BK to NJ, but always a New York Knicka
Damn bruh, it ain't that serious.
Also, to call Kofi a 'white boy sounding chump'... know how I know you ain't black? You have no concept of code-switching. (also: 'how many blacks are hired on his Ballers production.' Blacks, huh? Bet.)
Over here burying more black workers for the sake of building up your preferred one? Where they do that at? I never said anyone else in the company ain't been on their shyt. Sasha works her little ass off and gets shat on constantly. I just praised Kofi for being on his shyt and managing to be in this position, especially after 11 years. Ol' Whataboutism ass bullshyt.
But go head; cook. Can't win arguments with stans, and I'mma pass on making a pointless attempt. You can hold Dwayne in the highest regard. All hail First Everything, Lord Dwayne Johnson. May his reign by eternal and beige. Whatever.
The rest of us will just be happy to be visibly represented in a way that isn't a goddamned technicality. Ain't no 'well, his family going back X generations...', no 'I didn't know he was!', none of that. Just someone undeniable finally holding that bullshyt belt without also needing a 23andMe to prove a point.
Goddamn bruh.
Speak it.