Let us discuss the facade of the WWE fans hatred for John Cena


Make It Hot-ta
May 14, 2012
I have known since Royal Rumble 2008 that the WWE fans "hatred" of Cena is a complete farse, it's the "cool" thing to do and it's adults trying to distance themselves from children.

But when you really think about it, I was there yesterday and before the show even started in the rampways the fans were chanting "Cena Sucks"

During the match it was "Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks".

The key here is the fans are never really rooting for the guy Cena is facing, they're so engrossed with the John Cena character that's all they can think about.

It's fairly obvious they don't hate Cena like they claim. That's why we all know if he turned they`d be goo goo over him.

its almost like a form of self hatred. id bet a dollar through a donut hole that during their youth, 90% of the too cool for school cener haters cheered for hogan and warrior who were basically cener on steriods (literally and figuratively) w/ less moves.

now, theyre high and mighty mad at lil kids tryna :popcorn:

:wtb: FOH


Early 2010's OG
Aug 23, 2012
My feelings about Cena goes like this:

I don't hate John Felix Anthony Cena the human being. I actually respect and admire the guy for the hard work he puts in, the dedication he has to this business, and how much class and dignity he treats himself and the company with outside the ropes. :salute:

I don't even think John Cena the wrestler is nowhere near as bad as some the extreme haters claim. He has proven that he has the capability to put on a classic. Sometimes though, he kinds of phones it and half-asses it, which makes frustrates me. When you see him put on the matches that he's had with Shawn, Orton, Edge, and Punk, it shows you that Cena can put on a great match whenever he can. :ehh:

That being said, I DESPISE his CHARACTER. He has been bland, stale, and annoying for YEARS, and he has gotten WORSE year after year. He also has a tendency to be a complete jock/hypocrite/bully/douchebag/a$$hole, despite WWE's attempts of shoving him down out throats as "The Ultimate Good Guy". :comeon: From slut-shaming Eve and AJ, to burying and shytting on Dolph Ziggler (figuratively AND literally), to even at one point calling Punk holding the WWE title as WORTHLESS. Really, John? You think it's worthless because YOUR ass isn't holding it. The reason why Punk's reign was "worthless" in your mind was because he rarely got any chances to close the show with him as Champion in the PPV most of the times. And guess who got those main event slots also? :TrollCena:

I could go on all day about this, but yeah, the TL;DR version of this as follows: I like Cena the person, give credit where credit is due to Cena the wrestler, but I LOATHE Cena the character.

Just my opinion. :yeshrug:
May 3, 2012
Maryland by way of DC
My feelings about Cena goes like this:

I don't hate John Felix Anthony Cena the human being. I actually respect and admire the guy for the hard work he puts in, the dedication he has to this business, and how much class and dignity he treats himself and the company with outside the ropes. :salute:

I don't even think John Cena the wrestler is nowhere near as bad as some the extreme haters claim. He has proven that he has the capability to put on a classic. Sometimes though, he kinds of phones it and half-asses it, which makes frustrates me. When you see him put on the matches that he's had with Shawn, Orton, Edge, and Punk, it shows you that Cena can put on a great match whenever he can. :ehh:

That being said, I DESPISE his CHARACTER. He has been bland, stale, and annoying for YEARS, and he has gotten WORSE year after year. He also has a tendency to be a complete jock/hypocrite/bully/douchebag/a$$hole, despite WWE's attempts of shoving him down out throats as "The Ultimate Good Guy". :comeon: From slut-shaming Eve and AJ, to burying and shytting on Dolph Ziggler (figuratively AND literally), to even at one point calling Punk holding the WWE title as WORTHLESS. Really, John? You think it's worthless because YOUR ass isn't holding it. The reason why Punk's reign was "worthless" in your mind was because he rarely got any chances to close the show with him as Champion in the PPV most of the times. And guess who got those main event slots also? :TrollCena:

I could go on all day about this, but yeah, the TL;DR version of this as follows: I like Cena the person, give credit where credit is due to Cena the wrestler, but I LOATHE Cena the character.

Just my opinion. :yeshrug:

And on that note, close the thread