[Kotaku] "MSFT taught me..." Downloads coming to Playstation Now Later This Year


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
That is Tucker carson levels of bullshyt. :hhh:
Fox news levels of false equivalencies :picard:
fukk is wrong with you @MeachTheMonster
Have some fukkin objectivity
How is that not "objectivity"?

Why can't they apply what they used for TLOU to other games? At the very least they should be able to apply it to other naughty dog games. No?

In theat same article it says it was relatively easy to get the game running, they spent most of the time getting it to 60fps and adding new shyt.

In that same article it says the PS4s CPU is way more powerful than PS3.

In that same article it says Naughty Dogs PS3 engine was purposefully built for scaleability with the future and that helped them build their PS4 games.

Literally NOWHERE do they say PS3 cell was so powerful/different that it disallowed them from making the game work on PS4.

Y'all made that up:

So.......who's not being "objective" here?......really :ohhh:


Apr 30, 2012
:snoop: so now you move goal posts. fukking amazing. Y'all retarded.

Did you even read my first response to this thread?

These are all excuses. Microsoft has actually done it twice. From x86 to PowerPC last gen and now PowerPC back to x86-64 on the Xbox one.

Sounds like to me that this is Sony trying to protect their ridiculous investment that actually decreases the quality of their games instead of offering gamers a great opportunity to play games missed or revisit.

No reason for all this bullshyt you are trying to pull. You are now conveniently saying that the PS4 internals are inferior to what modern Intel based desktops can do. No shyt, but the Xbox one isn’t exactly a Ferrari under the hood with the exception of the X1X. You praised Cerny for what exactly? Everyone acknowledged Sony did a great job and video game consoles have lightweight operating systems to allow for even more resources to be available to games.

The Cell processing on the PS3 can prove to be challenging, but you are never going to convince me it can’t be done ESPECIALLY with the resources and tools Sony has. If this was a situation in where raw horsepower between the two platforms is damn near equivalent you might have a case. fukking system has specs from 2005 which is dinosaur status in the tech world.

Nerds on the PC manage to get modern Linux operating systems to run fairly well on PowerPC G3 processors from the late 90s yet Sony is completely stumped :comeon:


May 6, 2012
Did you even read my first response to this thread?

These are all excuses. Microsoft has actually done it twice. From x86 to PowerPC last gen and now PowerPC back to x86-64 on the Xbox one.
You're in a bubble. Everything pointing you to information explaining this but you just keep regurgitating "but but MSFT DID IT!" and yet you refuse to read about HOW it's done. We tell you it's not EMULATING it natively just off of brute force but instead it's essentially a port hence why it takes so much time for new games to release. What do you say to that? BS. Your whole stance is just full of conjecture and assumptions.

Sounds like to me that this is Sony trying to protect their ridiculous investment that actually decreases the quality of their games instead of offering gamers a great opportunity to play games missed or revisit.
How can native BC and streaming something online be comparable? Streaming games NEVER would be a substitute and here's the biggest reason why.

No reason for all this bullshyt you are trying to pull. You are now conveniently saying that the PS4 internals are inferior to what modern Intel based desktops can do. No shyt, but the Xbox one isn’t exactly a Ferrari under the hood with the exception of the X1X.
Again, back to the ole "Xbox did it" point. You KEEP bringing it up yet REFUSE to read about the difference is what's aggravating. Like, how dense can you be?
An Xbox One isn't just emulating the 360 per se and it sure as hell ain't comparable to the pS3. Like, you just willfully want to ignore this big part here to keep up this ignorant ass assumption you're making. Also, the Xbox One was designed with custom hardware to decode certain 360 file formats to help. PS4 didn't. So right off the bat MSFT already planned something like this from the start.

The main processor (PPU) of PS3 is actually almost the same as the three CPUs in 360 - the big difference are the SPUs.
Yep, and it's the SPUs that cause all the trouble. The SPUs are very limited on what they can do, but what they can do they did incredibly well back in their day, and still do at a decent speed.

As a rule of thumb, you need about 10x more processing power than the system you want to emulate. The PS4 CPU isn't close of being there when it comes to the PS3 SPUs while also emulating the PS3 PPU.

MS is not doing "traditional BC", and their way of getting 360 games to work is something that does not really apply to any other hardware but their own. It is using a combination of compatible drivers, MS sanctioned tools among other things to individually optimize games for the new hardware. It is a very hard process even with all the advantages they have using this approach, that is why only a portion of the 360's library is compatible.

Your later points dont make sense.
How do you purport to be a tech head but resort to these inane arguments that someone who knows nothing would make? This is not "tech" like talk from the likes of you. Disappointing.

You praised Cerny for what exactly? Everyone acknowledged Sony did a great job and video game consoles have lightweight operating systems to allow for even more resources to be available to games.
What does praising Cerny for other things have to do with the topic at hand?

The Cell processing on the PS3 can prove to be challenging, but you are never going to convince me it can’t be done ESPECIALLY with the resources and tools Sony has. If this was a situation in where raw horsepower between the two platforms is damn near equivalent you might have a case. fukking system has specs from 2005 which is dinosaur status in the tech world.
You're convinced because you choose to be willfully ignorant. There's no helping you. You are incorrect even further down below.

Nerds on the PC manage to get modern Linux operating systems to run fairly well on PowerPC G3 processors from the late 90s yet Sony is completely stumped :comeon:
Wow, more random tangential points that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. I bet had Sony simply released those "remasters" as PS3 BC you'd be praising them saying they solved it when in actuality it isn't even being emulated. That's the biggest thing I'm taking away from here. You're so goo goo gaga over what you believe is pure emulation on Xbox One that you think therefore it stand to reason that PS4 can do it too. They can sort of do "that" but that's not what emulation is.

The creative director behind The Last of Us Remastered, Neil Druckmann, recently spoke to Edge Online about the task of bringing the game to the new console generation. The team was excited about giving the critically-acclaimed product a new generation makeover, but The Last of Us was so optimized to channel the PS3’s unique power that the conversion was a nightmare.

“I wish we had a button that was like ‘Turn On PS4 Mode’, but no… We expected it to be hell, and it was hell. Just getting an image onscreen, even an inferior one with the shadows broken, lighting broken and with it crashing every 30 seconds … that took a long time. These engineers are some of the best in the industry and they optimized the game so much for the PS3’s SPUs specifically. It was optimized on a binary level, but after shifting those things over, you have to go back to the high level, make sure the systems are intact, and optimize it again.”

It seems possible that the complicated porting process made it difficult to predict an exact window for when the remastered edition would be ready. That could definitely explain why it took so long for the developer to officially confirm the existence of the project. Druckmann went on to explain how the problems didn’t end once the team got the new build of the game running.

“I can’t describe how difficult a task that is. And once it’s running well, you’re running the (versions) side by side to make sure you didn’t screw something up in the process, like physics being slightly off, which throws the game off, or lighting being shifted and all of a sudden it’s a drastically different look. That’s not ‘improved’ any more; that’s different. We want to stay faithful while being better.”

Had they released this as a digital title that downloads when you insert the PS3 disc and called it BC you'd say they did it. You guys know nothing of the hardware you use. They just instead remastered it after all that work just to get it running.

That's the biggest thing we're telling you.


You can make memes, post smilies and say w/e you want but even beefy hardware of today is hardly functional for PS3 emulation but "aha Sony can do better". Sure, if they had to create an emulator for PC I'm sure they can do something better. The question is can it be done on PS4?? Sure as hell not the way you're describing. I'm done replying to this thread. Believe what you want to believe. It's funny seeing people swear they know something telling folks otherwise.
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Grand Conde

Feb 11, 2013
It’s actually quite offensive that you guys don’t think Sony themselves can make a better PS3 emulator than a bunch of nerds drinking beer trying to play MGS4 on their core i3 desktops.

The line...

The functionality is due to roll out in late September this year, but will be limited to PlayStation 4 games (at least initially).

Suggests its going to go beyond just PS4.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
You're in a bubble. Everything pointing you to information explaining this but you just keep regurgitating "but but MSFT DID IT!" and yet you refuse to read about HOW it's done. We tell you it's not EMULATING it natively just off of brute force but instead it's essentially a port hence why it takes so much time for new games to release. What do you say to that? BS.

How can native BC and streaming something online be comparable? Streaming games NEVER would be a substitute and here's the biggest reason why.

Again, back to the ole "Xbox did it" point. You KEEP bringing it up yet REFUSE to read about the difference is what's aggravating. Like, how dense can you be?
An Xbox One isn't just emulating the 360 per se and it sure as hell ain't comparable to the pS3. Like, you just willfully want to ignore this big part here to keep up this ignorant ass assumption you're making. Also, the Xbox One was designed with custom hardware to decode certain 360 file formats to help. PS4 didn't. So right off the bat MSFT already planned something like this from the start.

How do you purport to be a tech head but resort to these inane arguments that someone who knows nothing would make? This is not "tech" like talk from the likes of you. Disappointing.

What does praising Cerny for other things have to do with the topic at hand?

You're convinced because you choose to be willfully ignorant. There's no helping you. You are incorrect even further down below.

Wow, more random tangential points that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. I bet had Sony simply released those "remasters" as PS3 BC you'd be praising them saying they solved it when in actuality it isn't even being emulated. That's the biggest thing I'm taking away from here. You're so goo goo gaga over what you believe is pure emulation on Xbox One that you think therefore it stand to reason that PS4 can do it too. They can sort of do "that" but that's not what emulation is.

Had they released this as a digital title that downloads when you insert the PS3 disc and called it BC you'd say they did it. You guys know nothing of the hardware you use. They just instead remastered it after all that work just to get it running.

That's the biggest thing we're telling you.


You can make memes, post smilies and say w/e you want but even beefy hardware of today is hardly functional for PS3 emulation but "aha Sony can do better". Sure, if they had to create an emulator for PC I'm sure they can do something better. The question is can it be done on PS4?? Sure as hell not the way you're describing. I'm done replying to this thread. Believe what you want to believe. It's funny seeing people swear they know something telling folks otherwise.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Are we really doing this again @MeachTheMonster ? :gucci:
Just ask these dummies: "Would it be more expensive than $380 million to make a PS3 emulator with a team of industry leading professionals at your disposal?"
This is a topic I wish the Arcadium would dead already.
These circular arguments are at the point of being exhausting.
"Average Joes" with no documentation, or experience in professionally building consoles have come close to figuring this out.
Meanwhile, the Sony customer service team is working off the clock to Juelz the living hell out of this backwards compatibility issue.

:WillTada:I'm a huge fan of Apple products. I have an iMac, iPhone, 2 MacBook pros, an iPad, iPod, and Apple TV.
Despite loving their products, I openly tell people that Apple is greedy and has a lot of anti-consumer practices.
Soldering RAM into a motherboard is about as malicious towards consumers a company could possibly be.

:snoop:Sony stans....my beloved Sony stans....for the love of all that is good in this planet; this isn't a matter of opinion like when we all go back and forth slandering one another's favorite console and games. This is about as black and white as it gets. Sony is arrogant (and likely rightfully so, I won't debate that). They are enjoying being in first place this gen and feel very little motivation to offer their consumers ANYTHING for free.

If Microsoft continues down the path they are positioning themselves in, they could very well dominate the next gen, that is if there is truly a "next gen" in the traditional sense.
They are moving in the direction of giving gamers all the features they have been demanding in one console. Which if you remember, was what was celebrated the most about the PS3 and the PS2 before it.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
For the sake of argument let's throw PS3 out the window.
Is PSNOW streaming PS2 games directly from PS2 consoles?
Why can't we pop in PS2 discs and download PS2 games we own for free and use the disc for ownership verification just like Microsoft does with their games.
The answer to these is the same. Sony's arrogance.


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
how can a 1.6 Ghz Jaguar core emulate a 3.2 Ghz PS3 SPU?

it's like if you have 8 cars that can go 100 mph racing against 1 car that can go 300 mph. the 300 mph car will win everytime. the 8 100 mph cars can get more 'work' done, in that they can move more passengers/cargo/data/etc, but the 300 mph car is still faster


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
how can a 1.6 Ghz Jaguar core emulate a 3.2 Ghz PS3 SPU?

it's like if you have 8 cars that can go 100 mph racing against 1 car that can go 300 mph. the 300 mph car will win everytime. the 8 100 mph cars can get more 'work' done, in that they can move more passengers/cargo/data/etc, but the 300 mph car is still faster
No. It's not like that. CPUs are not cars.

Work can be done in parallel. In fact that's most of the work that gets done "optimizing" emulators. Finding a way to spread the work across multiple cores.


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
No. It's not like that. CPUs are not cars.

Work can be done in parallel. In fact that's most of the work that gets done "optimizing" emulators. Finding a way to spread the work across multiple cores.

I conceded that multiple cores could get more work done, but you're dealing with code that was optimized specifically for the PS3's fast SPU's. at some point you're basically talking about recompiling the whole game, which is what they had to do with TLOUR


"We expected it to be hell, and it was hell. Just getting an image onscreen, even an inferior one with the shadows broken, lighting broken and with it crashing every 30 seconds … that took a long time. These engineers are some of the best in the industry and they optimized the game so much for the PS3’s SPUs specifically. It was optimized on a binary level, but after shifting those things over, you have to go back to the high level, make sure the systems are intact, and optimize it again.

"I can’t describe how difficult a task that is. And once it’s running well, you’re running the [versions] side by side to make sure you didn’t screw something up in the process, like physics being slightly off, which throws the game off, or lighting being shifted and all of a sudden it’s a drastically different look. That’s not ‘improved’ any more; that’s different. We want to stay faithful while being better."

Druckmann also said that the game and its cutscenes are running at 1080p and 60 frames per second, a process he said "involved rendering them all from scratch."


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I conceded that multiple cores could get more work done, but you're dealing with code that was optimized specifically for the PS3's fast SPU's. at some point you're basically talking about recompiling the whole game, which is what they had to do with TLOUR

Why porting The Last of Us to PS4 was 'hell'
In the same article it says it they spent most time exceeding the original games perfromace.

An emulator would only be expected to match performance and in some ways would be ok to perform a bit worse/janky.

And again all these optimizations could be applied on a system level for other games.

Nobody denied it would be difficult. Fact is, it can and is being done by people with much less expertise, resources, and information.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Remember x360 was running the same/similar fast cores.

And you can't really compare speed across different manufacturers in different generations. CPU cores(and everything else) are a lot more efficient now than they were 15 years ago.

PS4 could emulate PS3 games if Sony wanted it to. My guess is it will in the future then y'all will come with some other excuses :mjlol: