All we've seen is what happens when CJ Miles and Earl Clark and Samardo Samuels are starting next to him...some world renowned scrubs.
What happened when Kyrie didn't play in the finals?
This is exactly why he's leaving. All about LeBron. And I ain't blaming Bron. But, if I just turned 25 and already got a ring and I'm putting up 25 and 6 seasons on 47/40/90 shooting and not making all-NBA teams because people chalk up my ENTIRE EXISTENCE to "Oh, he plays with LeBron"? I'd think about leaving, too.
When he seems people saying guys like Kyle Lowry, who's ass he's busts REPEATEDLY head to head (Oh, but Lowry play defense right...well, he ain't stopping Ky), and Lil Zeke ("Your lil ass getting 42 in an elimination game and you won't be putting 53 on me like you did to Wall") being called BETTER than him, with no hardware, less all-star teams...C'mon, man.
Kyrie's accepting the challenge. It's all about Bron. And y'all sure of that? Cool.