''Lets be clear gay rights is the unfinished business of black people being free''


Jun 9, 2012
Every religion? So you know about every religion in the world and said religions views on homosexuality. :wow: List them and proof of these views. :stop:

I said pretty much every religion, now you just being silly asking me to list every religion and their views. You know full well that all the major religions do not endorse homosexuality.

No part of nature builds toilets to shyt in besides us, does that mean we should go back to shytting whenever/where we feel like?

There are numerous benefits to not shytting wherever you want, name one that comes from accepting homosexuality.

Clothes aren't a part of nature, cars aren't a part of nature, etc. When did what does nature start to matter to anyone in the idea of human progression?

What on earth does homosexuality have to do with progression?

Actually homosexuality was very rampant in ancient societies and generally widely accepted. You could bring up the fact that these societies also had high rates of marriage, but marriage does not necessarily equate pure heterosexuality.

I can't actually argue with that other than throw in the same thing I say about nature, it was not common for someone to be exclusively homosexual but often people partook in homosexual acts. Plus I'm pretty sure this was not common in africa, so really actually strengthens my point that the gay movement and the black struggle are not related to each other.

As previously stated, I don't think gay rights are exactly like black rights,but the idea of logical parallels plays a big role in the comparison.

If we agree that idea of adults being able to consent to being with each other as a just idea for interracial couples, why does that idea suddenly become unjust?

I never said that.

We are the only landmark for that logical connection, so of it course it will be compared. The logic that adults can consent to relations and marriage will never go away. Interracial marriage is precedent for such. There are many people who still don't agree with interracial marriage. No one is saying that anyone has to agree to that, just to the idea that adults can legally consent to marrying each other.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza

I'm not a religious person, so I didn't bring religion into this. You did, so prove what you're talking about, prove that most religions are against homosexuality. If you can't, don't bring up something you aren't educated on because you just look foolish. Also prove that our government has a place for religion in it's law making (hint hint: it doesn't and if it did, 90% of us would be arrested for pre-marital sex).

No ones asking you to "accept homosexuality", as you just stated. I think that's what you're missing. Is the concept that adults can consent to be with each other an acceptable/a just idea that can be accepted?

Human progression = Humans will change as time goes on. Not necessarily for better or for worse, but as time progresses, things will change.

You just argued that a man with homosexual tendencies getting married to a woman is proper. Congrats on having the ideal that spreads HIV/AIDS. You also just admitted you don't know your history considering that homosexuality amongst African "deities" was a widely accepted idea.

So all in all, you're just being petty since you agree that the idea of adults consenting to relations is just, therefore meaning you have no problem with the concept of gay marriage. Wtf. You nikkas are retards. :laugh:


Jun 9, 2012
I'm not a religious person, so I didn't bring religion into this. You did, so prove what you're talking about, prove that most religions are against homosexuality. If you can't, don't bring up something you aren't educated on because you just look foolish. Also prove that our government has a place for religion in it's law making (hint hint: it doesn't and if it did, 90% of us would be arrested for pre-marital sex).

No ones asking you to "accept homosexuality", as you just stated. I think that's what you're missing. Is the concept that adults can consent to be with each other an acceptable/a just idea that can be accepted?

Human progression = Humans will change as time goes on. Not necessarily for better or for worse, but as time progresses, things will change.

You just argued that a man with homosexual tendencies getting married to a woman is proper. Congrats on having the ideal that spreads HIV/AIDS. You also just admitted you don't know your history considering that homosexuality amongst African "deities" was a widely accepted idea.

So all in all, you're just being petty since you agree that the idea of adults consenting to relations is just, therefore meaning you have no problem with the concept of gay marriage. Wtf. You nikkas are retards. :laugh:
I'm done with you. You try to take my words out of context and make me argue points that I haven't made. I never said it's proper for man to fukk man and marry woman, that's nasty.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I'm done with you. You try to take my words out of context and make me argue points that I haven't made. I never said it's proper for man to fukk man and marry woman, that's nasty.

You're the one who justified part time homosexuals/heteros in humans with nature. Just reading what you type breh breh.

Anyway, we both agreed that adults have the right to consent to relations/marriage and therefore both agree with gay marriage. Why you had to go about stating it in such a roundabout way? IDK. Don't waste people's time next go around friend. :shake:


Jun 9, 2012
You're the one who justified part time homosexuals/heteros in humans with nature. Just reading what you type breh breh.

Anyway, we both agreed that adults have the right to consent to relations/marriage and therefore both agree with gay marriage. Why you had to go about stating it in such a roundabout way? IDK. Don't waste people's time next go around friend. :shake:
I never justified nothing, only explained - big difference. I didn't stop because I accept your arguments, I stopped because I realised you never will and have no problem taking peoples words out of context.


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
What are these rights they don't have?
Only one i can think of is, depending on the state you reside, marriage and the ability to pass their benefits to them.

What rights don't black people have? Back track to the the last time there were laws on the books that legally disallowed somebody to do something they wanted to do in this country because they were black...

What was the last one? Interracial marriage? All you nikkas on here "pawging" should be able to appreciate that one, which wasn't fully legal until 67. And that even being illegal at the time was just an implication of a much larger lingering issue, even generations removed from that time-line. 50 years after the actual laws have been overturned and SOCIAL equality/perception is still an issue.

The "only one" right that you can think of that LGBT people don't have is wrong enough own it's own, but as with other ridiculous laws in US history, points to a larger issue and perception of who the law is about.

And if you're going to quote me, lets not exclude the part where I say

You mean the part where you stated that you don't personally care or pass judgment? I didn't quote it because that part was irrelevant, this isn't about you or your personal opinions, as I stated in my reply. And that's not me coming at your head for your views.

It's people that still care about the fact that you (assume you're black) can marry a white woman if you wish...their personal opinion can stay in their personal space, because that law came off the books. This one hasn't yet. And even when it does it doesn't mean there won't be lingering effects.