said what he said
Wow, I've never heard anyone say that PC games look better than console onesI bet u really think these shytty console games look good![]()

Wow, I've never heard anyone say that PC games look better than console onesI bet u really think these shytty console games look good![]()
PS3 was a let down this gen, I'll admit that
Xbox held it down
but seriously, this gen needs to end already, and unfortunately they are going to run this crap into the ground another year
theyre really gonna get better with 512mb of ram u dumb fakkitsThis generation does NOT need to end. It needs to get better before it ends.....if not we'll head into next gen with the same crap.
I'd love to see a consecutive year of great sports games.
And you see where that got Sega right? Out of fukking business. The got no EA games and that's what people wanted.
I think you may be the only one wanting to buy more systems for 3 games. The days of 2nd party games is almost at an end. You say having every game for all the systems confuses consumers when in fact it's console exclusivity that does that. The average person does not research every upcoming title for the next 3 years to see which system has the most exclusives. People usually buy whatever system their friends have.
In comparison to the total amount of games out there, good games worth playing are rare. But somehow we all manage to find good games to play right? So by that same token if you want something unique it's not that hard to fine it.
Lol, that's not why Sega went out of the console market. The Dreamcast was the dying breath of that company, all of their systems from the Genesis on out were impressive, Sega got blindsided by the Sony marketing department 2 generations in a row. Both the Sega Saturn and even the Dreamcast were technically superior to the PS2 in a lot of ways, especially in processing power, but the problem was sony put out an combination of lies about the specs of the PS2 and a combination of great commercials and magazine inserts and just used its money advantage to kill Sega. I mean think about how large the gap was between DC games and the PS1 it was considerable, it ran most powerful arcade games without a hitch, Sonic Adventure despite it's shytty story ran Sonic Adventure at a smooth30 FPS. Quiet as kept, the Dreamcast version of Unreal Tournament was as good as the PC version. But I digress, the Dreamcast had way more than 3 exclusives, it's library was epic for the time period.
nikka u listin a bunch of games rooted in the same kinda gameplay...that list is cool.. but nikka UR buggin if u think the variety compares..I mean it just doesn't...lol...I can't even LIST how many exclusive games and how many classic franchises started past gens vs now...there's no competition..there's was simply just WAY more games being produced..and that's a fact...Why is that something you hate? Why is that a bad thing?
Who cares what the "biggest" games were? There was so much variety, the only limiting factor is probably yourself. I got RPGs, DMC-style action games, puzzlers, adventures, platformers, metroidvanias, fighters out the ass. And each of those have very varied games within themselves. Portal is different from Catherine is different from Braid. Mirror's Edge is way different from Donkey Kong Country is different from Little Big Planet is different from Super Meat Boy is different from Mario Galaxy. Xenoblade, Valkyria Chronicles, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, The Witcher, Lost Oddyssey. shyt even, Bulletstorm, Gears of War, Halo, Uncharted, Call of Duty, Unreal Tournament 3, Battlefield.
Variety exists. It just doesn't necessarily sell well. I'm proud to say, I'm not part of that problem.
PS3 was a let down this gen, I'll admit that
Xbox held it down
but seriously, this gen needs to end already, and unfortunately they are going to run this crap into the ground another year
nikka u listin a bunch of games rooted in the same kinda gameplay...that list is cool.. but nikka UR buggin if u think the variety compares..I mean it just doesn't...lol...I can't even LIST how many exclusive games and how many classic franchises started past gens vs now...there's no competition..there's was simply just WAY more games being produced..and that's a fact...