Who has Superman beaten in impressive fashion? Name me some names?
Before I do this however, tell me what you find to be "impressive" so I have something to build off of. I could list a bunch of names of characters you have never heard of and that you might outright dismiss because of that. I would just like to know what exactly would impress you before I can give you an impressive list.
Doomsday battle pales in comparsion to any of Goku's finishes.
You know Superman has fought Doomsday multiple times, right? The first time they fought and it was a "draw" even tho Superman was fatigued.
In the Dark Knight Returns, Batman stuns Superman with electricity dawg
He also drops Superman with a PUNCH, and thats before green arrow hits him with the kyrponite arrow.
This is Batman with prep-time. A guy that knows Superman better than everyone and specifically studied him and how to take him down. Also keep in mind that story it out of continuity.
Goku always fought against impossible foes, they will merk superman. Every person goku ever fought had all superman's abilities plus they knew how to fight.
If they were impossible, Goku wouldn't have beaten them, now would he?

I would argue none of them were as tough or durable as Superman, but thats another debate....
It's a fact Batman is better with the hands than Superman, if he had a super strength he'd beat the shyt out of superman easily.
But then Superman wouldn't have to hold back as much. Like he does every time.

Goku is an elite martial artist with cosmic strength, superman don't stand a chance.
Elite martial artist I agree with...
but Cosmic strength?!?

What's the heaviest thing Goku has lifted?
Also Goku can instant transmission Superman to King Kai's planet, where he won't have the benefits of the yellow sun, and kick his ass for all eternity,
You do know Superman stores all the energy he absorbs. One thing I definately believe is that if it goes down to a slugfest or an endurance competition, Superman would definately take the W.