Disgusting comments. Sometimes I really wish I can see these cats face to face and punch them in the fukking face. p*ssy ass cowards.
And you'd be hauled away like a common criminal
Disgusting comments. Sometimes I really wish I can see these cats face to face and punch them in the fukking face. p*ssy ass cowards.
And you'd be hauled away like a common criminal
Very relevant meaning you wouldn't do shyt to the people physically or if you did you'd be in jail, and not able to make those paychecks to pay for that precious PS4.
This game seemed to get a lot of loveseriously, just because black people make a game...I'm not gonna wanna play it more
i seriously dont care who makes a game
Very relevant meaning you wouldn't do shyt to the people physically or if you did you'd be in jail, and not able to make those paychecks to pay for that precious PS4.
Racist white boy gets beat nasty by krissss dam - YouTube
But at least the Chinese didn't get ahold of him...
Video: WTH: A Gang Of Racist Chinese People Beat On A Little White Boy In The Streets!
No wonder he abandoned his family
Of course your from white trash Ohio
This game seemed to get a lot of love
And when the very FIRST Def Jam game came out?
All the excitement was because of what?
Oh yeah guess what my brothas.....Blondie had the 1st rap song to hit # 1 and technically the first modern rap song before Sugarhill Gang.....but we can go deeper...Google....The first rap song that was ever recorded was 'Kinesiska Muren' with Swedish artist Evert Taube which was recorded in the 1920' go pick up ur welfare check...President Obama has for you with an extra food stamp card and some $7000 dollar 22 inch rims for your $200 dollar car.
That white kid in china? They turned him into Bourbon chicken doggy
never played that what?
like i said, i dont care who makes the freaking game. that is no importance to me
Whats That Even Mean fakkit?