Kryptonian Vs Saiyan - What would you rather be?


May 3, 2012
Run Thru U Like Skattebo

Most specifically because in DBZ there are actually magical fighters that fought against Goku and the like that used energy and power from a different source that Goku and the rest were unfamiliar with.

Its an iffy line, but not one I would argue for because magic seemed as foreign to Goku as it normally does to Superman.
so in the DB universe, chi is more like a natural physics force and not a supernatural force?

it seems that there could be a distinction. magic and chi in the real world are both supernatural though people use them differently. in the east the supernatural is more channeled through the body like a shaolin monk or yogi, and in the west the supernatural is used outside the body through casting spells and enchanting objects. they are both super natural forces but require totally different skill sets to use. what if the DB universe is like that?


May 1, 2012
so in the DB universe, chi is more like a natural physics force and not a supernatural force?

it seems that there could be a distinction. magic and chi in the real world are both supernatural though people use them differently. in the east the supernatural is more channeled through the body like a shaolin monk or yogi, and in the west the supernatural is used outside the body through casting spells and enchanting objects. they are both super natural forces but require totally different skill sets to use. what if the DB universe is like that?

Energy is energy, whether created by science or magic.
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
Not at all.

I understand that you ignore the contradictions of the decades of Superman comics as long as it means Superman comes out on top, while focusing hard on the contradictions of the manga vs the anime of DBZ. But it's all good.

Another thing them nikkas ain't telling you is that after sup gained that quintallion ton of strength or whatever they wanna call it was that he was a walking dead man. :skip:


May 1, 2012
Another thing them nikkas ain't telling you is that after sup gained that quintallion ton of strength or whatever they wanna call it was that he was a walking dead man. :skip:

Yea I read that comic. It was pretty good. It's too bad he didn't have that Silver-Age super-mega-hyper-intellect anymore (just like the rest of those Silver Age powers he hasn't had in over 60 years but don't tell these dudes that), or he would have figured out that he could have just found a red sun and powered down near it.


Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Superman damn near died from a nuke

The blast from a Kamehameha or final flash is equal to 1000 nukes



May 3, 2012
So we gone ignore that vegeta was gone blow planet earth himself after the beatdown but goku stopped him? :mjpls:

How was Vegeta going to blow the planet up? Certainly not with his fists.

Nothing said here contridicts what I said.

We gone ignore that a physical punch is the only means of doing major damage that sups got bc he ain't got energy manipulation beside that weak ass eye laser? :mjpls:

Welp, here we go, guess I gotta break out the feats...

*cracks knuckles*

Superman has 2 main energy outlets being his heat vision and super breath

The range HV has, he can shoot from planet to planet:

Playing with his dog, he is bouncing HV off the moon:

One of the few times we actually see Superman really cut loose with his HV. Completely obliterates a large army of Doomsday animates. Superman/Batman #10

Uses his lung power to disperse a tornado. Action Comics #722

One burst of super breath sends the Parastie hurtling way, way up into the troposphere. Superman v2 #156

Easily takes down a cannibal planet with a super brain freeze. Though the scale of the feat is pretty huge, it should be noted that Superman appeared to be super-charged by proximity to the Sun. Adventures Of #620


May 3, 2012
Not at all.

I understand that you ignore the contradictions of the decades of Superman comics as long as it means Superman comes out on top, while focusing hard on the contradictions of the manga vs the anime of DBZ. But it's all good.

Understand 2 things...

1. I actually like Goku more than Superman and I'm not making this about who I like the best and you shouldn't either. Upon lookin at all the feats and research over the characters (keep in mind I been reading comics for over 25 years), I have to say Superman's feats trump Goku's. But they should as he has been around much longer.

2. I'm going by what is considered canon in both universes. I've read tons of manga and watched tons of anime. Things occur differently in the manga than they do in the anime sometimes. In those cases, you go by what came first which is always the manga.

That said, IF you want to count each and every feat, we can do that, but then we are going with galaxy sneezing, planet juggling Superman vs. a Goku or Sayjin that still has never shown he can destroy a planet by himself. Is that really what you want here? :leon:


May 1, 2012
Understand 2 things...

1. I actually like Goku more than Superman and I'm not making this about who I like the best and you shouldn't either. Upon lookin at all the feats and research over the characters (keep in mind I been reading comics for over 25 years), I have to say Superman's feats trump Goku's. But they should as he has been around much longer.

2. I'm going by what is considered canon in both universes. I've read tons of manga and watched tons of anime. Things occur differently in the manga than they do in the anime sometimes. In those cases, you go by what came first which is always the manga.

That said, IF you want to count each and every feat, we can do that, but then we are going with galaxy sneezing, planet juggling Superman vs. a Goku or Sayjin that still has never shown he can destroy a planet by himself. Is that really what you want here? :leon:

1. I've been reading comics longer than you. I like both characters.

2. There is zero way to objectively state what is canon. Here, go to this site and scroll along the top and tell me what of Superman's extensive lore is canon and what is not.

3. Superman's feats are too inconsistent, but you guys are still trying to act like he can shout and create temporal paradoxes n shyt when that hasn't been the case in our lifetimes. That inconsistency is the whole point I'm trying to make here.


May 3, 2012
so in the DB universe, chi is more like a natural physics force and not a supernatural force?

it seems that there could be a distinction. magic and chi in the real world are both supernatural though people use them differently. in the east the supernatural is more channeled through the body like a shaolin monk or yogi, and in the west the supernatural is used outside the body through casting spells and enchanting objects. they are both super natural forces but require totally different skill sets to use. what if the DB universe is like that?

This is purely my opinion at this point, but I don't consider magic and chi to be the same thing unless specifically stated so.

In too many comic/manga/anime universes they have been specifically stated to be different things that come from different power sources. I don't know why they would be considered to be the same thing. Now in the DBZ universe there have been several characters that had no combat training or chi powers that still used high level magic attacks and abilities (like Babidi) and some characters that used both combat/chi attacks along side magic attacks (Like nearly all the Buus and Pikhon). I never saw Goku use any magic attacks before and he never showed any real defense against them (see him getting turned to a piece of chocolate and being nearly helpless against Pikhon's fire blast).

I don't think Goku is inherently weak to magic, I just think thats a realm he knows nothing about and if chi worked on the same or similar wavelength in the DBZ Universe, he would know SOMETHING about it.


May 3, 2012
Another thing them nikkas ain't telling you is that after sup gained that quintallion ton of strength or whatever they wanna call it was that he was a walking dead man. :skip:

That feat in particular is from All-Star Superman, a story set outside the normal DCU continuity. Its not anything I am specifically counting on his side because the Superman I am using is the Post-Crisis version.
May 15, 2012
Understand 2 things...

1. I actually like Goku more than Superman and I'm not making this about who I like the best and you shouldn't either. Upon lookin at all the feats and research over the characters (keep in mind I been reading comics for over 25 years), I have to say Superman's feats trump Goku's. But they should as he has been around much longer.

2. I'm going by what is considered canon in both universes. I've read tons of manga and watched tons of anime. Things occur differently in the manga than they do in the anime sometimes. In those cases, you go by what came first which is always the manga.

That said, IF you want to count each and every feat, we can do that, but then we are going with galaxy sneezing, planet juggling Superman vs. a Goku or Sayjin that still has never shown he can destroy a planet by himself. Is that really what you want here? :leon:

i keep torching yall arguments for supe, Vegeta destroyed a planet easily on his way to Earth with Nappa.

Vegeta was going to destroy Earth, but Goku blocked it pushed his blast into space.


May 3, 2012
Superman damn near died from a nuke

The blast from a Kamehameha or final flash is equal to 1000 nukes


When? :mjpls:

Because I specifcally have scans that contridict that... (understand its COMICS, and things are not consistant tho)

Survives four small nukes detonating simultaneously in his face. Action Comics #649


sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
I voted saiyan because

The dude that iced superman looks like just another villain that would get that work in the dbz universe

:huhldup: @ "looks like"

Who gives a fukk wut u look like when ur abilities r :whew:

Doomsday was created through the cloning of an infant and having him killed over and over again by one of the most dangerous species of the universe and in one of the harshest habitats in existence, prehistoric Krypton. As such, the infant evolves and returns to life, becoming resistant or immune to whatever killed him before. After the Radiant killed him the first time they fought, Doomsday grew immune to the former's energy-projection, and even managed to withstand Darkseid's full Omega-Effect.[17] The amount of damage dealt to Doomsday determines the length of time it would take to fully recover. During his outwardly undamaged death at Superman's hands, he only needed some days to recover, but when Imperiex reduced him to a skeleton, it would take months. Although he may never return if totally disintegrated to nothing and totally destroyed with no remains or not even a single atom of him left. His entombment in a Calatonian burial suit and metal vault lasted thousands of centuries: after being killed by the Radiant and subsequently undergoing the impact of the casket on Earth, his body was sealed underground in total darkness. Deprived of solar energy to nourish his Kryptonian anatomy, he could only revive extremely slowly and naturally.[citation needed]

Doomsday can also develop/evolve resistance from ordinary injuries. Superman once used a sound gun to greatly discomfort him, but Doomsday's auditory canals closed up, making him impervious to Superman's weapon.[17] Waverider once paralyzed Doomsday with chronal energy, but the second attempt backfired.[17] In essence, Doomsday gradually turns more invulnerable if not injured beyond his ability to recover, which is so far undefined. Doomsday has also developed weapons and abilities that counters the powers of an opponent. He managed to cancel out the pure-energy Radiant by slamming into him; to greatly extend his claws and develop a poison to strike Superman in flight and reel him in;[17] or breathe flames against the fire-sensitive Martian Manhunter, and apparently neutralize his defensive phase-shifting power.[18] Doomsday's skeleton protrudes through his skin in razor-sharp spurs which provide protection to his few vital organs (brain, eyes, nervous system), and act as clawlike weapons on his hands, elbows, and knees.

Doomsday possesses extreme superhuman strength that, variable as it is, at one point enabled him to effortlessly stand his ground against the entire Justice League, including Superman and Orion.[19] He was able to break Superman's left arm with limited effort, as well as outmatch and beat Darkseid unconscious in combat.[17] However, his strength has limits: the immensely strong Calatonian alloy cables, in which he was entombed, continued to partially restrain him during his initial rampage on Earth. Needing the equivalent strength of a bulldozer to break; It was never stated how long he had struggled to free his left hand before his escape.[citation needed]

Doomsday is immensely resistant to heat, cold, and conventional damage, allowing him to survive on the most inhospitable worlds, or in the vacuum of space. His superhuman endurance and invulnurability were able to withstand Darkseid's full-powered "Omega Effect" without any shown damage.[17]

Doomsday possesses seemingly inexhaustible stamina, and was not noticeably slowed down from fighting Superman for an entire day. His speed and agility are vastly disproportionate to his bulky stature, and he has been able to match Superman in this regard, once even managing to grab the Flash while the hero was in motion.

Doomsday has a highly accelerated healing factor that allows him to quickly regenerate from most damage. When his side was cut by Superman with a plasma sword, it closed within moments. As a result of his engineering, Doomsday does not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, and his body is almost solid mass with no internal organs.[17]


May 3, 2012
1. I've been reading comics longer than you. I like both characters.

Then stop acting like what I am saying to you is foreign.

2. There is zero way to objectively state what is canon. Here, go to this site and scroll along the top and tell me what of Superman's extensive lore is canon and what is not.

We are talking 2 different universes here.

With Goku, I'm going off of everything strictly from the DBZ manga. Should I include DB, DBGT, the out of continuity movies and the filler from the anime?

That's not something I automatically count unless specified, but we CAN if you want to. However if you count each and everything, you have to do the same on both end. You got to be objective here. Not judging you as a person, but I haven't seen that from you yet. But if you want we can set the terms of what is and isn't accepted and go from there.

3. Superman's feats are too inconsistent, but you guys are still trying to act like he can shout and create temporal paradoxes n shyt when that hasn't been the case in our lifetimes. That inconsistency is the whole point I'm trying to make here.

Its COMICS. If you have been reading them as long as you say you have you should know that nearly every writer has their own interpretation of the characters and their capabilities. Inconsistancy comes with that territory. Wolverine is my favorite character and I've seen him take a Nuke and get up a few pages later and I have also seen him get KOed from a glancing punch from the Hulk.

I'm not saying you need to attempt to "take an average" of these character feats, but you do have to accept even an outlandish feat as something to consider.

All this goes back to my original point which was we have NEVER seen Goku destroy a planet, either physically or with energy, so I have no reason to think he would. And we HAVE seen Superman destroy a planet physically. What this tells me is based on the information we have, Superman is probably hitting much harder than Goku is. That doesn't mean he's gonna win or its a wash, but we haven't seen Goku hit as hard as we have seen from Superman, so there is no reason to think he can.

Do you agree with that?