Spaceman Piff
The aiming
I dont get it
I wish I knew the secrets to being accurate like these pros. Especially long distance fights, I don't know how these dudes spray fire from long distance and kill me so quickly. When I try I'm hitting nothing but air. I only have a chance at close range battles and thats only if I'm behind them, if they see me before I do it's over I dont have a damn chance. And sometimes you start unloading your cliip on them and they hit that spin and BOOM instant headshot and that will be when I rage quit. Game is dope tho, just hard as fukk
aim comes naturally the more you play. don't even really gotta think about it.
learning recoil of each gun take some effort. any long distance spraying without knowing the recoil is pointless. there's a workshop map called recoil master or something like that. but i wouldn't even really worry about that for now. just accept you're not going to hit rifle sprays at long distance. try shooting 3-4 bullets at a time instead.
have you gotten into competitive yet? it'll get better once you're playing similarly skilled players.
try to keep your crosshair at head level instead of the ground while running around.
have a manageable sensitivity. tiny flicks shouldn't send your crosshair all the way across the screen.
sound is really important. really, really important.
everyone gets shyt on when they start playing cs