Yup, A Link to the Past was the pinnacle of Zelda. And you know why?
That was the last time Zelda had a new story. Zelda: OOT was a 3D imagination of an old story. Had new features, but the overall story didn't feel like a sequel. It was more like a reboot
Zelda was GOAT... Zelda II I liked it, but wasn't as popular overall
Super Nintendo comes out, and they take it back to old skool style of gameplay, and they throw you in the forest.. I remember an apple. You go in a dungeon and you break a pot
Sounds lame, but it wasn't.. and the musical scores from that game resonate in my memories like
nikkaz makin rap beats out of em'
These dudes could of been sending me hidden messages, I don't know.
If I hear this..
Legend of Zelda: A link to The Past music - overworld theme - YouTube
I start fiending just to LOOK at this
Man just look at how fukkin shiny that shyt is yo
Like, I just wanna rub that cartridge across my skin and everything will be alright
There was something powerful in those cartridges. But back to the music.. this was my favorite for some reason..
The N64 version was epic, but fell short IMO as well. It left its traditional RPG roots, turned into a more of a western RPG more than a JRPG aka Zelda II
Now if they took it back again, threw that bytch on Wii-U?
Then Miyamoto can make a Super Mario 128, not galaxy 3? Maybe an Super mario World 2 HD
A proper sequel to Metroid, like an HD remake and throw a number 2 on that bytch
Somebody send them a link to this thread...
Yeah, the biggest problem this gen is innovation. Anything that is successful other companies try to copy it
This was unheard of in previous gens of the good ol' days. If somebody tried, it wouldn't get the same hype/respect games today get.
This gen alone in the FPS department we got what.. 4 Halo's, 4 Gears, 7COD's, 3Ghost Recon's, 3 Rainbow 6's once the new one drops soon, 3 Resistance, 2Killzones with a 3rd around the corner, surprisingly only on Socom and it was good but hated on
3 uncharteds.
Basically this gen they doubled down on the amount of times they hit that good well
Or better known as "pulling a nintendo"