Even through DBZ's bull**** it's a top 5 goat on impact alone. I personally prefer Dragonball through the Frieza saga but that's me.
Dragonball was an adventure show just about a kid who loved to fight traveling the world to find those mystique artifacts. It had comedy, adult humor, and a fun /dark atmosphere.
Saiyan Saga through Frieza saga was the absolute peak. Far as an action standpoint it couldn't be f***ed with. That feeling you get from watching Goku and Piccolo join up for the first time....
Galick Gun vs Kamehameha
Then you hit Vegeta's goat run on Namek, and learn that he who was damn near a god on Earth has numerous dudes stronger than him in the federation. He bodied endless people, fighters and Namekians. When he came from the grave to murk Zarbon

. What made it better was he wasn't nowhere near the strongest. He relied on cunning and opportunity then made strategic moves. It was a wild goose chase, when he snuck out and scattered the dragon balls that were assembled
That ocean dub Goatgeta voice