Stop playing generic open world AAA games with LGBTQ bulletproof super heroes that kill black/brown people in games, plus yearly sports games all the time. 

The art and enjoyment has taken a back seat to the safe business side. Most games, especially big ones, are made to appeal to as many groups as possible, and offend as few ppl as possible. And I can lowkey understand it: look at how pissy the babies got over something like Last Of Us 2 subverting expectations. Mf’s didn’t even let the game release before it was trash. Indies really carrying ideas rn
What was so innovative about the UE5 demo?
Uncharted 4 was dope but I didn’t give a fukk about Witcher 3 or bloodborne to be honest.We're lowkey in another golden age of gaming if you ask me. Just because the generation is taking long to start doesn't mean we haven't gotten great games these last couple years.
I remember last gen was slow until Witcher 3 / UC4 / Bloodborne.
Returnal so far is game of the gen… freaking Forspoken dropping to 900p in the demo on the ps5![]()
Stop playing generic open world AAA games with LGBTQ bulletproof super heroes that kill black/brown people in games, plus yearly sports games all the time.![]()
Exactly there’s less risk in the industry unless they are indie. Naughty dog usually introduces a net IP every generation. It’s been coasting off of uncharted and last of us. Which were both dropped back on the ps3. I hear they are doing a metal gear solid remake and I hope it’s a remake of the Nintendo versions and not shadow mosses for ps1.Back in the 360 era, it was E3 time and they were hyping new consoles and I asked, what were we getting? My friend on Live said, "aren't you ready for new hardware?" And I was like, WTF does that mean? Prettier graphics? And he said, new consoles. Any question I had was just met with, "it'll be new" and I just let it drop.
But I always ask, aside from graphics, what do you get when you get a new gen these days. From Genesis to 64 to Xbox, I see the upgrades, the power, the control, connectivity, NEW ideas, etc. But after 360 and beyond, it's always graphics, graphics, graphix, GrAfFiXs! That's all people talk about, "look at those colors!" "wow, the water looks ace!" "Ray tracing!" "If this game is less than 60 frames then it's for faggits!"
Now I love the quick load times on PS5 and I like the frames and how smooth it looks. But what else have we gotten other than...superficial upgrades? We've had online for decades, rumble features for decades, water and light physics for decades, amazing sound for decades. Now all we seem to get is one dimensional sameness across multiple genres trying to get the same casual dollar by slowing dripping out a safe and similar experience. How many times have you read someone call Game X "an UbiSoft open world game, BUT BETTER!" or "done right!" ? Hell, people are STILL complaining that we still don't have a new GTA or a new "GTA". (think about it)
Maybe my old man yelling at the clouds is showing here but, I remember when we had droves of games coming out and people were playing them and having fun above all. Now that people have trapped themselves in the graphics box, games take way longer to make and are way more expensive on all fronts. Now we have less games and viable genres.
All in all, I think gaming peaked a while ago. Things are more stagnant than ever before. The "next big thing" is ALWAYS just around the corner in quarter 4, but it may get delayed. And then when it does come, it's been HEAVILY downgraded.
I miss fun...endless fun was nice