Not even just WWE 91-92....WRESTLING then was AMAZING to me...
My mother finally got us cable...I had just turned 10. She had them hook it up while I was at school. It was Thanksgiving week. My little ignorant country ass thought Survivor Series was gonna come on basic cable. Didn't realize we needed a cable box. I didn't get to see my THEN GOAT Hogan lose the belt to Undertaker with help from Ric fukkING Flair.
The 1st thing I saw when I turned that TV on, oddly enough, was GWF on ESPN. That's some real boyhood shyt right there. 24 hour sports and professional wrestling.
Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert, Wild Bill Irwin, The Patriot, Ebony Experience(we know who they'd become), Scott Putski, etc.
I was watching WCW Worldwide b/c it was synidicated on whatever podunk basic tv stations we had...but now I'm watching WCW Saturday Night, WCW Main Event(couldn't even go to sleep the night of Superbrawl II. I wanted Sting to win the belt so badly. The next night on Main Event, Schiavone said Sting won. I ran around the house screaming!!
Clash of the Champions were basically free pay per views. The CotC when Sting had to fight Vader, Rude, Jakethe Snake, etc. by himself b/c damn near everybody got taken out. Including Ron Simmons who got jumped after Harley Race called him the N word. They pinned Sting too. Just a straight sweep.
The HBK heel turn on Janetty was classic...but Dangerous Alliance LEGITIMATELY(I think)SMASHING Ricky Steamboat's nose on WCW Worldwide STILL fukks with me to this day.
Rick Rude getting in a fist fight w/ Sting @ the Superbrawl II afterparty and bloodying Sting's nose and Nikita Koloff(who had a steel chain match @ GAB '91 w/ Sting months earlier)coming to break it up was
Abdullah getting electrocuted @ HAlloween Havoc '91...and I THINK....Windham...getting his arm broken in a car door by Arn and Zbysko before that PayPerView.
I didn't mean to derail the WWF goodness but....American wrestling OVERALL in the early nineties was ALOT for a child to digest.