Late ’16 Sales Downturn Told Marvel ‘People Didn't Want Any More Diversity’


TSC's Ric Flair | Heel
Jun 8, 2012
Negativity (Kayfabe)
I think you're not being open-minded.
That's a narrow-minded way to look at it. I'm all for women being in positions over men and equal to men.

I'm not cool with the way Coates politics pervades through the storyline. I was excited to read a new Black Panther run and dude entire existence was dragged into the mud.

Everyone can be a god/king but T'Challa? I was open-minded enough to continue to buy BP regularly and even an issue of World of Wakanda than was two women on a date in New York City.
Why even mention some of the character's sexuality? That's not relevant unless you're a homophobe mad at 2 gay characters.

You're playing the liberal mind game of picking out at the usage of words. I made meation of the lesbian D.M., because, there was no exploration into the lives of the heterosexual D.M. There's a handful of ways to look at that, but, you choose "@Easy-E must be homophobic."

Meanwhile I LOVE BATWOMAN and hate how they ended the pre-Rebirth run because the writer wanted to marry the two main characters and DC didn't like it. Next. :camby:
See, complaining about a bad story is one thing. You come across as hating prominent female roles period.
:camby: Nope, Bought Ri-Ri's comics, too.

Was into Carol Corps Secret Wars, also. That was ALL WOMEN.

This isn't a good run, so far. And the fact you only want to debate gender politics is the reason I don't like the liberal domination of Marvel. No, that doesn't make me a Trump supporter. But, stop ruining characters to seem like such great people, when the CEO of Marvel is an actual Trump supporter.

And while you're at it; suggest some other great women lead books to me.

It wqd a play on having a seat at the table. How else do you paint the picture of a nation that has lost faith in him than by using his own military to rebel which so happens to be female? Just say you don't like anything with political overtones in your entertainment, but that specific preference has nothing to do with the quality of the story.

I don't wanna argue, breh. I do not like the direction of Black Panther, period. I love subtlely and undertones. But, throwing it in your stories don't make you deep.

There's nothing good about female domination. The problem with sexism is domination of men--the flipside ain't the solution.

I wouldn't have a problem with that panel if there were men and women working together.

I felt it appropriate to judge Coates politics because he spent several issue playing the "Men = evil, women = angels" with zero subtly or grace.

*A thought* That New Hulk is dope, too (I'm glad that made the choice to drop the "She").


Don't try to paint me as homophobic or sexist. I just don't like the arc.


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
I mean they killed off a ton of legacy characters and we're in between marvel movies that relate to the Avengers...... Sales were going to go down by default...... can't even eat off of "The Wolverine" hype because they killed 616 Wolverine. Also Civil War 2 sucked and nobody asked for that.

Birnin Zana

Honorary Wakandan
May 26, 2012
Bro, I've just about every issue

It's a thinly veined plot to bring the homosexual Dora Mojali, the momma and Shuri to the forefront.

Excuse me for being dense, but, that issue that ended with nothing but women at the table deciding the fate of Wakanda did enough for me.

That was the end of BP #11, the story wasn't over yet. Nothing was determined yet either.

I wouldn't have a problem with that panel if there were men and women working together.

That actually happens in BP #12.



-T'Challa is still in King. The monarchy is still around. The tribal council will be reformed into a democratically-elected body, representing all tribes of Wakanda.
-The Doras wanted break away. T'Challa and Shuri argued against it (with some very good rebuttals, imho).
-After debating with the Doras and having a private convo with Shuri, T'Challa is the one who decides Wakanda's new direction.
-T'Challa offers a deal to the Doras, details TBD.
-No female domination in the end, as it was T'Challa's call to make, him still being the ruler.
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