This. The whole bio/chem track is kinda useless unless they are going phd, pharm, md, or allied health. With only a bachelors , they can barely get lab rat roles helping out in labs, cause nobody would trust them with actual research like their degree would entail.Theres other degrees like biology, biotechnology, chemistry which are less valuable with only a BS.
the only out ive seen for them is when they tie that degree with a math role., for example bioinformatics. I wouldnt be suprised if a lot of those working nonstem roles are the chem/bio track while waiting for the graduate studies to finish.
Also, even within engineering you have new fields like biomedical engineering where the job hunt is tough cause they are jack of all trades, when a medical supplier or pharmaceuticals would much prefer a mechanical or electrical specialist. Ive heard horrir stories from their bioeng track, which is really sad cause their coursework is disgustingly difficult. Industrial engineers are also in one of those niche fields like biomedical where the job market isnt as friendly.