Sam Peel
this is true but only because they can always fukk their girlfriends, which a lot do
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why aren't women fighting to be included in the requirement to register for this?
the role of the male as a protector is not that suited for the modern world. in the early days men really were disposable because there were so few humans and every woman counted far more than every man in value for the species to continue. one man could fill the role of 20 in a tribe and impregnate all the women if necessary.
in the modern world there are billions of us. if a woman gives up her life to save a man she loves just because she doesn't want to die instead of falling back and letting him shield her our species is not put in jeopardy. any yet maybe this is just me but women don't seem all that eager to lay life down to save a man's life.
because we're supposed to be equal. why let men shoulder that burden alone?Why would anyone sign up for that?
i gurantee if i do a search all those women are with new partners now
actually ima do that search right now and find
here's the problem. women talk about equality when it benefits them but when something like this is pointed out they go "let a man be a man" and suddenly we're no longer equals you're falling back and seceding superiority to him and letting him accept the risk. basically there's no benefit to manhood. you have to foot all the risk and share all the spoils.
a man is likely always gonna step up and play that role but in a crisis situation when you're with a man is your first thought about laying your life down if it comes down to it to save his because you feel that strongly for him or is it time for him to be a man and protect the women?
its like when an argument is formed women have a few general responses.If I love him, I will die for him, but you better believe it will be
the same for me.
Yall gotta stop with making your bad history, everybodies' bad history.
This ain't a all good men and every bad women type of deal.
Maybe if you start dealing with these folks as humans, then maybe
you will have better results. Because all this bitterness, sulking and
pouting over your own failed relationships is redundant.
its like when an argument is formed women have a few general responses.
1. Not All Women Are Like That
2 Calling the man bitter or some term with a negative connotation(ad hominem)
3. when the first two fail blame the man (related to #2 )
none of these address the actual argument or take it head on. the first one of these is the worst offender because many women will say NAWALT as if to say the exceptions to the rule in general disprove the rule.
its like if you say most women don't get 8 hours of sleep you'll have a chick roll up with "i get 8 hours of sleep. not all women are like that some of us do get 8 hours of sleep." mind you this doesn't change the fact that most people including women don't get 8 hours of sleep but a woman will act like they knocked the whole fort down cause they pulled a couple bricks out the bottom.
no but i'll tell you what is stupid. someone makes a logically sound argument and while you don't agree with it you call it stupid without actually proving it, you are some kind of stupid.
no but a act as if many and the majority of women want and expect a man to protect them in a dangerous situation even if it means his demise in the process.Baby, miss me with all dat
Yall act as if every woman is designed to respond to every life
situation the same way.
Get pass that and get back to me