Kodiak bear vs African lion


Jan 30, 2016

The Review of Reviews

Bull whips bear:

Turning, the bull made charge the second, which much resembled the first, but soon after the bull charged a third time upon the bear when he was in a corner, when Bruin for a short time made lively use of both teeth and claws, showing more fight than at any other time during the evening. The bear went off and got in another corner of the cage, when the bull approached him and stood looking at him, and pawing the ground (for nearly ten minutes before he made another dash jammed him against the side of the cage. The bear clawed a little, uttered a roar, and slunk away to another corner. The bear was evidently afraid of the bull from the moment he first caught sight of him. From this time forward it was necessary to stir the animal up to get them together, when there would be a rush by the bull and a roar or two by the bear, and the round was ended. Person! got on tha roof of the den and poored blood upoun the bull who stood pawing and gazing upon the bear. A red cloth was fastened to a pole and waved about the bear, but both animals stubbornly kept the peace. After this the bull was let alone, and the business of stirring up cchfined to the bear, who stood it too. It seemed impossible to get the bear upon his feet, and Charley Palqer, chief engineer of the show, cans forward and said that the bull had whipped the bear and the bear was just about dead, and could fight no more.

~ Press, Volume XVIII, Issue 2667, 16 November 1871, Page 3


The grizzly had no sooner abandoned his attack on the bull than the latter was on his feet, bearing himself aserect and as fierce as ever. "Giving his head a shake, he lowered it for the fourth time, and again charged. As the bull hurled himself against the grizzly the latter braced himself for a last desperate struggle. He struck out wildly with his paws and the bul' fell back with the force of the grizzly's blows. The bear sank to the ground. writhing in agony. The indomitable courage of the bull here prevailed. Blinded and crippled as he was, he dashed wildly at his foe again. With a last frantic effort the bear sought to make his escape, scrambling and staggering through the dust. But it was useless. His great strength was gone. The bull plunged his horns again and again into the huge form of the dying brute as he lay stretched helpless in the dust. The bear's muscles quivH1 THE BULL'S TRIUMPH. ered and contracted. He drew his immense paws up once or twice in convulsive clutches, raised his huge head, gave one agonizing groan and fell back dead.
The Philipsburg Mail from Philipsburg, Montana · Page 7


Cattle kills bear:
Papers Past — Auckland Star — 14 August 1934 — The Runaway Bull


But the brave bull fought on until the bear had had enough; and tried to run; the bull •was after'him like a flash, 'bowled him over and gored him to death. Even this did not satisfy his rage: he stood back a little to get bis breath, and then charged the body again and again, fairly lifting it off the ground with his horns. Finally, having glutted his wrath, he left the dead bedy of the bear and went off to find the herd, and. at let us hope, recover from his dreadful wounds.
Papers Past — Oamaru Mail — 4 November 1916 — THE HEADSHIP OF THE HERD.

How a Mule Killed a Bear. A mule dealt death to a bear that Rawls Plnmbing Co. had been terrorizing the residents of Diamond Valley. Daniel C. Shawley, lumberman and farmer, is the owner Notice. LIMESTONE STREET. The king's private consulfation. of the prize beast. Aroused by a commotion in his barn stocks, they were praise to Ood for he found the bear in deadly combat...Do," he smiled, encouragingly, "and my wife will give a bridge and ask all the women who will be likely to discuss It" And the air became cooler. Philadelphia Times. bulky animal fell prostrate. Then the mule reversed himself and let loose the death dealing assault from is hind quarters. The bear died shortly after Shawley reached the scene.
The Gaffney Ledger from Gaffney, South Carolina · Page 7

Bull kills grizzly bear in the wild
With a last frantic effort the bear sought to make his escape, scrambling and staggering through the dust. But it was useless. His great strength was gone. The bull plunged his horns again and again into th* huge form of the dying brute a s he lay stretched helpless In the dust. The bear's muscles quivered and contracted....agonizing groan and fell back dead. "The victorious bull raised his head, gave voice to a deep bellow and- shaking his head triumphantly turned and walked away.
http://rrcs-208-125-60-82.nys.biz.r.../Utica NY Sunday Journal 1898-1900 - 0844.pdf

A buffalo bull has also been known to battle a grizzly bear to death, if we can accept two startling accounts by Indian witnesses...bull eventually dispatched the assailant
The Time of the Buffalo


The bull rolled him over and over until he groaned with pain. Bruin bounded to his feet and into the corner at the first opportunity. The Twelfth Bound. In the round Bruin added new wound to the bull' torn ear, and the latter was willing to withdraw. Brum lanced tbe bull's neck in a dozen places with his keen claws, and, to all appearances, the bull was completely subdued. Bruin seemed to be proud of bis victory, and on his bind legs paraded about the track. The Thirteenth Round. This was the last round and tbe most desperate of all. The round lasted but a few minutes, Every movement made by he infuriated bull seemed to have its effect Finally the two beasts became separated. The bear stood upon his bfnd leg, both eyes being displaced by tbe horns of his antagonist. While Bruin was standing, moving his bead to and fro, not knowing In which direction to move, the bull plunged towards his antagonist, stuck both horns Into his body, lifted him up and threw him to the top of tbe pit among the spectators, Tbe bear wined in agony, but it was soon over, for the horns of the hull had touched a vital spot, and poor Bruin was vanquished by death.
The Fitchburg Sentinel from Fitchburg, Massachusetts · Page 1


Bull kills bear name ephriam



1,000 lb bull kills 1,200 lb bear:

(click on any area to enlarge the text)
The daily dispatch. (Richmond [Va.]) 1850-1884, June 23, 1852, Image 1


Bull whips large grizzly:
The Athens post. (Athens, Tenn.) 1848-1917, August 25, 1854, Image 1


Bears usually lost to bulls:
The San Francisco call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, January 15, 1911, Page 14, Image 14


Bull kills two bear in the same fight:


Bull tosses bear him high in the air, then gores him again and again then a second bear is brought in, the same bull gores him again and again and again until he is dead, then lifts the bears dead body and runs around the ring dragging the dead bear round and around:


Bull kills bear:


Bull kills grizzly bear:


Bull whips grizzly bear:
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Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
A lion being a cat is the ultimate killing organism on this planet but breh....you're just getting progressively more disrespectful to the bear.

Striking...breh that's what bears are known for. I mean, have we forgotten about animals being decapitated by bear strikes. I'm too lazy and in my phone but, many ranchers reported their horses and cattle being decapitated by grizzly strikes. I'm not talking about necks broke, I'm talking head flying from shoulders!

Polar bear kill walrus and whales breh. They are the most predatory of the bears with their claws and teeth even evolving differently.

You make them sound like bumbling idiots.

Also, the mane of the lion should be negated because bears don't go for the throat, they go for the face and skull. Have you never observed bear attack survivors? They're nothing pretty to look at. As their face and head have been gnawed on.

Must find the accounts of bears being killed with one paw strike unbelievable too. A bear, who's known for only being able to be killed by a bullet through the eye and in the brain while charging? Bullets known for deflecting from the skull.

I'll add more when I get the chance.

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
A lion being a cat is the ultimate killing organism on this planet but breh....you're just getting progressively more disrespectful to the bear.

Striking...breh that's what bears are known for. I mean, have we forgotten about animals being decapitated by bear strikes. I'm too lazy and in my phone but, many ranchers reported their horses and cattle being decapitated by grizzly strikes. I'm not talking about necks broke, I'm talking head flying from shoulders!

Polar bear kill walrus and whales breh. They are the most predatory of the bears with their claws and teeth even evolving differently.

You make them sound like bumbling idiots.

Also, the mane of the lion should be negated because bears don't go for the throat, they go for the face and skull. Have you never observed bear attack survivors? They're nothing pretty to look at. As their face and head have been gnawed on.

Must find the accounts of bears being killed with one paw strike unbelievable too. A bear, who's known for only being able to be killed by a bullet through the eye and in the brain while charging? Bullets known for deflecting from the skull.

I'll add more when I get the chance.


Jan 30, 2016
A lion being a cat is the ultimate killing organism on this planet but breh....you're just getting progressively more disrespectful to the bear.

Nah, the bear did that all on his own when he lost to pumas some 50+ times. Can you show me a leopard killing as much lions? Since there are loner nomads or lions that stray away from the pride.

Striking...breh that's what bears are known for. I mean, have we forgotten about animals being decapitated by bear strikes. I'm too lazy and in my phone but, many ranchers reported their horses and cattle being decapitated by grizzly strikes. I'm not talking about necks broke, I'm talking head flying from shoulders!

Well when you have these accounts by credible sources, we can then move on to phase two and dissect the credibility and probability of this happening, until then, this is merely hot air that contradicts the known biologist in their respective fields, such as igor, murrie, and several other exclusive bear mammologist. So in order to supersede those scientist, you are going to have to bring in an array of:

1.) Atleast 10 videos of this bone crushing haymakers you speak of.

2.) Atleast 20 large animals the bear has killed with a blow from the paw.

3.) Atleast 10 renowned scientist who studied bears saying they use this tactics commonly.

As there are many animals lions have killed with a blow from the paw, from small ones like jaguars, to large ones like buffalo and eland, from naturalist, hunters, animal trainers, scientist, and many more sources show the feats of lions striking power:
The african lions striking strength

Polar bear kill walrus and whales breh. They are the most predatory of the bears with their claws and teeth even evolving differently.

You make them sound like bumbling idiots.

Never said they were idiots, dumb or anything similar, they are one of the top survivalist, since they can survive on other things besides meat, if fauna is limited, they can still make it through population decline of their prey, if bovines and other prey of lions/tigers/cougars ect go, so will the predators. But as goes whales, and walrus, what exactly can they do to protect themselves against something like a lion or tiger? You do know they are alot more evasive then a bear right? A walrus would get speed blitzed and killed in mere minutes. How can they even run away? Walrus go flip flop on the ground and whales that are killed by bears are stuck in ice holes where they cant maneuver or defend themselves, let alone have any weapons of offence.

Also, the mane of the lion should be negated because bears don't go for the throat, they go for the face and skull. Have you never observed bear attack survivors? They're nothing pretty to look at. As their face and head have been gnawed on.

Humans are not what they would see as competition, so tactics would differ, if you can show us any videos of bears striking and biting at the skull exclusively, then please show it or cite it. Other wise again, more flawed and faulty assumptions. Since I doubt that you have seen a bear fight to death, there are many in literature and news, and all show the bear killing with a neck bite:
The Evening Independent - Google News Archive Search

Must find the accounts of bears being killed with one paw strike unbelievable too. A bear, who's known for only being able to be killed by a bullet through the eye and in the brain while charging? Bullets known for deflecting from the skull.


I'll add more when I get the chance.

Post em
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Jan 30, 2016
I even back the fighting bull against the lion, but atleast the lion comes off with some wins, which bears usually dont win nearly half as much:


At this time the Circus was appearing in bullfight arenas and the featureof the show was a fight between a bull and a lion but the lion always won and but for the thousands this attracted it would have been en expensive attraction.
like a good idee to substitute Barney 1'cr the bull thus killing Berney saving a bull and packing- the people in with something new and different.


The contest was awarded to the lion on default and the bear was drummed out of the fighting fraternity. But Colonel Boone still holds his opinion about the California grizzly. Parnell was afterwards fought against four bulls, one at a time, and in the last encounter lost his life. The first bovine gladiator was old, and he was killed easily by the lion- The second and third made a better fight, but were put out of time in a little while, the fourth bull caught Parnell in the mouth with its horn and drove the horn up through the roof of the mouth into the lion's brain, killing him.
The Anaconda Standard from Anaconda, Montana · Page 4


Lion known to kill 17 bulls:
The Evening News - Google News Archive Search


Lion name Prince killed a champion fighting bull
Meriden Daily Republican - Google News Archive Search


The driver laid the brakes failed near the bottom of a steep hill. After a 18-hour fight, a lion killed a bull buffalo in South Africa.
Joplin Globe from Joplin, Missouri · Page 11


Lion who killed 12 bulls
Toledo Blade - Google News Archive Search


Mexican circus in Nogales, Sonora suited when Pendo caused her to an African lion killed a large bull
LION KILLS BULL IN FIGHT STAGED IN NOGALES CIRCUS — Daily Times (Longmont) June 10, 1925 — Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection














Another driver told ours that a lion had just killed a buffalo. We raced over, there were no other minivans. The young male lion was still panting. Only a male lion can bring down an adult buffalo alone.
"Another driver told ours that a lion had just killed a buffalo. We raced over, there were no other minivans. The young male lion was still panting. Only a male lion can bring down an adult buffalo alone." - Google Search

such as Kruger National Park in South Africa, male lions do kill their own prey
Mammals of the Southern Hemisphere

male lionsmake significant contributions by slaughtering big but relatively slow-moving animals, such as buffalo (Syncerus caffer), weighing up to four times their own ...

Kruger male lions obtain most of their food by killing it themselves, and male and female lions in Kruger tend to kill different types of prey. Males kill mainly buffalo
"Kruger male lions obtain most of their food by killing it themselves, and male and female lions in Kruger tend to kill different types of prey. Males kill mainly buffalo" - Google Search

while kills made by male lions average 399 kg (880 lb).
Wild Animals Of India

Kruger National Park has shown that non-territorialmale lions predominantly kill buffaloes (73%)
"Kruger National Park has shown that non-territorial male lions predominantly kill buffaloes (73%)" - Google Search

ride males (N= 55) Buffalo 59%
"ride males (N= 55) Buffalo 59%" - Google Search

According to Bourliere (I963) adult buffalo regularly fall prey to lion.
"According to Bourliere (I963) adult buffalo regularly fall prey to lion" - Google Search

single Lion can kill an adult buffalo with ease, and there is no doubt that buffaloes do have a deep hatred of the Lion,
"single Lion can kill an adult buffalo with ease, and there is no doubt that buffaloes do have a deep hatred of the Lion" - Google Search

In one hand you have lions killing on average 800-1,500 lb animals who have horns, the backing of a herd, who can weigh 4 x their weight, is aggressive as shyt and is also nick named the black death, and in the other hand you have a bear that killed 8-15 lb fish.

Is there even just 10 female or bull bison or the smaller bull moose killed by a bear via photo, video or just written abstract? This isnt even close, the lion is retardedly more adept in fighting, more fighting and hunting experience.
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Jan 30, 2016

"Healthy obesity'" "Prof Brian Barnes, director of the institute of arctic biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, said: "It is exciting to see research being done on interesting comparative species, like grizzly bears, that have evolved adaptations to extreme conditions."
Obese grizzly bears 'shed light on diabetes' - BBC News

This week on The Wild Life, it's all bears, all the time. Dr Lynne Nelson, assistant director of the Washington State University (WSU) Bear Center, stops by to chat with Jason about how bears can eat a lot while remaining healthy ... and then sleep for five months.
The Wild Life (EP 7): Dr Lynne Nelson on bears, obesity and diabetes | natural-world | Earth Touch News

Maternal condition determines birth date and growth of newborn bear cubs No Access Charles T. Robbins*, Merav Ben-David, Jennifer K. Fortin and O. Lynne Nelson No brown bear with a body fat content ≤ 20% produced cubs even though breeding occurred. Brown bears that were fat gave birth earlier than those that were lean. Cubs nursing from fat mothers grew faster than those nursing from lean mothers. The combination of an earlier birth date and faster growth by cubs produced from fat mothers increased mass of brown bear and polar bear (U. maritimus) twins at den emergence by 330–360 g
for each unit increase in percent maternal body fat content when entering hibernation.
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Thats why some of pregnate brown/polar bears are extremely obese: But once again ,obesity is healthy state for bears. So ,"obese 400-500 kg grizzly""Bears can eat like pigs, hibernate for months and still be healthy."
Why Fat Grizzlies Don't Get Diabetes Like We Do

Bears are not bulking up to go into battle, they are putting on weight to survive hibernation. A brown bear past the 1,000 lb mark is not going to be as fit as a 700 pounder. Nor is there any proof that these people:

List of the heaviest people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Will beat in a fight, these people:
List of heavyweight boxing champions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The same way theres no proof a 1,500+ lb bear has more fighting skill, experience, and striking strength more than a 500 lb lion.


Jan 30, 2016
Striking...breh that's what bears are known for. I mean, have we forgotten about animals being decapitated by bear strikes. I'm too lazy and in my phone but, many ranchers reported their horses and cattle being decapitated by grizzly strikes. I'm not talking about necks broke, I'm talking head flying from shoulders!

Sources? Cites? Credibility?