Kodiak bear vs African lion


Jan 30, 2016

The lion knocked Gedo's bull down with a sideways blow of his paw, and then bit the animal through the back of the neck, killing it instantly.
"The lion knocked Gedo's bull down with a sideways blow of his paw, and then bit the animal through the back of the neck, killing it instantly." - Google Search

he delivers that to a zebra or a kongoni would be a death stroke — a blow on the neck from his paw. the most powerful striking arm in the animal kingdom.
"lion" "knocked it down" paw blow - Google Search

prey to the ground by biting through the back of the neck, or by striking the animal a terrific blow with the paw, smashing the skull.
The Wide World

One blow of his paw can break a zebra's neck or tear rhino skin. The lion remains by his prey until he has eaten his fill
"One blow of his paw can break a zebra's neck or tear a rhino skin. The lion remains by his prey until he has eaten his fill" - Google Search

I have witnessed the skull of a living man being crushed to pieces as if it were an egg-shell, by a lion already in its death-throes,
The Illustrated sporting & dramatic news

The brute sprang out upon him and with one blow from its paw struck him dead. The force of the blow simply crushed his skull in.
"The brute sprang out upon him and with one blow from its paw struck him dead. The force of the blow simply crushed his skull in" - Google Search
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Jan 30, 2016
Fierce Fight to the Death ln a Menagerie at New Orleans. New Orleans, La., Feb. 4. An attraction not down on the programme was presented at Wombwell's Menagerie last nlght after tbe performance was over and the keepers were feeding the animals. It was a fight to a finish between the lion Nerd and a huge bear, in which the king of the forest fully sustained his claim to the title. "The two beasts were in a cage with only a partition separating them. Big chunks of meat were thrown in to them. The bear was )riven the smaller share and finished his meal first Then he glanced sullenly through the bars at the lion and made a sudden lunge to get at him.

The partition gave way and soon the two animals were engaged in a life-and-death struggle. It lasted, however, but a short time. The two brutes swayed backward and forward for a while, when suddenly Nero disengaged himself from bruin's embrace and with a powerful blow of his huge paw came squarely down on the bear' back, breaking the 'spinal column as if it had been a twig. The bear fell over dead and the conqueror walked sedately back to where he bad been eating. Lying down be calmly resumed his meal, at the same time keeping one eye on the carcass of bit enemy.
The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois · Page 10
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Jan 30, 2016
A Carpathian Bear Killed by One Blow from a Lions Paw at Wombwell's Show.

Last night Wombwell's menagerie. at the corner of Howard avenue and Lee circle, was crowded with visitors to witness the many attractions. Though the weather was better cold outside, inside the big tent things were so snugly arranged mat everyone was comfortable. The big crowd enjoyed the different amusements offered, but had they remained a while longer they would have witnessed something that was not on the regular programme a fight between the giant lion Nero and a big black Carpathian bear. weighing about 950 pounds. There were a small number of spectators on hand. however, watching the animals being fed with raw meat, and they saw the encounter between these two ferocious beasts.

They were in a cage together, with a partition separating them. The partition had become worn, and it was intended that this morning it be repaired. Greats chunks of meat were thrown the two animals. The lion, with his mass pounds of muscle and" bone, 1 1." u iuc utui , luici ui? titiier nmsneu hist. Then he glanced sullenly over through the Pars at the lion and bear, h Inline to get to him. Sure enough the partition broke. and in a moment the two animals were locked in a regular dim I'ov.-j 'death embrace." Cart. Maitland, Ui.-uta'jer of tne sbo. savs that the: fight was of very short duration. however, and in that time he saw cxemrtiined the marvelous strength with which the naturalists accredit lions.

The bear fought and bit the lion for a few seconds, scratching his face to some extent and biting a small piece out of his paw. They swayed backward and forward for a while, when suddenly the lion drew back his tremendous paw' and dealt the bear a blow across the back that resounded all over the circus enclosure. It landed squarely on the bear's back breaking the spinal column as If It were a twig. the bear fell back dead, and the monarch of the forest. after sniffing at the dead carcass, walked back to where he had been eating and Irinrr alown facing the dead bear resumed his crunching on the meat before him. Capt, Maitland says. that he never before had any idea of the immense strength in the paw of a lion. The blow he hit the bear was of such force that the. spinal column hardly offered resistance to it. It was like the force of a battering ram 'be- tnnri a alT'tl-tnr4i nrAaani. n ...n, T,a bear was making every effort to chew up his lordly antagonist just before he was struck, while the lii did not nse h's tfsTU at all.
The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana · Page 7


Jan 30, 2016
No paw swipes are used by bears while fighting:

Lions have knock out power:


Jan 30, 2016
"A bit a more about that : The truth about that "famous bear hunter tiger". That is Dale, a huge 445 pound male Amur tiger. Yes, he had aquired a taste for bears. But, of all the bears he killed, only two that we know of were adult and both female. The first of these was a big female which put up a good fight, leaving the victorious tiger with battle scars. The second she-bear was huge by female Russian grizzly standards in the wild, 440 pounds. The fight lasted a full 20 minutes, bloody and intense. The tiger finally managed to overcome the fierce she-bear. "
Rumours and misinformation .The heaviest female bear killed was estimated at 150-200 kg

"A tiger kill a sow bear his own size and the fact that the fight last 20 minutes tell us that this was likely no ambush."
Gerenarrly speaking:
"Tigers typically surprise victims from the side or from behind: either approaching upwind or lying in wait downwind. Tigers rarely press an attack if they are seen before their ambush is mounted."
"On February 6 in Sikhote-Alin a tigress discovered the den of a female
bear with yearlings. Digging up the den from the side opposite to the
entrance, she proceeded to harass the mother from both sides alternately.
Eventually the tigress seized the bear from the rear with her claws, behind
the legs, dragged it out of the den, and quickly killed her by clamping its
jaws around the cervical vertebrae at the occiput. The cubs, weighing 30 kg,
each, she killed within the den (Kaplanov, 1948)."
Here's more from Kaplanov (1948)

"The bear cubs, which were yearlings and each of which weighed about 30 kg, were apparently killed while still in the den (the skulls were bitten through), since the walls and the ceiling of the den were splattered with blood.љ While still warm, the bear cubs were taken 30 m down the slope, where they were placed untouched under a fir (Abies sp. - Transl.) tree.љNo tracks were present along one side of the carcass, since the tigress lay during all this time in front of the bear den, spending not less than 8 days here (from February 6-13).љ The female bear was small, not more than 80-100 kg.љ The tigress departed toward the Kolumbe River, without once deviating from her path."

"This was not really an ambushed and an opponent as flexible as a bear should have been able to fight back convincingly even against something that attacked her from the rear. Not to mention this sow bear was completely aware of the tigress. Both animal size are not specified exactly like in your cage fight."
"The female bear was small, not more than 80-100 kg.љ'

"There is also this account of a large male bear killing a tigress but she apparently seriously injured the bear in the process, this should tell you that a parity matchup between the two is far to be one side in favour of the bear : Mammals of the Soviet Union, Volume 2 Part 2 Carnivora (Hyenas and Cats)