Well it works when you do it in an alt universe thing I guess. Like any difference or iteration they did in the ultimate U was accepted because it was alt universe. Comic book fans are really really touchy about fukking with their main continuity titles. So I wouldn't agree with the guy who made the quote in that the audience is saying it doesn't want diversity. Obviously I don't have the numbers and facts he has, but people just don't like change for the sake of change nor do they like wack comics lol.
True. You have to understand, this is one of a very few genres/mediums that white people are trying to hold on to. They feel they created it, they made the characters but even they see this slipping away slowly but surely seeing the social climate for what it is today and they're going apeshyt.
I just try and encourage black writers and creators to come up with their own stuff and let's not gripe with what cacs wanna give us with throwing the proverbial bone every once in awhile.
If enough black and other minorities throw they're hat in the ring, if we keep getting more proper AA representation's like on Netflix's Lukes Cage...comics are gonna go the way of basketball. We all know they lost that