No I said that when it comes down to it a woman views a man as disposable meaning that if its down to you or she because she is a woman she will expect you as a man to offer yourself to save her.
LOST 6x14 Jin and Sun death scene - YouTube
That scene is man and a woman in a life or death situation. The woman is going to die an tells the man to save himself. He refuses and chooses to die with her because he loves her and doesn't wanna be without her. That's equality. Equality is we ride together and we die together if it comes down to it not me telling a chick I'll save her and her going ok and running off to save her own ass because I'm disposable.
Equality is not you can get drafted and go to war and fight and die to protected because I'm a woman I shouldn't have to do those things.
Equality isn't if the boat is going down I'm a woman so I should be allowed on the life raft while you get to stay and die. If a woman is equal to a man her life is worth the same as his and that sort of preferential treatment shouldn't exist.
These things are not equality they're selective equality it's picking and choosing the spots that you're equal and the ones when you aren't based on the most favorable outcome.
why do you keep using these extreme examples, like a sinking ship? How often do these things happen in real life, and why do you assume that women view men as disposable, just because a man is socialized to take control in times of extreme crisis?
Please, stop whining bro. "eh, eh, women want equality, well then they should protect me and run downstairs if a prowler is in the house. eh. Eh, eh, they should fight in Iraq while I take care of the kids"....stop embarrassing yourself.
Equality for women isnt a zero sum game, where you have to consider any gains by them as a specific attack on male rights. Stop treating it like it is.