Kofi is the first black champ, Rock identifies as Samoan? Think again


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Damn. Getting real emotional in here.

(FYI: Walking Tall - Rock's first real leading role? White man. Skyscraper and San Andreas? Obviously playing a white/racially ambiguous man just based on the actors chosen as his children.
Also, anyone with eyes can note the dramatic difference in color on Dwayne from when he was living as a pro-wrestler with hair, to when he's living as a moving boulder in films now. Let's not act like we can't see what is apparent. Bruh is half-black. Yes. But there is a difference between what you are, and what you choose to represent yourself as. If you pick up and put down a culture when it's convenient for you, that culture should have no obligation to accept you at all times. Because you aren't doing the same thing. Reciprocity.)

That being said, we all know Kofi isn't gonna win the title because this company ain't shyt. And if he does, they're just gonna pat themselves on the back for it, like they deserve some praise for 'letting' someone with melanin sit atop their mountaintop, holding their... what? Third most important title? Nah. They don't get praise for that. Ol' "I'm hella late, but I mean, I showed up, so, you're welcome!"-ass bullshyt. WCW for all its failings had multiple black champions. TNA for all its failings had multiple black champions. One of those companies has been dead for damn near 20 years, and the other one has felt like it should have been dead for damn near 20 years. You don't get props for finally hopping on the train. Nah.

I'll praise Kofi for staying true and managing to get a chance. Especially if he manages it before the normal Vince-style mafukkas like Lashley. That's that company man shyt. That making something out of nothing shyt. That understanding you gotta work twice as hard to get half as far, so you work 4x as hard so you can get where you tryna be shyt. Kofi out here working his ass off, and I salute the man even knowing he ain't leaving WM with that belt. But I'm not going to praise that company. Pass.
Walking Tall? White man with a light skin father? How does that work? Lol.

The Rock has put down black people? I'm begging you to show me proof of this. I remember him sticking up for Mark Henry when they called him gorilla..I remember him putting over Booker T in the battle Royal. shyt, how many blacks are hired on his Ballers production. Nitpicking again. Trying to fit some justified narrative of why you support this white boy sounding chump named Kofi Kingston. There wasnt one BLACK WRESTLER that ever showed the charisma and the drive of this guy you labeled as half a Black man. But then again...there wasnt any white or Latino either that could do what the Rock did.

Kofi is outworking Rey Mysterio, Bryan, Andrade, Sasha? That's a crock of bullshyt. He does pancake comedy dancing skits. No one has showed more passion for being the best than Sasha..no one in the New Day..Usos...none of them. So your whole perception is fukked up from the get go. Overprasing a dancer instead of a world beating icon or a girl, who at 25, got over without any New day, group affiliation to carry her.


Mar 10, 2017
The Bay

Damn bruh, it ain't that serious.

Also, to call Kofi a 'white boy sounding chump'... know how I know you ain't black? You have no concept of code-switching. (also: 'how many blacks are hired on his Ballers production.' Blacks, huh? Bet.)
Over here burying more black workers for the sake of building up your preferred one? Where they do that at? I never said anyone else in the company ain't been on their shyt. Sasha works her little ass off and gets shat on constantly. I just praised Kofi for being on his shyt and managing to be in this position, especially after 11 years. Ol' Whataboutism ass bullshyt.

But go head; cook. Can't win arguments with stans, and I'mma pass on making a pointless attempt. You can hold Dwayne in the highest regard. All hail First Everything, Lord Dwayne Johnson. May his reign by eternal and beige. Whatever.

The rest of us will just be happy to be visibly represented in a way that isn't a goddamned technicality. Ain't no 'well, his family going back X generations...', no 'I didn't know he was!', none of that. Just someone undeniable finally holding that bullshyt belt without also needing a 23andMe to prove a point.


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
Dumbest thread in tsc. I bet the majority of yall "he aint black enough" guys arent "black enough" your damn selves...

time to log off tSC, there has to be better ways to waste time


All Star
May 2, 2012
The whole reason this storyline has been the most enthralling on the road to Wrestlemania is the fact that the foundation is based off of possibly if finally seeing a Black man walk with the WWE title. The Rock does have a black father but he hasn’t really done much on his end to push the his African American roots like he caters to his Samoan roots. Even in one of those fast and furious flicks he did a scene paying homage to his Samoan roots before he would walk around rocking a Kente outfit. He kept silent on the Hogan nonsense as he does for most racial fueled tragedies in America. No one can deny the man has a African American father but he makes sure to keep those roots taboo in terms of dealing with Hollywood. Maybe if he kept the same energy that he has for his Samoan background we wouldn’t have this convo but the truth is he doesn’t and that’s why he’s not acknowledged as the first black WWE champ.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
The whole reason this storyline has been the most enthralling on the road to Wrestlemania is the fact that the foundation is based off of possibly if finally seeing a Black man walk with the WWE title. The Rock does have a black father but he hasn’t really done much on his end to push the his African American roots like he caters to his Samoan roots. Even in one of those fast and furious flicks he did a scene paying homage to his Samoan roots before he would walk around rocking a Kente outfit. He kept silent on the Hogan nonsense as he does for most racial fueled tragedies in America. No one can deny the man has a African American father but he makes sure to keep those roots taboo in terms of dealing with Hollywood. Maybe if he kept the same energy that he has for his Samoan background we wouldn’t have this convo but the truth is he doesn’t and that’s why he’s not acknowledged as the first black WWE champ.
There ain't one WHITE FAN CHANTING Kofi every week that believes that. Not one.


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
Pressed? These nygga reppomg white girls, fake pawgs, Bliss, Jojo...and the Rock is one who doesnt act Black? Wtf does that mean anyway? You all been kissing Cena's ass for years too even though he blew up playing a wigger and then abandoned that like 4 months after going to Raw....lol.

Seems to me like you support everything but Black. The Rock is half Samoan? You got a problem with that? Tough shyt...all that wah, wah shyt is gay as a motherfukker.

I guess it's time to label Sasha non Black too. Dumb ass b*stards:laugh:
I don't have a problem with the Rock repping his Samoan heritage. That's you strawmanning some shyt nobody said. Sasha actually appears to be a somewhat black-based character. Stop trying to cherry pick out people. And you can't just argue MY POINT about Cena like it's doing something for your stance. Like I said, all these non-black people literally use blackness to make them cooler, but the Rock out here acting like calling himself black is a limitation...he "transcends" race. *eyes rolling*


BK to NJ, but always a New York Knicka
May 4, 2012
No one is addressed as a Black Champion. Wtf are you talking about? The build to this match is about him being against the odds..not some momentous countdown to him being a Black Champion that does spot wrestling. Lol. Absurd.

Again...that's my point.

You got all these other guys getting the designation. "First Irish Born Champion" being my example. That's been done. "First Black Champion"? "First African American Champion"? It hasn't been. It wasn't with Rock, it wasn't with Booker or Mark Henry. Why not? Why would that be absurd when they have a history of specifically doing this? Stop being deliberately obtuse.