Let's Be Reality: Islam Is A Problem.


The World Is My Country, To Do Good Is My Religion
Dec 15, 2013
Correct me if I'm wrong but don't aren't the Hadiths standalone quotes from Muhammad? If the hadith in response to something could you show me?

Wouldn't be the first time dogma contradicted itself:ld:

The Hadith refers to the war between Jews and Muslims prior to the day of judgement,

The problem with many hadiths is that a lot of the time there are intense debates questioning the reliability of the source and as well as there being numerous different interpretations of it.

There's intense debate regarding the day of judgement hadiths and what is reliable and what is not since the hadiths are not in the Quran but are transcripts of what the prophet Muhammad pbuh allegedly said, hadiths are written many years after the death of the prophet so their authenticity are often questioned.

Drip Bayless

Jun 1, 2014
The Hadith refers to the war between Jews and Muslims prior to the day of judgement,

The problem with many hadiths is that a lot of the time there are intense debates questioning the reliability of the source and as well as there being numerous different interpretations of it.

There's intense debate regarding the day of judgement hadiths and what is reliable and what is not since the hadiths are not in the Quran but are transcripts of what the prophet Muhammad pbuh allegedly said, hadiths are written many years after the death of the prophet so their authenticity are often questioned.

So would you say the hadiths are less credible than the Quran?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
The Hadith refers to the war between Jews and Muslims prior to the day of judgement,

The problem with many hadiths is that a lot of the time there are intense debates questioning the reliability of the source and as well as there being numerous different interpretations of it.

There's intense debate regarding the day of judgement hadiths and what is reliable and what is not since the hadiths are not in the Quran but are transcripts of what the prophet Muhammad pbuh allegedly said, hadiths are written many years after the death of the prophet so their authenticity are often questioned.

Oh ok, this explains why you're so deluded...

You're on THAT bullshyt :mjlol:


The World Is My Country, To Do Good Is My Religion
Dec 15, 2013
there is a BIG difference between belief and knowledge. Theism addresses belief and gnosticism addresses knowledge. I am an agnostic atheist, I don't believe there is a god but there is no way for me to know for sure so I am also agnostic.

There is no evidence to suggest that there is one.

I can not assert, philosophically or using agreed-upon rules of logic, reliably that "there is no god"...I can't prove a negative.

Its the problem of induction: Problem of induction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thomas Aquinas outlined his five logical proofs of God as such:

l) The Proof from Motion. We observe motion all around us. Whatever is in motion now was at rest until moved by something else, and that by something else, and so on. But if there were an infinite series of movers, all waiting to be moved by something else, then actual motion could never have got started, and there would be no motion now. But there is motion now. So there must be a First Mover which is itself unmoved. This First Mover we call God.

2) The Proof from Efficient Cause. Everything in the world has its efficient cause--its maker--and that maker has its maker, and so on. The coffee table was made by the carpenter, the carpenter by his or her parents, and on and on. But if there were just an infinite series of such makers, the series could never have got started, and therefore be nothing now. But there is something everything there is! So there must have been a First Maker, that was not itself made, and that First Maker we call God.

3) The Proof from Necessary vs. Possible Being. Possible, or contingent, beings are those, such as cars and trees and you and I, whose existence is not necessary. For all such beings there is a time before they come to be when they are not yet, and a time after they cease to be when they are no more. If everything were merely possible, there would have been a time, long ago, when nothing had yet come to be. Nothing comes from nothing, so in that case there would be nothing now! But there is something now-the world and everything in it-so there must be at least one necessary being. This Necessary Being we call God.

4) The Proof from Degrees of Perfection. We all evaluate things and people in terms of their being more or less perfectly true, good, noble and so on. We have certain standards of how things and people should be. But we would have no such standards unless there were some being that is perfect in every way, something that is the truest, noblest, and best. That Most Perfect Being we call God.

5) The Proof from Design. As we look at the world around us, and ourselves, we see ample evidence of design--the bird's wing, designed for the purpose of flight; the human ear, designed for the purpose of hearing; the natural environment, designed to support life; and on and on. If there is design, there must be a designer. That Designer we call God

The irony of proving God exists is, to a non-believer it can never be proven, but to a believer, proof of God can be seen in everything.

From Occum's razor the simplest and most logical answer is usually the correct answer and the idea that the universe in all it's complexity has a creator is the most logical answer in my opinion. But as you guys have previously stated, I'm just as ignorant as you as it is impossible to prove there is a god one way or the other. Maybe all organised religions haven't got it all right but in my opinion there is a single, all powerful creator.


The World Is My Country, To Do Good Is My Religion
Dec 15, 2013
So would you say the hadiths are less credible than the Quran?

Yeah breh, A lot of hadiths should be taken with a pinch of salt. The Quran had not been edited or changed since its inception whereas hadiths can be manipulated through word of mouth since a lot were written after the prophet's death similar to how in Chinese whispers you end up with a distorted message.

Oh ok, this explains why you're so deluded...

You're on THAT bullshyt :mjlol:


Drip Bayless

Jun 1, 2014
Thomas Aquinas outlined his five logical proofs of God as such:

l) The Proof from Motion. We observe motion all around us. Whatever is in motion now was at rest until moved by something else, and that by something else, and so on. But if there were an infinite series of movers, all waiting to be moved by something else, then actual motion could never have got started, and there would be no motion now. But there is motion now. So there must be a First Mover which is itself unmoved. This First Mover we call God.

2) The Proof from Efficient Cause. Everything in the world has its efficient cause--its maker--and that maker has its maker, and so on. The coffee table was made by the carpenter, the carpenter by his or her parents, and on and on. But if there were just an infinite series of such makers, the series could never have got started, and therefore be nothing now. But there is something everything there is! So there must have been a First Maker, that was not itself made, and that First Maker we call God.

3) The Proof from Necessary vs. Possible Being. Possible, or contingent, beings are those, such as cars and trees and you and I, whose existence is not necessary. For all such beings there is a time before they come to be when they are not yet, and a time after they cease to be when they are no more. If everything were merely possible, there would have been a time, long ago, when nothing had yet come to be. Nothing comes from nothing, so in that case there would be nothing now! But there is something now-the world and everything in it-so there must be at least one necessary being. This Necessary Being we call God.

4) The Proof from Degrees of Perfection. We all evaluate things and people in terms of their being more or less perfectly true, good, noble and so on. We have certain standards of how things and people should be. But we would have no such standards unless there were some being that is perfect in every way, something that is the truest, noblest, and best. That Most Perfect Being we call God.

5) The Proof from Design. As we look at the world around us, and ourselves, we see ample evidence of design--the bird's wing, designed for the purpose of flight; the human ear, designed for the purpose of hearing; the natural environment, designed to support life; and on and on. If there is design, there must be a designer. That Designer we call God

The irony of proving God exists is, to a non-believer it can never be proven, but to a believer, proof of God can be seen in everything.

From Occum's razor the simplest and most logical answer is usually the correct answer and the idea that the universe in all it's complexity has a creator is the most logical answer in my opinion. But as you guys have previously stated, I'm just as ignorant as you as it is impossible to prove there is a god one way or the other. Maybe all organised religions haven't got it all right but in my opinion there is a single, all powerful creator.
Those "proofs" prove nothing ironically. In fact they reiterate the same point in different ways. They are all different scenarios which lead back to the god of gaps, or the usual "the universe is too complex for there not to be a creator." You can not prove god exists or does not exist. Anyways this is a pretty pointless discussion, not really interested in having it.


All Star
Jan 15, 2014
ISIS and other terrorists are reading the Quran literally - they are not twisting the book, merely reading it at face value - the book invokes violence often to further the spread of it. The Prophet Muhammad was not a role model by any means.

Islam IS an inherently violent religion, as are all religions including but certainly not limited to Christianity. Just read the Koran to see the type of violence it advocates. Read the Bible to understand the violence that IT advocates...

Also we see today Islamists in constant strife with their neighbors and continuously killing like their religion commands and Islamists worldwide celebrating their kills. We can also contrast Israel's development versus their Islamic neighbors.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Thomas Aquinas outlined his five logical proofs of God as such:

l) The Proof from Motion. We observe motion all around us. Whatever is in motion now was at rest until moved by something else, and that by something else, and so on. But if there were an infinite series of movers, all waiting to be moved by something else, then actual motion could never have got started, and there would be no motion now. But there is motion now. So there must be a First Mover which is itself unmoved. This First Mover we call God.

2) The Proof from Efficient Cause. Everything in the world has its efficient cause--its maker--and that maker has its maker, and so on. The coffee table was made by the carpenter, the carpenter by his or her parents, and on and on. But if there were just an infinite series of such makers, the series could never have got started, and therefore be nothing now. But there is something everything there is! So there must have been a First Maker, that was not itself made, and that First Maker we call God.

3) The Proof from Necessary vs. Possible Being. Possible, or contingent, beings are those, such as cars and trees and you and I, whose existence is not necessary. For all such beings there is a time before they come to be when they are not yet, and a time after they cease to be when they are no more. If everything were merely possible, there would have been a time, long ago, when nothing had yet come to be. Nothing comes from nothing, so in that case there would be nothing now! But there is something now-the world and everything in it-so there must be at least one necessary being. This Necessary Being we call God.

4) The Proof from Degrees of Perfection. We all evaluate things and people in terms of their being more or less perfectly true, good, noble and so on. We have certain standards of how things and people should be. But we would have no such standards unless there were some being that is perfect in every way, something that is the truest, noblest, and best. That Most Perfect Being we call God.

5) The Proof from Design. As we look at the world around us, and ourselves, we see ample evidence of design--the bird's wing, designed for the purpose of flight; the human ear, designed for the purpose of hearing; the natural environment, designed to support life; and on and on. If there is design, there must be a designer. That Designer we call God

The irony of proving God exists is, to a non-believer it can never be proven, but to a believer, proof of God can be seen in everything.

From Occum's razor the simplest and most logical answer is usually the correct answer and the idea that the universe in all it's complexity has a creator is the most logical answer in my opinion. But as you guys have previously stated, I'm just as ignorant as you as it is impossible to prove there is a god one way or the other. Maybe all organised religions haven't got it all right but in my opinion there is a single, all powerful creator.
Doesn't matter. Prove it or not.

And Aquinas used the argument from ignorance, a lack of understanding of physics, and evolution


Retired troll
Jun 16, 2014
baby, that was the old me
I know historically christianity still has the highest body count...

but muslims the past 60 years or so have been wilin' :whoa:

is there something in the quran that inspires the extremist type so damn much? :whoa:

You have never read the Quran and you judge the Muslims as a problem?

You never took 20 minutes in your entire life to just read a few chapters of the book with a religion of billions. The most read book/text ever to be on earth.

Quran in English - Clear and Easy to Read, with Audio

There it's translated into English. All of it.

What is "radical" Islam?

@BocaRear you said some good stuff in here but don't go soft on the people who think like this. They hate Muslims but can't even tell you what the religion is.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Religion is a totally personal thing and should not be forcibly imposed on people, I don't think religion is inherently good or bad but the way people interpret doctrines is usually where a lot of problems stem from. Manipulative people have used religion to justify murder, slavery and oppression, religion in the wrong hands is very dangerous and can lead to all sorts of issues. Regardless of religious belief there will always be those who exploit religion to do what they want.

However, religion has given us the Renaissance and inspired art, poetry and innovation. There are avenues which science doesn't explore due to its empirical and cold methods, where human faith and philosophy have to explore.

Just keeping your mind open and exploring all avenues will help humanity develop the way it should. Being a religious zealot or a pretentious atheist are two sides of the same coin and society in my opinion requires more balanced open minded individual.
very very good post.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
An atheist believes staunchly there is No God.
Whereas an agnostic is not entirely sure there is a God or not.

What do you consider yourself?
I would not say that an atheist believes staunchly there is no god. There is a broad spectrum of atheists. People confuse this all the time. Atheism is the lack of a belief in a god. It's not the belief that there isn't. There's no believing associated. I don't see evidence for one, but I am completely open to changing my mind if I were to come across such evidence.

I think theists think most atheists are more like :win:when really most of us are like :manny: and some are a little bit :leostare:

This is the difference. If someone is Jewish, or a Muslim, or a Christian, there are sets of beliefs that are perfectly rational to assume that that person holds as a result of their religion. If someone is a Christian it's probably safe to assume they believe in heaven and hell, or that Jesus is the son of God. To know that someone is an atheist means that you know almost nothing about that person or their personal beliefs. You could assume they probably believe the theory of evolution, or that they're probably not members of the Tea Party, but those beliefs aren't a result of someone's atheism.

What I'm trying to say is that atheism is not believing in something. It's not believing in nothing. No rational atheist is opposed to believing in a god. If presented with such evidence, most regular atheists would jump the fence. We all know atheists that shove it down everyone's throats just like we all know religious people that shove it down people's throats. If Jesus shows up in Times Square tomorrow, and he's healing the sick and turning water into wine, sign me up right now. I'm all in. I'm not saying that's the proof I need, but there are demonstrations that could convince most atheists. Atheism is just the position of not being convinced in the existence of a higher power. There's no sort of doctrine within atheism at all. All we have in common really is a failure to be convinced. And we could be wrong.

I say all this and will add that I would really love to believe in something greater, and I'm open to it. I just haven't seen enough to convince me. I used to be a believer and I'm not anymore, Maybe one day I will be again.