Kotaku post calls for more black people in video games. Readers' heads explode.


May 21, 2012
Only a person with something to hide would say "And don't reply :sadbron" but your not a mod. So you can't silence a response because your afraid of the answers. The thing about the LEE character is you point to all these other things about him TO SAY "See, the criminal angle just disappers"
What you don't seem to understand is a black character is always presented as a criminal.
I don't care if you later found out he's a good guy. They normally are
Perception is reality, you ever hear of that statement before?
If you can even find a black character, you'll find those stereotypes/stigma's attached to them no matter what the game/movie/opinion from some random white person.

Cole Train Baby, woooooooooooo

we talking about nikka who's fighting stance was the two step/harlem shake?
the nikka who summons a top down Low Rider......the grown ass man with a bird living in his fro :what:

I'm not afraid of any answers I just realize you guys can't tell
the difference between a clearly racist portrayal of black people
and/or building up a characters back story.

So in order to not offend we have to :
No cars ! (Cause if he's black in a car...he's a stereotype !)

Remove afro's (Black people don't wear those !)

Remove any sort of Humor (Black people being funny isn't cool y'all!)

NO guns ! (Because despite tons of other characters toting games in
videogames it's somehow become a "Black stereotype". )

No dancing either ! (Because you're a **** if you dance, black people don't do that !)

You can't be a criminal even if it adds complexity to your character
and makes your situation more than just a simplistic Black/White portrayal of Good and Bad (Cause you know if a black person is a criminal irregardless of his character he's a stereotype !)

You guys don't realize how absurd you sound because you look at EVERYTHING through race glasses, and this case sh1t isn't that deep.
These characters don't exude some deep hatred for black people neither are they portrayed as inept idiots who are only canon fodder.

What you don't seem to understand is a black character is always presented as a criminal.

No what you don't seem to understand is that having a black character as
a criminal doesn't mean it reinforces a stereotype.

Once we start looking at actual ignorant portrayals of blacks through (american) history we realize dudes like Lee don't fit ANY OF IT.

He isn't portrayed as stupid.
He isn't a drug dealer.
He didn't come from a single parent home.
He's educated.
He was once married.

Lee is a main character who is more than JUST the intro in a cop car.
Cole among other black characters in gears plays a critical role but
we won't mention the other black charcters in gears because
your argument crumbles to pieces at that point.
Sazh (which is the biggest reach) is a single father searching for
his son whose previous occupation was just being a pilot but I forgot
having an afro (:smh:) nullifies all of that.



May 5, 2012
North Jersey

I'm not afraid of any answers I just realize you guys can't tell
the difference between a clearly racist portrayal of black people
and/or building up a characters back story.

So in order to not offend we have to :
No cars ! (Cause if he's black in a car...he's a stereotype !)

Remove afro's (Black people don't wear those !)

Remove any sort of Humor (Black people being funny isn't cool y'all!)

NO guns ! (Because despite tons of other characters toting games in
videogames it's somehow become a "Black stereotype". )

No dancing either ! (Because you're a **** if you dance, black people don't do that !)

You can't be a criminal even if it adds complexity to your character
and makes your situation more than just a simplistic Black/White portrayal of Good and Bad (Cause you know if a black person is a criminal irregardless of his character he's a stereotype !)

You guys don't realize how absurd you sound because you look at EVERYTHING through race glasses, and this case sh1t isn't that deep.
These characters don't exude some deep hatred for black people neither are they portrayed as inept idiots who are only canon fodder.
Stop it. None of this shyt adds to Sazh's story. Take away his fighting stance, that bird in his fro, the car summon, and he's overall goofy behavior and his story arc will not change. All that was added for a reason, specifically because Japs view Blacks in a certain manner. It doesn't matter if Sazy was a self made multi-billionaire who part times as a superhero, his creators wanted to make him an "authentic" Black man so they added stereotypes. One of his developers even said the character was changed to mimic Eddie Murphy/appeal to Americans. They used our definition of a Black man to make a Black man. Was this man funny Black man who has an unbelievable, heartbreaking back story yet upbeat and inspiring attitude not entertaining:

Change the format and they throw rocks. These folks don't want to relate to Black folks, they want to be entertained by them.

And how the fukk does making your character a criminal add complexity? You genuinely believe criminalizing a character adds to their appeal or rounds them out...:beli:


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States

You guys don't realize how absurd you sound because you look at EVERYTHING through race glasses, and this case sh1t isn't that deep.
These characters don't exude some deep hatred for black people neither are they portrayed as inept idiots who are only canon fodder.
Here's where you are behind. Your looking for the most flagrant action before you even raise an eyebrow on what "could" be really going on.
They not gonna make dude pull out a banana, then turn around and do a sky hook shot as the banana falls in the trashcan. Thats what your waiting for
How many black people really rocking Afro's these days?
We are viewed as the most violent because look at any jails, that explains it all
The truth is they target ppl and area's of color to make that a reality, and to reinforce that perception is what we are discussing now. Him being the only character with guns is :ohhh: But I agree isn't the end of the world
The Car summon is news to me, after watching it.. I wouldn't say thats overtly racist, but mildly questionable. A chicken in his fro?

And while thats trying to be funny you'd think, they actually have a culture of what they call "imitating" black culture by overdoing exactly what you see in that video.. thats how they view us doggy regardless of what you or currencychase gotta say about it :manny:

No what you don't seem to understand is that having a black character as
a criminal doesn't mean it reinforces a stereotype.

Once we start looking at actual ignorant portrayals of blacks through (american) history we realize dudes like Lee don't fit ANY OF IT.

He isn't portrayed as stupid.
He isn't a drug dealer.
He didn't come from a single parent home.
He's educated.
He was once married.

Lee is a main character who is more than JUST the intro in a cop car.
So what your saying is as long as he doesn't act like he has the intelligence of a Neanderthal then everything else is alright :rudy: Gotcha
Your fine with the 1 step forward, 2 steps back technique that is currently in place. Well we not. "Lee's a criminal but he's a good guy" doesn't negate the fact they made him the criminal. You said something about cole not being the only black person in gears like if you can name another character that is black? Ok, lets see it :popcorn:

Can you name a single black character in any game that doesn't fit any stereotypes? Just one, thats all we asking for from you. Not only a black person, but a person that is black in all representations? UnAmerican Dreamers Indian guy who had black sprites doesn't cut it...
Stop it. None of this shyt adds to Sazh's story. Take away his fighting stance, that bird in his fro, the car summon, and he's overall goofy behavior and his story arc will not change. All that was added for a reason, specifically because Japs view Blacks in a certain manner. It doesn't matter if Sazy was a self made multi-billionaire who part times as a superhero, his creators wanted to make him an "authentic" Black man so they added stereotypes. One of his developers even said the character was changed to mimic Eddie Murphy/appeal to Americans. They used our definition of a Black man to make a Black man. Was this man funny Black man who has an unbelievable, heartbreaking back story yet upbeat and inspiring attitude not entertaining

And how the fukk does making your character a criminal add complexity? You genuinely believe criminalizing a character adds to their appeal or rounds them out...:beli:
And lets make it clear, nobody is outraged that Lee starts off in the back of a cop car. We should be, but we not. The reason we should be is because of the portrayals. shyt, Walking Dead was changed from the comic book which had more prominent black characters. Videogames is like the NFL
There needs to be a rooney rule...
Last edited by a moderator:


May 21, 2012
Stop it. None of this shyt adds to Sazh's story. Take away his fighting stance, that bird in his fro, the car summon, and he's overall goofy behavior and his story arc will not change. All that was added for a reason, specifically because Japs view Blacks in a certain manner. It doesn't matter if Sazy was a self made multi-billionaire who part times as a superhero, his creators wanted to make him an "authentic" Black man so they added stereotypes. One of his developers even said the character was changed to mimic Eddie Murphy/appeal to Americans. They used our definition of a Black man to make a Black man. Was this man funny Black man who has an unbelievable, heartbreaking back story yet upbeat and inspiring attitude not entertaining.
Which is exactly the point I'm trying to make.
The are many many more ignorant portrayals of blacks.
So much so Im surprised that people latch onto Sazh of
all characters whose rather safe, his being inspired by Eddie Murphy
only reinforces that.

With that said I hope you have the same issues with titles like Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
and Saints Row.

fillerguy said:
And how the fukk does making your character a criminal add complexity? You genuinely believe criminalizing a character adds to their appeal or rounds them out...

For one it makes you look at the grey areas of morality.
Here we have a man who was prison bound now having a
little girls fate placed in his hands.
On top of that his one crime is now juxtaposed against cannibals (white),
rapists (white), bandits (white), kidnappers (white) and a horde of killer zombies
at every turn.

Its a game where you see someone who would be seen as a monster
in everyday society turn around and prove that honest men can make mistakes
and that the average citizen might be the real monster ( kind of the point of Walking Dead
if you've read the comics...)

Not mention the crime he committed was pretty reasonable. I mean he killed
a man he caught with his wife. What bothers me though is you ignore the
other aspects of the character to play up the ones you don't like.
Similar to the Sazh situation.

Lee Everett - Walking Dead Wiki

Here's where you are behind. Your looking for the most flagrant action before you even raise an eyebrow on what "could" be really going on.
They not gonna make dude pull out a banana, then turn around and do a sky hook shot as the banana falls in the trashcan. Thats what your waiting for

So because I don't assume their intents I've got it wrong ?
You've drawing up conclusions from next to nothing.

If anything haveing actual evidence of racism within the game would
tell me they're TRYING TO BE and I wouldn't have to ASSUME.
And when that day comes I'll express my disgust instead of
just looking for the smallest reasons to i.e. Sazh and his guns :smh:

Cockmeat sandwich said:
How many black people really rocking Afro's these days?
We are viewed as the most violent because look at any jails, that explains it all
The truth is they target ppl and area's of color to make that a reality, and to reinforce that perception is what we are discussing now. Him being the only character with guns is But I agree isn't the end of the world
The Car summon is news to me, after watching it.. I wouldn't say thats overtly racist, but mildly questionable. A chicken in his fro?

Your whole post proves you haven't even played the sh!t.

1. He's not the only character with a gun.
Lightning has a gun in her blade.

2. You spend most of the title trying to outrun
armed forces all of which have guns among other things.

3. What does black folks wearing afro's have to do with this conversation exactly ?

And while thats trying to be funny you'd think, they actually have a culture of what they call "imitating" black culture by overdoing exactly what you see in that video.. thats how they view us doggy regardless of what you or currencychase gotta say about it

Imitating "Black" American culture is not unique to Japan.
It happens EVERYWHERE, I guess I need to hate the people in the country's of Africa who
mimic American Hip Hop culture, I guess the Germans and Russians get the same treatment to.

Japan is unique in that it's a country that's filled mostly with Japanese people.
They don't have a mixed culture like ours, so when they meet our (black american) culture it's alien to them.
This plays into what the Japanese will do to stand out.
They'll tan, get dreads, buy brown contacts etc.
They do the same when trying to look "White".
They'll die their hair blonde, buy blue eyed contacts etc.
They view it as a subset of the overall culture because they don't
have different classifications of "Japanese" like we have with Americans.

hell If I were at my computer I'd post the link to the Japanese girl who completely
adored our culture, so much so she was rocking braids, getting tans and gushing about
our fashion.

So what your saying is as long as he doesn't act like he has the intelligence of a Neanderthal then everything else is alright :rudy: Gotcha
Your fine with the 1 step forward, 2 steps back technique that is currently in place. Well we not. "Lee's a criminal but he's a good guy" doesn't negate the fact they made him the criminal. You said something about cole not being the only black person in gears like if you can name another character that is black? Ok, lets see it :popcorn:

Can you name a single black character in any game that doesn't fit any stereotypes? Just one, thats all we asking for from you. Not only a black person, but a person that is black in all representations? UnAmerican Dreamers Indian guy who had black sprites doesn't cut it...

Just one ?
Admiral Anderson

Eli Vance

Jace Stratton

Prophet -

You must not play any videogames.
As for Lee, it doesn't negate that he's a criminal or that he committed a violent crime
but it does tells us he's much more than a single action.
With that said read the wiki, play the game and make your judgement because right now you're
feeling around in the dark and you're failing at it.

http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Lee_Everett]Lee Everett - Walking Dead Wiki

And lets make it clear, nobody is outraged that Lee starts off in the back of a cop car. We should be, but we not. The reason we should be is because of the portrayals. shyt, Walking Dead was changed from the comic book which had more prominent black characters. Videogames is like the NFL
There needs to be a rooney rule...

You shouldn't be because there is much more serious shyt your outrage should be
aimed at.

On top of that you don't even have enough knowledge about the games
we're talking about to even add to the conversation.

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
Having black people on video games isn't rare. it just the type of games you tend to see them in that comes off as racist. Madden, NBA 2k13, GTA, 50 cent game. etc.

now if we see a game like lara croft tomb raider but with a black girl it would represent a step forward, but we're more type cast than under represented.

That being said most of the comments on the article trying to claim that the color of the character skin doesn't matter are lying. the feel safe saying that because its usual their color, but when people try to cast idris elba as james bond or sam jackson as nick fury all of sudden these same people are complaining that they ruining the tradition.

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
I don't think the gaming community is filled with racist per say. I think tis filled with suburban teens that never seen a person of color or ever interacted with a black man so they go by what they see on tv or hear which we all know how that is.