These chicks still making vidsSo this is why he hasn't been aggressive,didn't want the hair piece to fall off? Stay out the paint so the paint + swept up barbershop hair stays on.
These chicks still making vidsSo this is why he hasn't been aggressive,didn't want the hair piece to fall off? Stay out the paint so the paint + swept up barbershop hair stays on.
No the hell it's notI don't know why he's so insecure about this, it's normal to be bald when you're 34
I actually got a hair transplant done last week, and after going through the process, it's super obvious to me why Lebron is not a good candidate. Same genetics that make you a good athlete screw you over if you're susceptible to balding. Plus you need to avoid sweating for a few weeks to let the new hair settle in, which an athlete on Lebron's level probably can't afford to do.
He has high testosterone and high conversion rate of that to dihydrotestosterone, which leads to androgenic alopecia.
I thought it was just me.Titty bounce is mesmerizing
Because other men didn't care about there men's looks back then, nikkaz is straight fakkits now
nobody gave a fukk george jefferson look like a damn croissant
nobody cared when barkley went ball
now men are judging other men's looks, shaming them for aging, which is a women thing, this is the society we live in now
Bron been getting roasted for his hairline for damn near two decades of course he gonna feel some type of way about it he basically grew up with the shyt
nobody been telling doctor phil he need to let it go when already bald hanging on to the little hair on the sides for no damn reason
only black men shame black men for being bald or having receiving hairlines, the shyt is fakkitry
now you opened the door to where skip bayless was getting on stephen A about his hairline, when before it was the farthest thing from his mind
black men got stop being childish and feminine in the public with how they speak on other black men, seriously
These "beauty" concerns unfortunately became inevitable when the rise of the majority of black males solely raised by women, took effect in the 90s up until now.
Such thoughts by Negro/Colored generation were unimaginable 50 plus years ago when the culture was more gender/sex-balanced and less matriarchal.
Think of the past possibility of MLK, DuBois or Garvey meeting a spec of scrutiny due to due to "hairline policing"?
You Acting Like Outside Of Some Jokes This Is Effecting Dudes Livelihood, It Ain’t That Serious Mang
His shyt is still fukked up. He has the hairline of someone that messes with a white woman. There’s no precision in that hairline at all.I knew Idris had to have work done because his shyt was lookinon Luther
nah it’s overactive oil glands(sebaceous glands)
I bet nobody can name or show me one picture of the Tariq Nasheed or Paul George types ever having any bad acne...and coincidently both have elite hairlines
I personally think if someone had bad acne when younger or still have the overactive oil glands that causes flare ups, they will also have extreme hair loss
I’ve seen old pics of Michael Jordan another hairline victim have bad acne when he was first in the league
someone posted a video in here where jay pharaoh said laser treatments helped his hairline the best. Coincidently...laser treatments known as Blue Light laser therapy are already confirmed to be the best current cure for acne right now
so I think there is a correlation