Who was he fighting after 90?So 85-95 with only 1 L To Buster Douglas is not a decade worth of dominance to you? Even with the Buster Douglas Loss, his mom had just died...he was on a mission...and the corner took that fight lightly. Spinks & Holmes (legend) were names, so they have to be counted, regardless of where they were in their careers. Because if that's the case, Floyd vs Oscar, Shane, Zab, Gotti were all shells of their former selves when they fought Floyd. I said nothing about popularity. All I said was that if they were "no ones" when he fought them, he made sure to dismantle them quickly instead of having a 5-7 round bout with a no one. His speed & power was practically unmatched.
DO I think he would've beat Lennox in prime? Nope...Lennox was too long and would in no way let Tyson as close as Tyson wanted to be to do serious damage. Evander in prime like it was supposed to happen, I've always been 50-50 with that. When they finally did fight, Mike was nowhere near as quick as he used to be, he would just stand and swing...but in the early rounds, every blow from Mike was sending Evander back a couple of feet. However, Evander had poise, plus those tactics.
He was arrested in 91 and in jail until 95, so to claim a period from 85 - 95 is one of the dumbest and openly dishonest claims I've ever seen.
Stop the bullshyt with Buster Douglass, Buster got KO'd because of a long count he got up and Mike faded and got knocked out, simple really, it isn't any more than that.
Spinks was a legend at Lt Heavy, he wasn't a legend at HW and on top of that I'd say he got some questionable decisions against Holmes. Who was faded at the time.
An ever older holmes than the faded one who got robbed against Spinks is what you are trying to hang your hat on? SMH. Stop man you are embarassing yourself.
You will get no argument from me that Floyd doesn't have a lot of wins vs ATGs on his resume, like another poster said, Floyd didn't lose though.
Tyson fought no ATGs in their prime and actually won, simple fact. Lennox beat him, Holyfield beat him twice, and if they would have fought in 91 like they were supposed to, it would have been the same result.