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Look at you beggin for help cryin cause I shat on you in your own thread

There's only two retail versions of countr strike you mouth breathing retard. Gas urselfYou ain't even talkin bout people playin the damn game you just bringin up viewers like its a tv show
Counter Strike is literally multiple games you can go and buy each one (Global Offensive Source etc) the newest best sellin one is on the PS3 accountin for alot of its salesbut you right it is basically the same game (even worse than them Madden updates passin as games) on the same engine which explains why it don't sell like COD.
I said alot of sales came from PS3 which I knew would make you mad cause you have zero readin comprehension and are a fanboy, I already pointed out the other day that it sold 20 mil on the PC so obviously the majority came from that.
Look at you beggin for help cryin cause I shat on you in your own threadnext time don't put
in the OP.
There's only two retail versions of countr strike you mouth breathing retard. Gas urself
im not begging for help, I asked them to ban you awhile ago from this thread.. your "facts" are so horribly wrong, its insane
All the beta versions were available for free breh, counting sales from those retail versions is pointlessEvery version is available to buy you remedial jackass
I'm willin to bet you didn't even know you can get it on X Box too. Your alias ain't workin.
The fact you keep beggin for them to ban me cause you don't like that I'm callin out your bullshyt is further proof you beggin for help, you not even usin facts yourself you just statin your fanboy opinion then catchin feelins when I use the actual sales numbers to show the FACTS of how popular each game is and which franchise is the most successful.
All the beta versions were available for free breh, counting sales from those retail versions is pointless
I completely forgot condition zero existed thoughI'm surprised it sold so well
Counter Strike is literally multiple games you can go and buy each one (Global Offensive Source etc) the newest best sellin one is on the PS3 accountin for alot of its salesbut you right it is basically the same game (even worse than them Madden updates passin as games) on the same engine which explains why it don't sell like COD.
You've got to be a special type of fukking idiot. PS3 sales of CS: Go?And you're bragging about CoD releasing bullshyt ass games every year to milk its moronic fanbase?
Just stop ruining this fukking thread breh., ty.
You've got to be a special type of fukking idiot. PS3 sales of CS: Go?And you're bragging about CoD releasing bullshyt ass games every year to milk its moronic fanbase?
Just stop ruining this fukking thread breh., ty.
im trying to have him removed from the thread, his arguments are LITERALLY some of the DUMBEST posts ive seen on this forum in YEARS of posting here. Not only that, this is embarassing for a tech forum to even have posts like that here. At some point of time, it has to come to a point where its like "ok this is just out of hand". This aint TLR, this mafukka spreading the dumbest shyt and dumbass crowd takes it as gospel