Let's Be Reality: Islam Is A Problem.


The World Is My Country, To Do Good Is My Religion
Dec 15, 2013
:childplease: only because christianity/islam is the flavor of the month

whatd you call the greek religion in school?


nonetheless you have to take into consideration other people's religious beliefs and be tolerant towards them. I'm sure that if there were still people practicing the ancient Greek religion we would tolerate it as a religious belief and not dismiss it as a simply made up story.

This doesn't mean you have to agree with it, just tolerate it and respect it.


Retired troll
Jun 16, 2014
baby, that was the old me
I would not say that an atheist believes staunchly there is no god. There is a broad spectrum of atheists. People confuse this all the time. Atheism is the lack of a belief in a god. It's not the belief that there isn't. There's no believing associated. I don't see evidence for one, but I am completely open to changing my mind if I were to come across such evidence.

I think theists think most atheists are more like :win:when really most of us are like :manny: and some are a little bit :leostare:

This is the difference. If someone is Jewish, or a Muslim, or a Christian, there are sets of beliefs that are perfectly rational to assume that that person holds as a result of their religion. If someone is a Christian it's probably safe to assume they believe in heaven and hell, or that Jesus is the son of God. To know that someone is an atheist means that you know almost nothing about that person or their personal beliefs. You could assume they probably believe the theory of evolution, or that they're probably not members of the Tea Party, but those beliefs aren't a result of someone's atheism.

What I'm trying to say is that atheism is not believing in something. It's not believing in nothing. No rational atheist is opposed to believing in a god. If presented with such evidence, most regular atheists would jump the fence. We all know atheists that shove it down everyone's throats just like we all know religious people that shove it down people's throats. If Jesus shows up in Times Square tomorrow, and he's healing the sick and turning water into wine, sign me up right now. I'm all in. I'm not saying that's the proof I need, but there are demonstrations that could convince most atheists. Atheism is just the position of not being convinced in the existence of a higher power. There's no sort of doctrine within atheism at all. All we have in common really is a failure to be convinced. And we could be wrong.

I say all this and will add that I would really love to believe in something greater, and I'm open to it. I just haven't seen enough to convince me. I used to be a believer and I'm not anymore, Maybe one day I will be again.

You have the evidence around you. An atheist does not even search for knowledge. They love ignorance and are prideful of it.

An athiest a disbeliever.

It impossible to deny God.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
islam is no more credible than greek mythology
This is what I don't get. Are any believers ever scared that they didn't pick the right religion? I mean not all the time, but surely there are times when there has to be some doubt that maybe you picked the wrong one?

Or what if you were born somewhere without access to the right one? shyt, that's gotta suck. I always wanted to know at what level of access God decided it would be deserving to send someone to hell for not converting. Surely he wouldn't send the Pigmies to hell, right?


The World Is My Country, To Do Good Is My Religion
Dec 15, 2013
I would not say that an atheist believes staunchly there is no god. There is a broad spectrum of atheists. People confuse this all the time. Atheism is the lack of a belief in a god. It's not the belief that there isn't. There's no believing associated. I don't see evidence for one, but I am completely open to changing my mind if I were to come across such evidence.

I think theists think most atheists are more like :win:when really most of us are like :manny: and some are a little bit :leostare:

This is the difference. If someone is Jewish, or a Muslim, or a Christian, there are sets of bliefs that are perfectly rational to assume that that person holds as a result of their religious beliefs. If someone is a Christian it's probably safe to assume they believe in heaven and hell, or that Jesus is theison of God. To know that someone is an atheist means that you know almost nothing about that person or their personal beliefs. You could assume they probably believe the theory of evolution, or that they're probably not members of the Tea Party, but those beliefs aren't a result of someone's atheism.

What I'm trying to say is that atheism is not believing in something. It's not believing in nothing. No rational atheist is opposed to believing in a god. If presented with such evidence, most regular atheists would jump the fence. We all know atheists that shove it down everyone's throats just like we all know religious people that shove it down people's throats. If Jesus shows up in Times Square tomorrow, and he's healing the sick and turning water into wine, sign me up right now. I'm all in. I'm not saying that's the proof I need, but there are demonstrations that could convince most atheists. Atheism is just the position of not being convinced in the existence of a higher power. There's no sort of doctrine within atheism at all. All we have in common really is a failure to be convinced. And we could be wrong.

I say all this and will add that I would really love to believe in something greater, and I'm open to it. I just haven't seen enough to convince me. I used to be a believer and I'm not anymore, Maybe one day I will be again.

True, often people have a tendency to assume (myself included) all Atheists are Richard Dawkins types who staunchly hold the "There is no God". I can say that I've learnt that there is a spectrum of atheism which I was previously unaware of. So thanks to you others and for the debate :obama:

Just as you have your religious extremist on one side, you also have your staunch "God is Dead" atheist on the other end.

And I hope you find whatever you're looking for breh.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
You have the evidence around you. An atheist does not even search for knowledge. They love ignorance and are prideful of it.

An athiest a disbeliever.

It impossible to deny God.
Maybe you're right. I always seek out knowledge and truth, and try to grow, and try to treat myself and other humans with love and respect. Hopefully I'll find the truth, whatever it is. I definitely am not prideful of ignorance. I always try to be humble and listen, and learn. Always.



May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
True, often people have a tendency to assume (myself included) all Atheists are Richard Dawkins types who staunchly hold the "There is no God". I can say that I've learnt that there is a spectrum of atheism which I was previously unaware of. So thanks to you others and for the debate :obama:

Just as you have your religious extremist on one side, you also have your staunch "God is Dead" atheist on the other end.

And I hope you find whatever you're looking for breh.
Totally. I think a lot of people are calling those types "New Atheists" and the term is sort of catching on. I'm definitely not one of them.

Salute, and thank you!


Retired troll
Jun 16, 2014
baby, that was the old me
islam is no more credible than greek mythology

So prideful. So arrogant about your disbelief

This Hadith reminds me
"I fear the day when the disbelievers are proud of their falsehood, and the Muslims are shy of their faith." [Umar ibn al-Khattab]

It is sad that day has come. It's undeniable. People would rather believe in the fake space. The fake sphere earth. They deny the creation around them. They can't even look into the sun directly and think humans created themselves.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
So prideful. So arrogant about your disbelief

This Hadith reminds me
"I fear the day when the disbelievers are proud of their falsehood, and the Muslims are shy of their faith." [Umar ibn al-Khattab]

It is sad that day has come. It's undeniable. People would rather believe in the fake space. The fake sphere earth. They deny the creation around them. They can't even look into the sun directly and think humans created themselves.



The World Is My Country, To Do Good Is My Religion
Dec 15, 2013
This is what I don't get. Are any believers ever scared that they didn't pick the right religion? I mean not all the time, but surely there are times when there has to be some doubt that maybe you picked the wrong one?

Or what if you were born somewhere without access to the right one? shyt, that's gotta suck. I always wanted to know at what level of access God decided it would be deserving to send someone to hell for not converting. Surely he wouldn't send the Pigmies to hell, right?

I can answer your questions from an Islamic perspective:

Islam is simply defined as submission to a single God. The Quran teaches us that monotheism has been around since the first man and Adam and Eve and didn't start with the prophet Muhammed pbuh. It teaches us that there were prophets all around the world who spread monotheism within their nations and communities of a single creator God. So all the people who came before Muslims, were Jews or Christrians or Zoroastrians and as long as they were pious with their belief of one God they were seen as followers of Islam.

Unlike many ancient religions such as hermeticism or some modern religions like Christianity which have been edited in order to cater to the demands of rulers and increase followers, Islam is unedited and is the final word of God about Monotheism. The Quran teaches us that throughout mans existence Monotheism and Islam has always been there but has been altered and edited several times and equating another deity with the one creator occurred.


Retired troll
Jun 16, 2014
baby, that was the old me
Maybe you're right. I always seek out knowledge and truth, and try to grow, and try to treat myself and other humans with love and respect. Hopefully I'll find the truth, whatever it is. I definitely am not prideful of ignorance. I always try to be humble and listen, and learn. Always.

The Night Journey (al-Isra') Quran in Clear English, Chapter 17

If you actually truly are looking for the truth spend time looking through the Quran, which is the word of God.

Or you could not, I'm not forcing anything.