in another messenger after Muhammed be Muslims?

I guarantee there is not one Nation of Islam member who knows the Quran better than a Muslim, because their entire religion goes against the oneness of god. Their doctrine teaches that the black man is GOD... that is totally out of the fold of Islam and literally antithetical to what Muslims believe... so it's not as simple as oh, Turkish Muslims practise one way, Congo practices another etc etc... you're talking about Sunni's for the most part.

How can you be a Muslim and not follow the Hadeeths of the Prophet? How can you build mosques and call them temples? The entire thing has absolutely nothing to do with Islam, whatsoever, at all! They patronize the Quran by saying they respect and honor the truth, but the entire purpose of believing in the Quran is to believe in it... it's not a history book like the Bible... believers believe that it is the unadulterated word of the Almighty!

Please do not tie in this religion with Islam, it is very misleading.

well.. i'm not noi, so yea i get what ur saying. Islam isn't really the point and it is literally not the mission of the NOI anyway - so I'm like whatever about all that.

and it's not really misleading because people aren't really mislead. Even noi members know they are practicing some other shyt. But I also believe that much of the middle east is practicing some other shyt.


All Star
Aug 8, 2012
Yea but breh... lets break this down...

1. A Muslim can only be defined as a person who believes in the oneness of Allah, without any partners, and his prophets including his final messenger Muhammed PBUH.

With that in mind... How can a group of people who believe in WD Fard as an incarnation of God be Muslims? How can people who believe in another messenger after Muhammed be Muslims?

I guarantee there is not one Nation of Islam member who knows the Quran better than a Muslim, because their entire religion goes against the oneness of god. Their doctrine teaches that the black man is GOD... that is totally out of the fold of Islam and literally antithetical to what Muslims believe... so it's not as simple as oh, Turkish Muslims practise one way, Congo practices another etc etc... you're talking about Sunni's for the most part.

How can you be a Muslim and not follow the Hadeeths of the Prophet? How can you build mosques and call them temples? The entire thing has absolutely nothing to do with Islam, whatsoever, at all! They patronize the Quran by saying they respect and honor the truth, but the entire purpose of believing in the Quran is to believe in it... it's not a history book like the Bible... believers believe that it is the unadulterated word of the Almighty!

Please do not tie in this religion with Islam, it is very misleading.

Islam did not start 1400 years ago and does not belong to arabs or muslims. Islam is the natural way of life for all people which is mathematics. Everybody uses math everyday but few know the order and live it. Traditional muslims foundation is based on belief which is a weak foundation and is the complete opposite of the real foundation, knowledge. That's why the so called "real people of islam" is having so many problems, not just against other religions but within their own party. They rely on that which does not exist instead of themselves, where the real power to make change is. I'm NOT noi but two things we agree on. There is no mystery god, and the god which does exists, is the original man.



May 4, 2012
Read blackking's two posts before me. You're witnessing a cult member first hand. It doesn't matter what evidence you present he will refuse to accept anything that he views as detrimental to the cult. It's quite fascinating.
Are you fascinated when you look in the mirror?