Korea does not accept Lil Debbie.


Mar 10, 2017
Only let your child watch :

Macross : rick hunter

Take all that other anime shyt away.

As it is made by a loser style country dynamic. That ends with no payoff and just deal with bullshyt.
Simply cause their country's are not about people at all.

Ol weird ending ass cartoons and tones.
If they were not adapted for domestic audience. Back before the communications act. Take that shyt away from your kid.

No bullshyt.

Art Barr

Thanks I was unaware of the Act.

Do you know about Gotcha?

It's mainly on YouTube but my God daughter got her into this years ago and I had to put a stop to her watching it, very emo and depressing.

Mg children are only allowed 2 hours of screen time a day so she doesn't actually watch Anime, she watches Black Pink the girl group and studies their dance routines.

She has started dressing like them, baggy pants and fitted tops so she is obsessed with having no stomach fat.
I'm going to be really hands on because pre puberty is knocking nd I wouldn't want her to have any body dysmorphia/ eating disorders.


Rhinestone Cowboy
Nov 19, 2016
Korea's extreme but I agree with the notion of body shaming. There is an epidemic of water buffalo bytches and whales nikkas masquerading as humans. The cost of obesity on society warrants this approach. People accept complacency under the guise of body positivity. Lizzo shouldn't be the norm.

Wig Twistin Season

May 24, 2022
San Diego
Korean BBQ Shawty can get this Wagyu well done any day of the week. I’m putting extra rounds on her obese (in Korea) ass.

But the rest doesn’t compute, especially based on this…

Everyone on that show would be considered obese then. And it’s a Korean show.



Aug 29, 2013
Korea's extreme but I agree with the notion of body shaming. There is an epidemic of water buffalo bytches and whales nikkas masquerading as humans. The cost of obesity on society warrants this approach. People accept complacency under the guise of body positivity. Lizzo shouldn't be the norm.
I posted a thread about the top prescribed medications in America:

Number one is Lipitor for heart disease/cholesterol.

There are various threads on the coli and the internet as a whole talking about the obesity problem.

You talk to anyone, older people especially...and what do they say about the most important things in life? Pretty much all of them say two things: Family and Health. And few people ever act on it.

Perhaps on the extremes, anything is harmful. Crazy, abusive, emotional attacks on someone for their appearance is evil shyt.
But I'd argue that's exceedingly rare.

You can't even SUGGEST to people now that they're getting out of shape and unhealthy, because these days we must protect feelings at all costs. Literally all costs -- people are going broke paying these crazy health insurance premiums and prescriptions prices.

So maybe a wooden structure hinting at people that they might need to focus on their size isn't the worst thing in the world.


Aug 29, 2013
Korean BBQ Shawty can get this Wagyu well done any day of the week. I’m putting extra rounds on her obese (in Korea) ass.

But the rest doesn’t compute, especially based on this…

Everyone on that show would be considered obese then. And it’s a Korean show.


So she's got an impressive physique. Like, really impressive.

He's an MMA fighter though so his skill was shining through a bit.
With her strength though, if she trained MMA it might be a different battle.

Wig Twistin Season

May 24, 2022
San Diego
So she's got an impressive physique. Like, really impressive.

He's an MMA fighter though so his skill was shining through a bit.
With her strength though, if she trained MMA it might be a different battle.
The show is really interesting. It’s showing how “strength” is relative to the task. The first challenge was who can hang by their arms the longest and of course, all the heavy muscle heads dropped off first. So the slimmer people were stronger in that situation.

They even have Olympic athletes on the show. Great concept. Like an upgraded American Gladiator.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Thanks I was unaware of the Act.

Do you know about Gotcha?

It's mainly on YouTube but my God daughter got her into this years ago and I had to put a stop to her watching it, very emo and depressing.

Mg children are only allowed 2 hours of screen time a day so she doesn't actually watch Anime, she watches Black Pink the girl group and studies their dance routines.

She has started dressing like them, baggy pants and fitted tops so she is obsessed with having no stomach fat.
I'm going to be really hands on because pre puberty is knocking nd I wouldn't want her to have any body dysmorphia/ eating disorders.

This is why r Kelly is such a pos.
As well as krs is a pos.

As both of them restrict the gateway to hiphop culture. By being pedo or enabling pedo assault and battery.

So it ruined any parental and cultural sway.
plus cultural sway to the gateway of subculture knowledge.
plus the norms and mores of hiphop.
as well as hiphop's complete division and dislike of rnb.

Or rnb made into commercial subgenres.
That are culturally juxtaposed from having knowledge of self.
As well as mores and norms. That create social tranquility in hiphop subculture. So when hiphop was misappropriated errantly by big business. Since it is rhe most profitable subculture model to misappropriate and reproduce. The larger capital big business can just graft over and misappropriate anything it sees fit. While ignoring the cultural consequences.

So In a round about way. The glorification of that look. Is welled in misappropriation of aaliyah.
Or the misappropriation of aaliyah's look. Is that of a bgirl in hiphop. Which was stolen for a house duck or rnb model. Which misappropriates the cultural mores and norms significance of that look.
From look to execution.

Yet is looked at as harmless. When it is not.

the asian misappropriation of hiphop and black subculture is a poor gateway. As it misappropriated hiphop culture and the ol two step explosion. Without any of the culture based norms and mores. Along with protection mechanism. Plus social historical knowledge. So it missed. The fact Shannon was bit industry wide and misappropriated.
for drum and bass sellout booty music. Plus the significance of bitin.
not being allowed was lost.

So the cues to their whole draw is misappropriated. That all the mores and norms.
included in what their music connotates is lost. Yet still pings culturally as misappropriation.

It is like giving props to sellout rap group fam-lee back in the day. Yet they were sellouts. So any kid who was a fam-lee fan got dissed. If they came outside in nature looking like fam-lee. Trying to say they were hiphop. Same as when Toys dressed up like souls of mischief after the communications act. Who were never bboys.

So when they got approached.

With simple cultural questions.

What chu write?

They were violated for not knowing the simple immediate answer. By any bboy or bgirl crew.
just like if they were trying to false flag a gang set. As hiphop is antiviolent to other bboys and bgirls.
Yet violent to toys. Simply because biting is not allowed. Plus the gateway to biting not being allowed. Was lost to commercial sellouts. In the new school way of thought. in conversion from the ol school way of thought.
the ways of thought were Not lost to bboys.
who still are supposed to know.
the gateway to biting not being allowed from:

Biters in the city

The first and best diss song.
To do away with the mca way of misappropriation of rap.

So knowledge to commercial outlets of this was misappropriated.

So it created this disconnect to fans and toys in hiphop. As they were not well versed and flaug'n.

Instead of gaining knowledge of self and a skill in a pillar. Along with the mores and norms of hiphop culture.

Where a simple record like;

Faking the funk

By mainsource

It's cultural gateway content and message was lost

That it may seem covert to anyone outside ofnhiphop. When it speaks plainly in the culture of hiphop.
as a gateway of what not to do.
While every sellout genre stole.
mainsource's sonic contribution.
to bite for all of house and what would become part two of the two step booty bass music genre. Which is viewed as a sellout culture thief genre. As early back as the fake sellout toy magic mike from down south bass tapes. Found in commercial music outlets. To fake mirror the real magic mike tapes. Which are where tape trading in hiphop originates.

It is all misappropriation. While never giving the proper gateway.

In the case of k pop. Those music styles are embraced because of burlesque ideals. Which are outlawed in hiphop culture and not allowed. Yet since hiphop has been misappropriated. By Miami bass booty music. People think Luke is accepted in hiphop culture. When any Miami bass sellout music was outlawed in hiphop culture.

Yet the public thinks because hiphop had to be forgiving.
Forced to fight for Luke's rights. They think Luke is accepted in hiphop. When it is not. Just like gangsta rap is not accepted in hiphop. Yet because nwa showed up on 20/20. Plus Jerry heller got eazy on the white house lawn live firing ar15's. People think gangsta rap is accepted in hiphop culture. When it is not.
Yet since things have been misappropriated. Plus certain sellout darlings and looks. We're allowed to fool the public.

The mainstream misappropriation of the culture. Creates imagery that is misleading.

So when krs does not do the job he asked to do. How as a parent. Are you to have parental and cultural sway.
When rhe gateway protector has violated his own cultural mores and norms. By being selective.
When hiphop culture is not selective and completely reactive to never allow any mores or norms to be violated.

So through the wrong misappropriated lenses. K pop looks harmless. When in reality to anyone with knowledge of self. Plus apart of hophop culture. A bboy or bgirl knows k pop and other misappropriated imagery. Is a errant gateway outlet.
to burlesque ideals and mademoiselle matriarch corrosive social ideals. That have no place for children.
It is why beyounce's group failed on Star search. Since they were a gateway wannabe pop hiphop biter misappropriation group. Hinged on culture thief dynamics of the same properties. They lost.

Yet the sellout gateway of Lauren Hill. Who was just an rnb singer got farther with less. To later become and became the gateway imagery of child pregnancy. From the abc after school special.
to educate about child pregnancy. Happened to be further along the sellout pipeline to success.

Now rinse and apply the gateway misappropriation. To same sex abuse. under age abuse of a minot by a fellow minor in drake.
When hiphop is antigay.
Just like will Smith in movies.
That behavior is not allowed in hiphop under any circumstances. Yet will Smith and drake are used as sellout gateways.

Where people who are not of a culture. Are then marketed.
To believe a product is harmless. Ye the principles being present are negative and culturally corrosive and taboo. To the culture and go unchecked. All because rhe monetary resources of misappropriation. are squelching out the rebel yell of culture. Trying to broadcast the imagery and content is wrong and taboo. At the complete behest of said culture.

Art Barr
Last edited:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
You can not learn hiphop from Google.
or from a classically trained school.

These principles are evident in gateway expression. In the failure of fame. The movie to tv show.
To misappropriate the pillar of breakin with sus Leroy.

Evident that fame.
as a gateway to fame had to be dissed in the new school way of thought. Leading to gateways in the ol school way of thought. Showcased in film in breaking.

Where principles of the new school way of thought supercedes ol school way of thought.

Yet the over commercialization of the pillar of breaking. Had its profitability taken from it.
like art houses stole any profitability originally from graffiti.

Now we are living the complete misappropriation of sub culture completely.
As every pillar of hiphop has been wrongly misappropriated and wrongly monopolized. Yet since people think they can be a part of hiphop. Through a computer.
or by watching tv.

Which is also a lie and morally corrupt slash taboo. The idea and imagery of sellouts in action. Are viewed as okay. When in fact. It is a poison well of culture thievery.
That the content of a number of concepts, content and mores gets lost. Leading to the cautionary tale of rap. Becoming lost.
Eventually leading to the boom of ruthless records runs the world by Jerry heller. Misappropriating the culture coastal effect of la to purge itself. As a guy like ice t and his cautionary tape and actual color scheme as an artist. Was lost completely in hiphop culture. That over time. No one in general population of civilians. Has no idea of anything culturally significant anymore.

Art Barr


Mar 10, 2017
@Art Barr

Thank u thank u thank u 💓

I grew up wanting to be a back up dancer for Missy Elliot and I defo dressed influenced by Aaliyah with baggy bottoms and boy shorts undernearh.

My daughter has the same passion for dance and the same style of fashion however, there are very few girl bands embracing choreography routines into their music videos.

My daughter didn't even know who Beyonce was until we told her she is not Michelle's back up singer. Sexy Red and Ice Spice, she don't know them either....
She plays Fur Elise on classical piano, she's 8 I'm so inspired by her but she still got so much Soul I can see she is trying to outlet, she composes rhymes and routines from scratch but she told me she is severely underestimated and everything seems mundane to her

That's frightening

I thought K pop was harmless too until she started body shaming herself and I went into it a bit deeper and I'm not convinced.
The impersonator can never be more authentic than the originator.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
@Art Barr

Thank u thank u thank u 💓

I grew up wanting to be a back up dancer for Missy Elliot and I defo dressed influenced by Aaliyah with baggy bottoms and boy shorts undernearh.

My daughter has the same passion for dance and the same style of fashion however, there are very few girl bands embracing choreography routines into their music videos.

My daughter didn't even know who Beyonce was until we told her she is not Michelle's back up singer. Sexy Red and Ice Spice, she don't know them either....
She plays Fur Elise on classical piano, she's 8 I'm so inspired by her but she still got so much Soul I can see she is trying to outlet, she composes rhymes and routines from scratch but she told me she is severely underestimated and everything seems mundane to her

That's frightening

I thought K pop was harmless too until she started body shaming herself and I went into it a bit deeper and I'm not convinced.
The impersonator can never be more authentic than the originator.

Missy is not apart of hiphop either.

None of the jodeci devonte swing rnb prisoner camp artist are hip hop.

missy / sistah
nerd = pharrell

They are rnb offshoots of the mca way. Or mca subsidiary: uptown/mca

Which ruined rhe commercial gateway of the business of rap. from the start of commercialization of rap records with sugar hill.

Or sugar hill/mca.

It is all one big lie.
That was revenue grabbed upon and misappropriated. To even film as a gateway. As mca with fox. Created the trash deals. That robbed artist via standard today.
That now all this is generally lost. As fox News revenue grabbed off the black community. To create the sales spike era model. Used for the explosion of rap.
after the communications act.

Art Barr


Note who worked for mca or it's production company subsidiaries used to model corrosive busines profitability.

Full force
Andre Harrell
Sylvia rhone
Angie stone
LA face

Notice a pattern.
All the subgenres that were misappropriated. All came from these culture thieves and their errant models of business.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
just measured myself, i'm in trouble.:beli:

This is why I say.

Any anime.
after the communications act.

Is a bad deal for black people. As the culture and art houses that produce these works. Are welled in social dynamics. Where freedom has never taken place. So you get weird social ideals. Plus no clear ideal of save the day in content.
Or mores and norms that preach freedom.
So it makes material.
that is not conducive.
to or for a child.

Art Barr


Mar 10, 2017
Missy is not apart of hiphop either.

None of the jodeci devonte swing rnb prisoner camp artist are hip hop.

missy / sistah
nerd = pharrell

They are rnb offshoots of the mca way. Or mca subsidiary: uptown/mca

Which ruined rhe commercial gateway of the business of rap. from the start of commercialization of rap records with sugar hill.

Or sugar hill/mca.

It is all one big lie.
That was revenue grabbed upon and misappropriated. To even film as a gateway. As mca with fox. Created the trash deals. That robbed artist via standard today.
That now all this is generally lost. As fox News revenue grabbed off the black community. To create the sales spike era model. Used for the explosion of rap.
after the communications act.

Art Barr


Note who worked for mca or it's production company subsidiaries used to model corrosive busines profitability.

Full force
Andre Harrell
Sylvia rhone
Angie stone
LA face

Notice a pattern.
All the subgenres that were misappropriated. All came from these culture thieves and their errant models of business.

Art Barr

Missy defo was a way for me all the way in England to see someone that looked like me on TV doing dance routines that, as someone who was into breaking, could get into.

We used to tag, write, break and mix on our techniques without anyone really guiding us on the ordinances of the 5 pillars.

We just did it because it felt right, not because we were intentionally tryna be a part of anything.

The little pockets of information we did get bknin the day came from authentic cultural exchange.

Not sure if you can see this link but this was pretty cool to see on my timeliness