Two to tango? That was a sell and carryjob by the Rock. Who would dare argue different? It wasn't some gimmick where he was to make fun of Hogan like Michaels did 3 years later.
Of course Rock's a better in-ring worker than Hogan, but that's got nothing to do with what I'm saying.
I'm not talking about the workrate of the match. I'm talking about the drawing power. You can't honestly tell me that match was as big as it was solely because of the Rock. If Hogan was as washed up as you claim nobody would've even been checking for the match. Rock was a big star; you had to be at or near his level to make a money match like THAT.
The way you put it, you could've thrown Test in there with The Rock and it would've drawn money
Hogan wasn't getting booed every goddamn week during the Austin beatdowns and shyt? Nyggas on here always revising history. They cheered for both in Chicago and during the handicap match. That was it. They actually got ULTRA loud when they were in the ring compared to everyone else. They popped for the legdrop and the pinfall at the end.
Man, even BEFORE the Toronto match nikkas were going wild over Hogan. Yeah, they booed the first couple nWo beatdowns, since they were solidly heels, but eventually they were just happy to see Hogan back and doing his thing.
He would of HAD no spotlight had he not been in a Rock match at Mania. That's the point. Austin was gone for what? Almost a year. You don't put him in the ring with HHH or Taker. No. If he's to be taken serious as the top guy again, he has to face the Rock. That's what happened. The Rock is why the Hogan match even went down because he c/s the whole damn deal. Austin wasn't feigning to work with him until he thought about it in retrospect during that shoot before he walked out.
So it's not because Rock and Hogan are each other's counterparts in different eras (big, showy, talkative main event faces who "feed" off of crowd response)
it's not because their abilities to draw money and people into their matches were comparable.
it's not because their names were synonymous with the business in their eras.
it's not even because Hogan would've made a good nostalgia act.
The reason Hogan was put into a program with The Rock was simply because Dwayne Johnson is infallible and only he could restore Hulk Hogan to his former glory. Man, you gotta be trolling me here
You watch more wrestling than most of us combined, how could anybody who considers himself a fan of the industry front on Hogan like that? I'm not even a big fan of the dude but it's just unreal.