It's hard at times to look back and see where something stood in its own time frame. A lot of the match types, gimmicks, long term character booking and feuds, as well as wrestling styles that ECW brought to TV weren't easily found back then. While WWE was showing you TL Hopper and the New Midnight Express with Billy Gunn and Bob Holly, ECW was giving you three way dances and angles that weren't so kiddie. And while WCW had a tremendous roster, they were mostly held back onto the midcard in favor of superstars of yesterday. None of them got the ball or given much importance, so you had to watch the shows being bogarted by Hogan and the NWO. So they weren't doing what ECW was doing, and that was highlighting talent and diverse wrestlers in a fair light. Guys got more shine in ECW so they could get signed onto the bigger shows and held back, lol.
Heyman made a lot out of very little, and no matter what anybody says his style rubbed off on every other american promotion out there at the time. Maybe it wasn't all good, but they were a force. I give them props and can view them in context.
Looking back at it now, it's not as ground breaking or different as it once was, but I think that alone says a lot.