I'm quite sure that fool in the batman shootings felt the same way when he left his GF and children in the theater and ran for his life. She protected her children and he became a coward.
I'm quite sure that fool in the batman shootings felt the same way when he left his GF and children in the theater and ran for his life. She protected her children and he became a coward.
You are in here complaining about responsibility. You want to act like a woman but be respected as a man. .
As you like to point out society has changed. A female can go get a penis and a male can go get a vagina. It's not about physical attributes. Species have different genders for a reason. Evolutionarily we are predisposed to take on and be successful at different rolls. Why do women nurture and raise kids so well? It's because they are hardwired to do it. It's not ancient or out of date, we are still the same species, times have changed, risks/dangers have changed, but we as a species have not. If all men decided they would stop leading becaue they didn't feel appreciated the world would be fukked. Just like if women stopped raising babies cause they wanted to lead, we'd be fukked as well.No you are a man because you were born with a penis. You lead because you choose to.
You have completely failed to explain the dynamic you're talking about. I in fact did a better job explaining why men lead than you did. You are a leader because you believe that an ancient dynamic that came into existence because it had to for the species to survive still applies even if the threat is gone just because it was established as a pattern back then. You seem to take pride in the fact that you're doing this job and that's fine but honestly your pride blinds you to the fact that many of these followers don't really appreciate your leadership they only feel entitled to it at times when that role is inconvenient to them. They want to stand next to you when it's sunny but behind you when the storm hits. If you knowingly let them do that you're a fool.
There's no real benefit to being a boss when your employees get paid the exact same amount you do and you get to take all the blame and fall on the sword when shyt hits the fan. At that point you're no longer a boss just a dispensable scapegoat in moments of crisis. If you knowingly or rather unknowingly accept that role it really makes you their fool. For taking the brunt of the negativity you should demand compensation beyond what they're seeing.
Because ultimately he is disposable as all men are. You subscribe to that theory as well. Him protecting himself doesn't make him a coward at all. He's only obligated to do as much. He's not obligated to save her now should he love his woman enough to try to save her life out of love? Maybe but because he valued himself more than anything that doesn't make him a coward. You getting a man didn't dispose of himself for her sake.No the lil black dude that saved their life was the hero and protector her man should have been
Because ultimately he is disposable as all men are. You subscribe to that theory as well. Him protecting himself doesn't make him a coward at all. He's only obligated to do as much. He's not obligated to save her now should he love his woman enough to try to save her life out of love? Maybe but because he valued himself more than anything that doesn't make him a coward. You getting a man didn't dispose of himself for her sake.
No the lil black dude that saved their life was the hero and protector her man should have been
Because ultimately he is disposable as all men are. You subscribe to that theory as well. Him protecting himself doesn't make him a coward at all. He's only obligated to do as much. He's not obligated to save her now should he love his woman enough to try to save her life out of love? Maybe but because he valued himself more than anything that doesn't make him a coward. You getting a man didn't dispose of himself for her sake.
It's not about being disposable. It's about doing the right thing. You should protect others because it's the right thing to do. I dont need to love someone to stand up for them. And yes valuing yourself over your kids and their mom is the definition of cowardice. He was supposed to be determined to get his entire family out of that situtaion, but he chose to save himself because he wasn't confident in his ability to protect his family.Because ultimately he is disposable as all men are. You subscribe to that theory as well. Him protecting himself doesn't make him a coward at all. He's only obligated to do as much. He's not obligated to save her now should he love his woman enough to try to save her life out of love? Maybe but because he valued himself more than anything that doesn't make him a coward. You getting a man didn't dispose of himself for her sake.
No I'm saying the person that I'm supposed to protect as it were values their own hide over even my well being. Like I said with the car accident you want that car to protect you when shyt hits the fan and in the act of protection it's destruction becomes nothing more than collateral damage to preserve your safety. The car is disposable to you even if you love your car. If its between you and the car well it's been nice but the car has to go. Many women have a similar expectation for you as a man.i only read the first few posts but
are you saying you dont wanna be a man? u wanna switch places with women?
truthfully i like the fact that I'm supposed to go check out noises downstairs or take a bullet. i'd rather do that than have babies, be endearing, and all that other stuff.
No I'm saying the person that I'm supposed to protect as it were values their own hide over even my well being. Like I said with the car accident you want that car to protect you when shyt hits the fan and in the act of protection it's destruction becomes nothing more than collateral damage to preserve your safety. The car is disposable to you even if you love your car. If its between you and the car well it's been nice but the car has to go. Many women have a similar expectation for you as a man.
Just thew all my Future in the bushes![]()
What do you think a simp is? It's a male stripped of his humanity rendered into nothing more than a utility in a woman's life. A human wallet and favor machine that outside of those purposes has no real value to her and is ultimately disposable when his usefulness to her has passed.my nikka just compared a human being to a car.
yeah bruh, just dont get married or develop a meaningful connection with the opposite sex. and you'll never have to worry about this.