Let's be honest....who actually thinks they are going to heaven?


Jun 8, 2012
Faith Doesnt = Truth, You Could Be Living A Lie.

What If You Live Your Life A Good Christian Man And When You Die You Find Out The Religion You Followed Was The Wrong One And You Going To Burn For All Eternity?

wouldnt happen like that.
and here's why. for what you're saying to have any validity we both are assuming religions is real. GOD is real. therefore lets just say for arguments sake islam is the right path right. but i'm a christian. i still wouldnt go to hell per their book. guess why? they believe Jesus was a prophet also.

say if it Buddhism, same rule applies, so forth and so on. a lot of these other religions speak about this Jesus guy. so a true christian is safe.
the problem is this. if your faith is in some other religion that doesnt consider Jesus to be God's son, died for all of mankinds sins and rose again to conquer death. or your faith is in the idea that there is no God, etc. YOU would be in serious trouble come time to meet your maker.

basically i'm saying. real belief in christ, no matter if you call it christianity or not. is the best and only insurance to have that you can count on no matter what the outcome may actually be when its all said and done.

sure we could find out there is nothing to this thing at all. we die and thats that. so i lived a large part of my life trying to do things that were correct. where in the end would still help mankind more then hurt it. (i dont do jihad). and i find out it was not true. so what? why would i care when i'm dead and gone never to return. thats it.


Jun 8, 2012
Your missing the entire point, where did you get your perceptions of heaven and hell from? Did someone who's been there tell you? No, you got it from an outdated book thats full of contradictions and blatant non sense. what's so great about the heaven you envision? your idea of heaven is sitting next to a dude who'm the world has been brain washed to believe looks like brad pitt in Sparta, thats not my Idea of heaven, I get my perception of heaven from real life, being with the people I love is heaven to me, being with out them is hell. I would much rather see my brother than Jesus because the idea of spending eternity with out him is scarier than the idea of eternal fire, and I'm already living the former, so why should I fear the latter? It's cool if your a bible thumped, do your thing, you just can't expect everyone else to have the same respect for it, so when you making your points you have to use something other than references from a book that only you respect.
the points i used from that book work in the real world TODAY. i quoted some scripts earlier in this thread. that spoke directly to TODAY. so no matter how "outdated" the book might be. the TRUTHS of the book still stand til this day.
and i like how people always say it has a bunch of contradictions in it. when in reality the people who say that. DONT know the bible that well at all. and can only pull up something some atheist told them or they read somewhere, or heard on youtube. the reality is 90% of the people that say that. have yet to look for themselves. i dont care if you "use to be a believer" or not. there are tons of people that never understood the book within context to that time period then to bring up to date into this era. when you read it all within context there is no contradictions. but again you wont understand that unless you truly know how to read the bible.

for example. you could post in here. 2 = 20. and i may be like. what? this idiot doesnt know his math. but what you were talking about has to be put into context of what you were referring to. since there is a slang term "DIME" as in 10 cents as in "she's a dime" if i realize you are talking amongst friends about 2 women you've seen recently together. then i would get it. i would then understand you meant two DIMES. 2 x 10=20. but if i read that out of context "what, this idiot doesnt know his math."

thats exactly how people read the bible who like to swear it contradicts itself or is only geared to the past and not the present or the future.

now the entire bible is not written in a way where you have to totally understand context. which is why some things are self explanatory while others are not(the non self explanatory things is what you and i are supposed to find context first before we start coming to a conclusion about what this book is talking about). but that would take up to much time and effort from someone or people who dont desire to be a part of a belief system they dont agree with at the moment. or dislike.

Ghost of $oCal

sit your dumbazz down
May 1, 2012
$oKhalifas/Money Gang
As long as I stay believing in Jesus and doing my best to live a righteous lifestyle, I'll be there.

That's cute.
