''Lets be clear gay rights is the unfinished business of black people being free''


Dreams Are Colder Than Death...
Apr 30, 2012
What are these rights they don't have? Only one i can think of is, depending on the state you reside, marriage and the ability to pass their benefits to them. And if you're going to quote me, lets not exclude the part where I say

so to be "pro-black" you have to accept someones way of life that you may disagree with? Me personally, don't care what they choose to do because it's their life and I'm not in any position to pass any sort of judgement. "


All Star
May 2, 2012

I guess we have to wait around for a comparable amount of atrocity before we "do the right thing"

The bottom line is this is a human rights issue, not a moral dilemma, or a soapbox for an individuals personal opinions on what people do or don't do with their lives.

To me, if you claim to be "pro-black" you shouldn't be able to section off which black people you are going to go to bat for, especially considering how you are well aware that LGBT people of color are going to be catching hell from all angles, even from their own.

Then you wanna persecute people for being on "the down low" but don't want to fight for them to have to be safe, physically,mentally/emotionally/financially/spiritually to do be out in the open, it's childish. If you can exclude a whole section of black folk from your protection and advocacy based on whether or not you are accepting of who they have sex with you aren't as pro-black as you say you are.

It's not about what you prefer people to be doing with their genitalia, it's about the fact that it's laws on the books that disallow human beings the right to live how they want to live in a "free" country. The only reason why social acceptance is being advocated is because it has a heavy influence on the legislature and the overall scope of the issue.

should tranny's have the right to be in Miss America pageants Mr. Gay rights? Should there be transgender/transexual/transvestite affirmative action? if so, you should help lead the cause
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
good grief :snoop: This shyt really irks me when their agenda is linked to black plight. There is NO equivalency whatsoever. I don't see gays only water fountains/bathrooms, literacy test for them to vote, dogs unleashed on them, etc. There are parallels and those are minor as fukk in the grand scheme of things. FOH w/ this. Why would they want to equate this with black rights when our rights are constantly attacked.

EXACTLY what I came in here to say..

You find me the RACE of homosexuals who were taken from their homeland and used as Slaves and then we'll link the two plights, until then get the ENTIRE fukk out of here....


Jun 9, 2012
This some old bullshyt, a gay chooses to go against religion, nature and society. A black person is born black which is one of the basic human phenotypes. How are these two groups comparible at all?


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
brehs cosigning this are straight up crazy

we still don't have our rights yet we suppose to help Gays get married? Marriage isn't even what they really want...they want acceptance & that is not something you can legislate


May 30, 2013
good grief :snoop: This shyt really irks me when their agenda is linked to black plight. There is NO equivalency whatsoever. I don't see gays only water fountains/bathrooms, literacy test for them to vote, dogs unleashed on them, etc. There are parallels and those are minor as fukk in the grand scheme of things. FOH w/ this. Why would they want to equate this with black rights when our rights are constantly attacked.

Amen, fukk outta here with trying to equate that shyt with being black. Last I checked I can't hide my color, I can't choose to manipulate how people see me, and I will be black from birth to death. This shyt really boils my blood when they bring up MLK and Rosa Parks when talking about this stuff.:shaq2:

Grand Cru Boo

May 8, 2012
New Yawk New Yawk
Just another way for propaganda to downplay the 400 some years of oppression blacks have been through in this nation.

I know Malcolm is rolling in his grave with this one.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
This some old bullshyt, a gay chooses to go against religion, nature and society. A black person is born black which is one of the basic human phenotypes. How are these two groups comparible at all?

- So everyone in the U.S. has the same religion and the government operates on such religion?
- So homosexuality doesn't exist in nature? And don't use the "can't have babies excuse" because if that had an ounce of validity, why allow women who can't get pregnant to marry as well?
- Society also thinks that smoking weed is bad, but liquor and cigarettes are cool. Society also thinks of black men as criminals. Does that make it right?

I could see if y'all actually had good, logical, reasoning. But most of what y'all bring up is stupidity cloaking pure hate.

I don't like comparing black civil rights to gay civil rights either, but black people against gay rights are your typical case of "the oppressed just want to be the oppressor".

If it has nothing to do with you, why care so much?


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
i wonder why homosexuals never refer to their struggle as the homosexual holocaust... oh yeah, because jews would tear them a new one. everything black is always trivialized and used at it's convenience. It's funny how 'gay rights' is 'unfinished black business' as if homosexuals were side by side with blacks for blacks to get their rights. More like they are taking the black struggle and using it conveniently to their own advantage while minimalizing what actually happened to blacks in this nation's past... or am I missing the period in our history where huge groups of homosexuals were forced to work sun up to sun down against their will and if they tried to escape, they got their backs whipped bloody or got their foot cut off.

what grand right are they missing? To get married? gays may get a little teasing, but for the most part, people leave them alone. To say their struggle is anywhere near blacks and is actually a part of our struggle is ridiculous. You mean these same gays are 'part of our struggle'?

Anti-Prop. 8 Activists Aim Racial Slurs at California African-Americans - Both Homosexual and Straig

SACRAMENTO, California, November 12, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Amid the rampant homosexualist protests in California, following the victory of Proposition 8, reports are pouring into homosexual blogs of same-sex "marriage" supporters directing their bile against the African-American community, aiming racist and threatening remarks even against blacks who are themselves homosexual.

Exit polls showed that African-Americans supported Proposition 8, the true marriage ballot measure, 70% to 30%.

One reader of Rod 2.0, a leading gay blog by an African-American, reported that when he joined the large homosexual protest outside Westwood’s Mormon Temple, protesters called him a "******" at least twice.

"It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercrombie polos and Birkenstocks," wrote the commenter.

"YOU ******, one man shouted at men (sic). If your people want to call me a fakkit, I will call you a ******. Someone else said same thing to me on the next block near the temple ... me and my friend were walking, he is also gay but Korean, and a young WeHo clone said after last night the ******s better not come to West Hollywood if they knew what was BEST for them."

Another African-American reader from Los Angeles reports that he and his boyfriend, also black, were harassed about their race despite their prominently carrying "No on 8" signs.

"Three older men accosted my friend and shouted, ‘Black people did this, I hope you people are happy!’" he relates.

When the man pointed out the sign he carried, "One of the older men said it didn’t matter because ‘most black people hated gays’ and he was ‘wrong’ to think we had compassion," he says. "I guess he never thought we were gay."

Jasmyne Cannick, another popular African-American homosexual blogger, said last week that within three days of Proposition 8’s victory she received several calls from homosexual and straight blacks who described being called “******s” and "being accosted in their cars and told that it was because of ‘you people gays don’t have equal rights and you better watch your back.’"

Homosexualist leaders have called upon their constituents to cease the racist attacks.

Kathryn Kolbert, President of the liberal People For the American Way Foundation, said that homosexuals should not blame blacks, saying that "responding to that hurt by lashing out at African Americans is deeply wrong and offensive — not to mention destructive to the goal of advancing equality."

Instead, she suggested that the cultural influence of religion is more to blame. She claims that religious leaders swayed the black community against same-sex "marriage," and convinced them to break away from the "civil rights" banner now hoisted by homosexuals.

In response, Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., told LifeSiteNews.com that "it is absolutely no secret that African Americans support the sanctity of life and marriage," adding that this fact is "something that America needs to know."

Blacks support the true definition of marriage rather than "equal rights" for homosexual unions, King said, because homosexual "marriage" is not a legitimate civil rights issue - contrary to some who say blacks have hypocritically abandoned the fight for equal protection under law.

"Certainly and obviously procreative marriage - between one man and woman - is God’s best plan for raising children," said King. "We as African Americans cannot possibly be missing the boat by understanding that the sanctity of marriage is the best way to be sure that the human race thrives."

Anti-marriage protesters have also attracted media attention for targeting individual supporters of Proposition 8.

Scott Eckern of the California Musical Theatre, a true marriage supporter, resigned from his position as artistic director when homosexual "marriage" advocates began attacking Eckern and boycotting the theater. Eckern had privately donated $1000 to the "Yes on 8" campaign.

Blogger Clyde Fitch launched one of many invectives against Eckern, calling him "an enemy of all that is good in America.

"You deserve not only to be fired, you should be viciously attacked using words and nothing but words by the men and women of the American theatre. And then you should go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under. Slime."

Upon his resignation, Eckern apologized for the "hurt feelings" his actions caused, but did not apologize for his commitment to true marriage.

The Bee also reports that Scott Purves, of Purves & Associates, a Davis insurance company, described someone picketing his business earlier this week with a sign reading, "Purves Family Supports Homophobia."

"If this had gone the other way, I can’t imagine the backlash if people protested and called the other side names," said Purves. "People would be angry and rightfully so."

See related LifeSiteNews.com articles:

Video Shows Gay ‘Marriage’ Backers Terrorizing Cross-Carrying Elderly Woman and Reporter

Same-Sex "Marriage" Supporters Furious at California Loss: Lawsuits Filed Challenging Proposition 8


Jun 9, 2012
- So everyone in the U.S. has the same religion and the government operates on such religion? No
- So homosexuality doesn't exist in nature? Exclusive homosexuality is very rare in nature
And don't use the "can't have babies excuse" because if that had an ounce of validity, why allow women who can't get pregnant to marry as well? I didn't say anything about can't have babies
- Society also thinks that smoking weed is bad, but liquor and cigarettes are cool. Society also thinks of black men as criminals. Does that make it right? No

I could see if y'all actually had good, logical, reasoning. But most of what y'all bring up is stupidity cloaking pure hate.

I don't like comparing black civil rights to gay civil rights either, but black people against gay rights are your typical case of "the oppressed just want to be the oppressor".

If it has nothing to do with you, why care so much? I don't care about what they are doing or getting but it has nothing to do with being the unfinished business of black people being free

Just to be clear I was saying pretty much every religion don't agree with homosexuality, exclusive homosexuality is less than 0.00001% of sexual relations in nature and pretty much every society in the world (regardless of geography or race) did not like homosexuality until it was forced upon us by the media.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Just to be clear I was saying pretty much every religion don't agree with homosexuality, exclusive homosexuality is less than 0.00001% of sexual relations in nature and pretty much every society in the world (regardless of geography or race) did not like homosexuality until it was forced upon us by the media.

Every religion? So you know about every religion in the world and said religions views on homosexuality. :wow: List them and proof of these views. :stop:

No part of nature builds toilets to shyt in besides us, does that mean we should go back to shytting whenever/where we feel like? Clothes aren't a part of nature, cars aren't a part of nature, etc. When did what does nature start to matter to anyone in the idea of human progression?

Actually homosexuality was very rampant in ancient societies and generally widely accepted. You could bring up the fact that these societies also had high rates of marriage, but marriage does not necessarily equate pure heterosexuality.

As previously stated, I don't think gay rights are exactly like black rights,but the idea of logical parallels plays a big role in the comparison.

If we agree that idea of adults being able to consent to being with each other as a just idea for interracial couples, why does that idea suddenly become unjust?

We are the only landmark for that logical connection, so of it course it will be compared. The logic that adults can consent to relations and marriage will never go away. Interracial marriage is precedent for such. There are many people who still don't agree with interracial marriage. No one is saying that anyone has to agree to that, just to the idea that adults can legally consent to marrying each other.