This thread makes no sense, you are criticizing him for something that wasn't even his goal (complex rhymes). If you don't like his style that doesn't make him overrated, it means you don't appreciate him for what he is: original. Anyway, I don't understand who prefers constant rhyming or multi syllable rhymes to deep poetic meaningful lyrics. Any kid can rhyme, it takes knowledge to make meaningful music, and that's what separates KRS, hes overall just a brighter, more knowledgeable and down to earth guy than any other emcee.He took Hip Hop beyond just a musical fad and made it a culture that's recognized world wide. He lasted about four times as long as any old school cat and is STILL making some of the best, if not the best, rap today.
No emcee can touch this discography... ... most have about 5 classic songs, KRS has about 50.
No emcee can touch this discography... ... most have about 5 classic songs, KRS has about 50.