Let's have a conversation about domestic violence...


Nov 22, 2016
Took a deal today for two years intensive/supervised probation and an assload of restitution for some shyt that was a 50/50 thing and if I'm being honest, was more 75/25 (with me being the 25%).
You a grown man if a woman upsets you that bad leave and disappear for a while. No such thing as 50/50 or 75/25 u the man in this situation its up to you handle her. The court system will show no mercy once u get involved with them its too late. Guilty now pay us.


Aug 3, 2013
Brothers/sisters who been thru it, just help me heal a little. I'm feeling a new kind of anger I ain't felt yet, hurt, anger, whatever...

I just talked to my kids, and while I was talking to them, the ex new man picked up my youngest daughter and started kissing her, and walked with her from the frame. Cant say shyt because our temporary custody order is bound by only communicating about the girls, but this bothered me. My oldest daughter said "Mr G, we're talking to our daddy". He basically was like that's good, but the whole shyt didn't sit right with me...

I know I have no say in it regardless, 3½ months and you already got some new nikka around my kids? And it's been less than that, my oldest daughter is obviously comfortable enough to dialogue with him by name, so in less than three months you got some new dude picking up and kissing my children? I feel like I knew this time was coming where she'd try to replace mr as a father, I voiced this when we were together...

And they moving soon, I dont know to where and didn't ask, the ex just told me a few weeks back she moving, so now I'm thinking she bout to move my kids in with some new dude I dont even know...

She only been dating this nikka since February, this is less than 6 months...

Please give me some words of wisdom to help chill my anger. I just talked to my mom who went thru some of this with us and she is helping, but this is a different scenario, I always kinda knew I was dealing with this type, but nothing could really prepare me to actually see this right in my face for the first time. Any words of wisdom is appreciated...
Date rats who bring men around your daughters after only knowing them for 6 months brehs..

Most these bytches ain’t shyt

Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
No smoke for women like this? Because even if you're skeptical of my story, we all know women like this exist, so why all the women in here keep dodging the fukked up women's actions?

I mean bruh what you want us to do? Alll we can say is (according to your story) the bytch is crazy. Yea theres absolutely a culture of dysfunction that extends to physical abuse in the black community, among men and women.

With that said, you can't control her and you're passing the buck of accountability. You may not be a Ike Turner " I dream of hitting bytches" :ahh: type of abuser but it's clear you have aggressive tendencies (which is not healthy) and you allowed yourself to remain in a toxic situation that got you in legal trouble.

I see too many men bytch and moan about the unfairness of the legal systems for relationships/parenting and use it to excuse themselves of action or inaction. shyt ain't changing no time soon so you gotta be the bigger person at all times and take 100% ownership at all times (even when it's not directly your fault) because your kids lives literally depend on it.


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H



The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012

1. You are correct. “The System” is absolutely not fair about the reality of Partner Violence.
That is the Silver Lining of the dark, humid, Cumulus cloud that is your situation.

1b. Everybody knows you are correct, but it doesn’t matter until it happens to them.
Nothing is going to happen to change that.

2. Any woman who seeks the assistance of The System against a man (especially a Black man) -
whether justified or not -
shows that she lacks concern for your life. Do not miss that tell.

3. IMO you seem too concerned about the new nicca your Baby’s Mama is talking to.
She gonna talk to other niccas, yo. This what they do. She gonna spray him with chit in a few months.
You don’t need to meet with him - he ain’t the problem.

3b. I understand your concern for your children...but they are her children more than they are yours.
That’s what she thinks. Once you give your seed to a woman, it (and its fruits) is her property. So she
gives less of a fucc about what is “disrespectful” to you, as she already has what she wanted from you.*

4. (Taadow’s Legal Team: Taadow is not a lawyer, and any legal exhortations he offers are a matter of personal opinion. Please consult a lawyer.) Bruh...fucc the bullchit. When the lawyers/judges try to spit them numbers at you, take that muthafuccin’ chit to trial. Make them earn that money. The legal system (not “justice system”, “legal system”) does that chit because they would rather muthafuccas plea out instead of getting their day in court.

I’m not even no muthafuccin’ lawyer, but your broad assaulted you with a deadly weapon - poison even.
Even if you had priors, if they aren’t related to this charge as you say a good lawyer can swerve that chit.
Oh well.

5. Do not give your Baby’s Mama power over your mind/life.

5b. All you can do now is live. Do what you can to help your daughters, but all you can do is help.
Their life is gonna be what it will be. You can only control what happens when you are with them.
Like someone else already said, time will reveal to them who/what was righteous.



Dec 4, 2016
Someone was on the radio with a similar situation about a dude
Question, concerning yesterday, ladies and fellas advice appreciated...

The Ex and I can only speak regarding the children, is it okay for me to request meeting her new guy since he's around my children? I also have his number from months ago (I took it from her phone), but he and I haven't dialogued...

I guess my concern is if a guy is comfortable enough to be around my children and kissing them and potentially living with them, I want to meet this guy face to face. I'm on probation, not sure if it's in my best interest, or if it's even harmful or not. Or if I should just let it ride and meet him when I meet him...

I dont know the right answer here, I'm tight off yesterday and I feel like I have to establish I am their father, and talk to this guy myself. If I'm overreacting please let me know, or if I should let it ride...

@re'up I could use your advice here family, I'm really not sure how to respond to this...
You don't need to establish anything to anybody. The kids know that you are their father.

Also another note.. Dating since February might seem like a short time compared to your relationship with her, but given that people have been stuck in the house for the last 4 months due to a pandemic, I wouldn't brush it off like it's nothing.

Also, what the fukk are you going to do if you don't like him except get yourself thrown in jail? You gonna fight him? You gonna tell your girl who she can and can't bring around the kids that are equally hers?

Don't forget YOU are the guy who assaulted the woman he is now dating. You didn't listen advice before and I doubt you'll listen to this, but hopefully when you are scrolling the comments sections from jail it will sink in.


Dec 2, 2015

I understand how you are feeling. I know you are going through it, but, now is the time for you to reset and refocus on what is most important in your life which are your children, your freedom and peace of mind.

Moving forward, I think it is time for you to start vetting the women you allow into your life. I am speaking on those you may want to seriously date and/or start relationships with, not those you may smash every now and then.

Also, when you decide that someone is worthy of your time, effort and heart, you may want to have that heart to heart talk with that person and discuss matters such as the both of you adhering to a code of conduct that the both of you could agree upon. I am saying this because this is what I would do, whether I was in your situation or not.

Personally, I will not tolerate any levels of disrespect! I don’t have to and I will not do so! People do not have to cross lines and resort to things such as violence, verbal and emotional abuse, neglect, etc. There will be disagreements, but said disagreements can be resolved in a mature manner. If you are with someone who you have a strong rapport with, then you will have little to no disagreements to boot, so try to find someone who respects you, your kids and you will be alright.

Lastly, yeah, the court system is a joke and very biased against men, especially Black men. But, since you are in your situation, do what you have to do to stay out of trouble and not violate whatever situation the courts put you in. Also, try to find a way to have an amicable relationship with your children’s mother. You are bound to her for life and you have to deal with her to some capacity until they are grown, so make the best of it until you don’t have to deal with her anymore.

Best of luck to you! Keep your chin up, chest out and stay on the grind! You should be alright if you do the right thing..


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Like my breh once told me, "dirt attracts dirt". Dude and your ex are dirty and don't respect you. There needs to be boundaries esp with your daughters being so young but she's trying to confuse them and breh is complicit with it. On the bright side, your oldest knows youre her dad and doesn't call him daddy, so the bullshyt they're trying to run isn't going to work because you're still in their life and they know who their dad is.

And breh, you need to find out where they're moving to. You need to know where your kids are and their living situation. If she plans on moving with your daughters out of state, she can't do so without your permission.

This is not a good idea. You are still angry. The situation will escalate into something you will regret. If you had his number for months why do you want to reach out now? Maybe you only want to establish that you are their father because you feel like he is replacing you. Just let it ride and meet him later. Its too soon right now. Give him a call if you are truly concerned.


1. You are correct. “The System” is absolutely not fair about the reality of Partner Violence.
That is the Silver Lining of the dark, humid, Cumulus cloud that is your situation.

1b. Everybody knows you are correct, but it doesn’t matter until it happens to them.
Nothing is going to happen to change that.

2. Any woman who seeks the assistance of The System against a man (especially a Black man) -
whether justified or not -
shows that she lacks concern for your life. Do not miss that tell.

3. IMO you seem too concerned about the new nicca your Baby’s Mama is talking to.
She gonna talk to other niccas, yo. This what they do. She gonna spray him with chit in a few months.
You don’t need to meet with him - he ain’t the problem.

3b. I understand your concern for your children...but they are her children more than they are yours.
That’s what she thinks. Once you give your seed to a woman, it (and its fruits) is her property. So she
gives less of a fucc about what is “disrespectful” to you, as she already has what she wanted from you.*

4. (Taadow’s Legal Team: Taadow is not a lawyer, and any legal exhortations he offers are a matter of personal opinion. Please consult a lawyer.) Bruh...fucc the bullchit. When the lawyers/judges try to spit them numbers at you, take that muthafuccin’ chit to trial. Make them earn that money. The legal system (not “justice system”, “legal system”) does that chit because they would rather muthafuccas plea out instead of getting their day in court.

I’m not even no muthafuccin’ lawyer, but your broad assaulted you with a deadly weapon - poison even.
Even if you had priors, if they aren’t related to this charge as you say a good lawyer can swerve that chit.
Oh well.

5. Do not give your Baby’s Mama power over your mind/life.

5b. All you can do now is live. Do what you can to help your daughters, but all you can do is help.
Their life is gonna be what it will be. You can only control what happens when you are with them.
Like someone else already said, time will reveal to them who/what was righteous.

Someone was on the radio with a similar situation about a dude

You don't need to establish anything to anybody. The kids know that you are their father.

Also another note.. Dating since February might seem like a short time compared to your relationship with her, but given that people have been stuck in the house for the last 4 months due to a pandemic, I wouldn't brush it off like it's nothing.

Also, what the fukk are you going to do if you don't like him except get yourself thrown in jail? You gonna fight him? You gonna tell your girl who she can and can't bring around the kids that are equally hers?

Don't forget YOU are the guy who assaulted the woman he is now dating. You didn't listen advice before and I doubt you'll listen to this, but hopefully when you are scrolling the comments sections from jail it will sink in.


I understand how you are feeling. I know you are going through it, but, now is the time for you to reset and refocus on what is most important in your life which are your children, your freedom and peace of mind.

Moving forward, I think it is time for you to start vetting the women you allow into your life. I am speaking on those you may want to seriously date and/or start relationships with, not those you may smash every now and then.

Also, when you decide that someone is worthy of your time, effort and heart, you may want to have that heart to heart talk with that person and discuss matters such as the both of you adhering to a code of conduct that the both of you could agree upon. I am saying this because this is what I would do, whether I was in your situation or not.

Personally, I will not tolerate any levels of disrespect! I don’t have to and I will not do so! People do not have to cross lines and resort to things such as violence, verbal and emotional abuse, neglect, etc. There will be disagreements, but said disagreements can be resolved in a mature manner. If you are with someone who you have a strong rapport with, then you will have little to no disagreements to boot, so try to find someone who respects you, your kids and you will be alright.

Lastly, yeah, the court system is a joke and very biased against men, especially Black men. But, since you are in your situation, do what you have to do to stay out of trouble and not violate whatever situation the courts put you in. Also, try to find a way to have an amicable relationship with your children’s mother. You are bound to her for life and you have to deal with her to some capacity until they are grown, so make the best of it until you don’t have to deal with her anymore.

Best of luck to you! Keep your chin up, chest out and stay on the grind! You should be alright if you do the right thing..


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
He and I exchanged several texts yesterday afternoon and it didn't go well. I wasnt aggressive or hostile, I just said I'd like to meet him if he's around my kids. He basically responded with, to summarize, he didn't want to meet me, he doesn't owe me anything, I'm a stranger to him, lose his number, I cant control shyt he does...

So of course I felt his response was distasteful and completely disrespectful. I didn't curse him or threaten him but I told him I look forward to meeting him and I hope he keeps the same energy in person...

Maybe reaching out was a poor idea, maybe it wasn't. I'm not reaching out again so I'm good on that and I'm not talking to The Ex about him (they were obviously together because she sent me a text while he and I were chatting saying to leave him alone, he ain't concerned with meeting me, etc). I ignored her texts, it wasn't about the kids and I didn't respond...

I'm healing fam, I'm trying to and I want to. So there is no confusion, this is not about her having a new partner, he tried saying that shyt and I redirected him quick, it's about the boundaries and respecting my time with my children. If I'm on the phone with my girls, especially since you're around them alot, you don't get to interrupt my conversation by taking one of them from my conversation. Come on, that isn't even respectable...

I'm trying to throw my energy into everything else, and I believe all of this will make me a much better man in the future. For myself, my daughters, and whoever's daughter I end up with. I believe that, and I know I can only control my time with my daughters. My uncle yesterday told me to start talking to my oldest about sexual and physical abuse and just cherish the time I'm with them, and pray they are protected and being treated right when I'm not. And that feeling of not being able to protect them I know is inevitable but the powerlessness doesn't feel any better...

I couldn't take the case to trial because if I did, I was gonna be rearrested, charged habitually, and given about a quarter million bond. Trial wouldnt have been until mid-to-late 2021, so I'd be sitting in jail the next 12-18 months which is a huge step backwards from being able to see my girls now...


Nov 18, 2016
:snoop:You just as much a dysfunctional, degenerate as she is. Take this time out to think how you're gonna move in the future. fukking degenerate:scust: