Let's be honest....who actually thinks they are going to heaven?


Jun 8, 2012
Thats sounds good but all that still doesn't take up the other 15345346363535783758937549346 years plus a whole lot more.
sure it does. scientist are still finding out things..are they not? how long before we know it all? FOREVER. that right there takes up all the time.


Postin’ & Toastin’ Since 02’
Apr 30, 2012
If You Really Think About It, The Concept Of Heaven And Hell Is So Funny

Whats The Sense In Dying If You're Alive In Heaven And Hell? If You're Dead You Should Be DEAD, Mind, Body, And Soul Completely DEAD

fukk You Supposed To Do In Heaven And Hell?

Are You Just Some Spirit Floating Around? Or Are You Actually In Your Human Form? If You're In Your Human Form WTF Are You Doing All Day In Heaven? Praising God? 24-7? 365? That Dont Sound Like Heaven, That Sounds Like Work

And About Hell..

You Mean To Tell Me If I Live A Good Live And Treat People Great And Die An Extraordinary Human Being Im Gonna Be Sent To The Same Place As Hitler And Child Molesters If I Dont Live My Life Dedicated To God?

That Sounds Real Unfair


May 4, 2012
everything an atheist believes in is based off of man. and man aint shyt to me. so i believe in a higher power, just not no shyt in a rulebook

Everything an atheist believes in can be proven to exist though.


Jun 8, 2012
If You Really Think About It, The Concept Of Heaven And Hell Is So Funny

Whats The Sense In Dying If You're Alive In Heaven And Hell? If You're Dead You Should Be DEAD, Mind, Body, And Soul Completely DEAD

fukk You Supposed To Do In Heaven And Hell?

Are You Just Some Spirit Floating Around? Or Are You Actually In Your Human Form? If You're In Your Human Form WTF Are You Doing All Day In Heaven? Praising God? 24-7? 365? That Dont Sound Like Heaven, That Sounds Like Work

And About Hell..

You Mean To Tell Me If I Live A Good Live And Treat People Great And Die An Extraordinary Human Being Im Gonna Be Sent To The Same Place As Hitler And Child Molesters If I Dont Live My Life Dedicated To God?

That Sounds Real Unfair
read above. i explained this already.

as to your last point. you DO NOT understand the CONCEPT OF SIN.

all SIN is =death. death=separation for God.

not just physical death on earth. spiritual death = not just hell. but the seperation of you from GOD forever.

that means if you're hilter, or you just told what we call " a little white lie" SIN is SIN. its not for you to understand per se. because we try to put weights on certain sins. not understanding the ramifications of each sin and why they all equal death. which is why we need a saviour to cover us from that death.

i'll give you a little example.

you have a 2 year old son. that tells little white lies. the older he becomes. he starts to tell bigger lies that are about more important stuff. so forth and so on. next thing you know. he's lying and cheating in the classroom. next thing you know. he's lying and cheating to get ahead in life. next thing you know he slanging dope, while lying to the cops. it all started with a little white lie that you as his father wrote off as nothing. and now look what it grew into it.

sin is like an alien coc00n inside of us. if you dont repent and get rid of it Every day of your life all the time. it will fester, and grow and grow and grow and grow. until he destroys you and hurts everyone around you.

how do you Think hitler turned into hitler? he was a child once. probably was someones good friend growing up. probably could've been a nice kid.

do you think he sat out to be the murderer he became? probably not.

but he did become that. how does that happen from an innocent child to a mass murderer? SIN, it festered and grew up to this.

so yes. YOu being a better person so you say then hitler. if you dont except jesus has your lord and savior. you too could be in hell with a lot of people that you would think are worse off then you. not realizing you are just as bad as them. the problem is people think to highly of themselves. therefore you dont understand how bad you and i really are. which then makes it less likely you will understand that you need help. then which makes it less likely that you will release the only being that can help you is Christ.

it takes step to come to that conclusion. you're not there yet because you dont think you're that bad of a person. you have to come to a conclusion where you admit how bad you really are. its called humbling yourself. THEN and only then will you understand the concept of Christ and salvation.


Jun 8, 2012
Everything an atheist believes in can be proven to exist though.

says who? another man?

you say 2+2= 4.

i said who says so? you run down a list of men. i tell you i think its 3.999. and i run down a list of people. why are you more right then me? just cause your guys say they know math? so what. who's to say they are not wrong?

you and i have faith in everything we have been told all the way up to your actual name. your parent(s)/guardian told you what your name was. for all we know we dont even belong to the parents we think we have/had. for all we know we could all be adopted and have other true birthnames. yet and still we BELIEVE(have faith) that we were TOLD the truth.

sound familiar?


May 1, 2012
Christians say heaven is just gettin ya praise on 24/7. Muslims say there are a bunch of virgins waiting for you to pop dat churreh. So which is it?



Postin’ & Toastin’ Since 02’
Apr 30, 2012
read above. i explained this already.

as to your last point. you DO NOT understand the CONCEPT OF SIN.

all SIN is =death. death=separation for God.

not just physical death on earth. spiritual death = not just hell. but the seperation of you from GOD forever.

that means if you're hilter, or you just told what we call " a little white lie" SIN is SIN. its not for you to understand per se. because we try to put weights on certain sins. not understanding the ramifications of each sin and why they all equal death. which is why we need a saviour to cover us from that death.

i'll give you a little example.

you have a 2 year old son. that tells little white lies. the older he becomes. he starts to tell bigger lies that are about more important stuff. so forth and so on. next thing you know. he's lying and cheating in the classroom. next thing you know. he's lying and cheating to get ahead in life. next thing you know he slanging dope, while lying to the cops. it all started with a little white lie that you as his father wrote off as nothing. and now look what it grew into it.

sin is like an alien coc00n inside of us. if you dont repent and get rid of it Every day of your life all the time. it will fester, and grow and grow and grow and grow. until he destroys you and hurts everyone around you.

how do you Think hitler turned into hitler? he was a child once. probably was someones good friend growing up. probably could've been a nice kid.

do you think he sat out to be the murderer he became? probably not.

but he did become that. how does that happen from an innocent child to a mass murderer? SIN, it festered and grew up to this.

so yes. YOu being a better person so you say then hitler. if you dont except jesus has your lord and savior. you too could be in hell with a lot of people that you would think are worse off then you. not realizing you are just as bad as them. the problem is people think to highly of themselves. therefore you dont understand how bad you and i really are. which then makes it less likely you will understand that you need help. then which makes it less likely that you will release the only being that can help you is Christ.

it takes step to come to that conclusion. you're not there yet because you dont think you're that bad of a person. you have to come to a conclusion where you admit how bad you really are. its called humbling yourself. THEN and only then will you understand the concept of Christ and salvation.

So To Sum Up What You Just Said, Im Right

If I Live A God Life But Dont "Accept Jesus" Then Im Going To Hell With Hitler


May 4, 2012
says who? another man?

you say 2+2= 4.

i said who says so? you run down a list of men. i tell you i think its 3.999. and i run down a list of people. why are you more right then me? just cause your guys say they know math? so what. who's to say they are not wrong?

you and i have faith in everything we have been told all the way up to your actual name. your parent(s)/guardian told you what your name was. for all we know we dont even belong to the parents we think we have/had. for all we know we could all be adopted and have other true birthnames. yet and still we BELIEVE(have faith) that we were TOLD the truth.

sound familiar?

You're reaching.

I would believe a person who took care of me for 18 years was my parent before I believe some nikka telling me listen and believe in this sky wizard or you're gonna be tortured for the rest of eternity when you die :rudy:


Postin’ & Toastin’ Since 02’
Apr 30, 2012
says who? another man?

you say 2+2= 4.

i said who says so? you run down a list of men. i tell you i think its 3.999. and i run down a list of people. why are you more right then me? just cause your guys say they know math? so what. who's to say they are not wrong?

you and i have faith in everything we have been told all the way up to your actual name. your parent(s)/guardian told you what your name was. for all we know we dont even belong to the parents we think we have/had. for all we know we could all be adopted and have other true birthnames. yet and still we BELIEVE(have faith) that we were TOLD the truth.

sound familiar?

Faith Doesnt = Truth, You Could Be Living A Lie.

What If You Live Your Life A Good Christian Man And When You Die You Find Out The Religion You Followed Was The Wrong One And You Going To Burn For All Eternity?

DreadHead P

lettin em hang and swang
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
Deep in the south kickin uptop game
just because people you want to see are in hell. thats not why you should want to be there. wow. time for people to grow up and their own man/woman.

if your friends are all about to jump off the roof of a 30 story building. since thats where they all want to be and want to be doing. you would obviously follow them to their death. because you want to be where ever they are doing the same dumb... that they are doing? just be around them. think about that for a moment. how ridiculous is that thought process?

i love moms, pops, brothers, sister, wife, etc to DEATH. but if these idiots decide to go to hell. shame on them. cause i wont be there. get like me is what i say.
1) it was a joke, I even wrote It in a joking manner, but there are people in these world that believe comic books are true so i guess its my fault for not making it clear

2) I'm agnostic, I don't believe in heaven or hell enough to seriously be concerned about which one I wanna go to, hence the joke post...
3) who said anything about me wanting to be somewhere just because my friends are there? When I said "all the people I wanna see are there" I was speaking of people like my brother, my grandfather, my niece, people whom I would gladly walk thru a lake of fire (hell according to the bible) for another chance to see them, so that whole analogy about my friends jumping off roofs is completely irrelevant


H-Town it's NOT our year
May 20, 2012
it will reach them and has reached those that have died before them. everyone gets a chance.

and it doesnt have to be the bible itself that reaches them.

and to say "there are tribes in the amazon" you cant say that anymore. because a huge percentage of those hidden tribes have been infiltrated already. sure they may stay out there. but they have received things from outsiders(the bible /word about Christ, etc)

thats an old saying"there tribes in amazon..."

Breh you seriously don't believe that. If by small chance, someone on the outside does find them, how are they going to be able to communicate with them? Just give them a bible and they are supposed to read English? They live their whole life believing something and an outsider shows up and tells them they are wrong. And they are supposed to take the word of the outsider who they don't even know? How is that given them a fair chance?


Jun 8, 2012
Christians say heaven is just gettin ya praise on 24/7. Muslims say there are a bunch of virgins waiting for you to pop dat churreh. So which is it?


christians when they say that probably need to go into detail on what "getting your praise on IS?

its not just singing hyms and songs. its not just bowing down.

there are creatures in heaven that actually do praise him 24/7. but check this out. if you go back to genesis. was adam and eve constantly on their knees praising him? no. where they constantly singing hyms? no. they were living life to its fullest pre apple of course.

remember we were designed to be here on earth. just not a broken earth filled with sin. that was the fault of our ancestors adam and eve. so if we were going to be here anyway. what makes people think we would've just sat around singing jesus loves and do nothing else? sure you could choose to do that and hey for all i know he would love that too. but i dont have any evidence that suggests thats all we would be doing.

aks yourself this question. was makes God happy? the answer = multiple answers.

dont you think when God created kobe. he loves to see him play basketball at his peak performance? whether thats practice or in a big game? of course he would. he designed him.

when jigga spits a hot 16. God loves his delivery, but not his content if his content is in line with God's way of thinking. he made jigga.

YOu just being you to perfection. would be great to GOD. in addition to praise and worship and all of that.

the part of about praising and worshipping being boring. you dont realize how EUPHORIC you will be/feel once you get there.

imagine the happiest moment in your life. now pause it. what if i told you. it will feel like that times a million ALLLLLLL THE TIME. you would praise ye to GOD too all day everyday without stopping. cause you would be so happy you're there you wouldnt know what to do with yourself.

there's scripture that says when he comes back EVERYONE being will bow. thats not out of him forcing you. its because we will all witness it. we all realize "OH MY GOD. HE"S REALLLLY REAL" the OH MY moment will be insane. to the point where you will fall on your knees in reverence. some of you will be saying "but i didnt know, i didnt know" even though you did but refused to believe.

when you see a glimpse of perfection. you have to imagine if God is perfection 100% thru and thru. how crazy will that be to see it front and center. we have never experienced that face to face before. you know how you felt when you saw kobe score 81(assuming you aint a hater). you felt like "wow this dude is the perfect perimeter scorer". he showed you a glimpse of perfection. IF you ever had a chance to see Mjacks in concert. you KNEW, "this dude is perfection when it comes to pop music and a show"

when you first heard your favorite rap song. just the way the dude spit his bars. you were like WOW. now thats perfection.

imagine seeing every angle of perfection there could be. in front of your face all at once. imagine smelling perfection, seeing it, tasting it, feeling it, knowing it.

thats enough to make you again BOW DOWN in reverence.


Jun 8, 2012
Breh you seriously don't believe that. If by small chance, someone on the outside does find them, how are they going to be able to communicate with them? Just give them a bible and they are supposed to read English? They live their whole life believing something and an outsider shows up and tells them they are wrong. And they are supposed to take the word of the outsider who they don't even know? How is that given them a fair chance?

you ask , and i'll tell you.

all humans can communicate with one another without words. we can slowly learn each others languages by sign language. i know this for a fact and so do you.

if you see a japanese dude fresh off the plane about to walk across the street when the light as red and a truck is coming thru the intersection. i think you will say "AY STOP!" while also. putting your arm up in front of him." from that point on. he will know the sound "AY...STOP!" + the arm in front means in english. to STOP. or whatever STOP is, in his language. thats how we communicate. this is how when these tribes are infiltrated, the outsiders communicate with them. they wont give them an english bible. they will translate the bible into their language. there is always atleast one SUPER smart villager. just like there's also a super smart person in a city or in the burbs. just because you dont have a formal education. doesnt mean you dont learn quickly. IQ is not based on what formal educational stuff you know. its based on how QUICKLY you can comprehend things. So you take the smart one and teach him/her how to translate the two languages. and you create a bible in their language. its been done before. this aint new news or rocket science. you dont believe me? read the bible. the jews once Jesus told them to give it to the gentiles (non jews). it was taken to ETHIOPIA and other places. those people didnt speak the same languages. but they had it translated.

those people already start out with a little knowledge that there is something greater then self out there. they know they dont make it rain on their own. they know they cant turn the sun on and off on its own. they know they dont have a ton of control over child birth.

this is why they have Sun Gods, Rain Gods, Fertility God. when they are seperating God into these different one off gods. they dont know that they are talking about the same guy. and truth is. who's to say that some of these tribes dont already get that concept? they may. we dont know if some of their ancestors have left the bush to bump into someone with the knowledge of christ in the past. then brought it back home and taught lessons for years. we dont know.

go to this website Biblos.com: Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages

now look up at the top. do you see all those flags? those are different countries/languages. click on a few and watch what happens to the website. this a bible website.

its been done before. translations and what. so the same could be done for a tribe in the bush somewhere.

now i didnt read thru this site. so it could be bogus. or some kind of cult. but this is just an example of how it could and already has been done.


this is there goal: Reaching unreached Indian Tribes with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Amazon Jungles of South America