I kinda want to see a black man play Joker now, the closest we had was Eric Andre on that episode of Man Seeks Woman
Simon Pheonix in Demolition man.
I kinda want to see a black man play Joker now, the closest we had was Eric Andre on that episode of Man Seeks Woman
Here’s what I think:The joker's existence is a major stain on Bruce Wayne's legacy. How you so serious and getting stalked by a clown? If black people were in Gotham he'd never hear the end of it. "Oh you got smoke for me but not the clown?" "You wanna get rough with me but this green haired circus act"
Lowkey Joker only alive cuz his face is painted whiteIf he had black face paint on Batman would have ended this a long time ago. I'm just saying.
Why isn't he a slouch in a fight? Black Widow and Hawkeye are at least trained assassins. What is this guy's training? Seems he's a bad ass just cause.Joker is kinda up there with Batman and Luthor as far as dudes with no powers that bang with Superheroes.
He's super crafty and he's no slouch in an actual fight. He plays with knives guns and acid and whatever it takes.
I think he'd be about the same against any comic heroes. If Black Widow and Hawkeye can run with the Avengers then Joker could hang.
Batman Who Laughs says you better HOPE Bruce upholds his ruleHere’s what I think:
Deep down Bruce Wayne is no different than the Joker, and both of them know it. He just hasn’t completely snapped yet. Thats why they can’t kill each other. And that’s why he clings so hard to that “no kill” policy while at the same time blowing people away with the Batmobile.
He could care less about Gotham, but he clings to being the Dark Knight it in a desperate attempt to prove he’s still righteous. The more he fights Gotham’s criminal activity the more unleashes the rise in mental illness in Gotham.
He always put people in Arkham cause that’s where he belongs.
Why isn't he a slouch in a fight? Black Widow and Hawkeye are at least trained assassins. What is this guy's training? Seems he's a bad ass just cause.
Here you go breh:I kinda want to see a black man play Joker now, the closest we had was Eric Andre on that episode of Man Seeks Woman
So no training just a natural bad ass. lolWhen him and Batman come face to face he doesn't just cower. He pulls out a switchblade and gets active.
Even in Dark Knight where he casually merks that one guy with the pencil.
Where did he learn to fight? Maybe Ras showed him some stuff?
But Joker is a hands on mass murderer and serial killer.
So no training just a natural bad ass. lol
What about Harley Quinn, she can fight because she knows Joker? lol
I understand his appeal but you got to admit it is mostly about style which is fine. But it definitely defies logic.
Harley was a gymnast in college. She a natural athlete. Sometimes she practiced martial arts but that came later,
He wouldnt make it past the shields. T'challa aint a hoe ass nikka like Bruce is. Okoye would literally put a vibranium spear through his ass