Kodiak bear vs African lion


Jan 30, 2016
Watch this video, breh. A bear is literally built to fight. They have layers of fat which protect their organs, it gives them an advantage similar to the lion's mane. It would definitely be a :whew: battle though.

EDIT: We can't post videos now? :francis:

But bears hide are still connected to pain receptors, if a lion cuts up a bear he will be feeling it big time, if a bear slashes or bites a lions mane he wont be feeling it as much or at all as the hair is 2 feet long to the bears 3 inch hair. Heres some people who have worked with these animals, and they too favor a lion over a bear

Lakeland Ledger - Google News Archive Search


Clyde beatty said a bear doesnt throw blows and he backs the lion

And a bunch of others who back the lion over a bear:
African lion vs Grizzly Bear

Again, lions kill animals 10x there weight and size almost occasionally, a bear rarely kills something even as big as himself, his main food source is salmon, fruits and veggies.
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Jan 30, 2016
Black bear with dead brown bear

TWO BEARS FIGHT. The coal regions have witnessed many old duels and sanguinary encounters, but the one near Freeland yesterday was about the strangest ever. Two Italians were giving exhibitions with trained bears, when it was proposed that a fight be arranged. One animal was very large, while the other was a small black one. Fifty cents admission was charged, and three hundred people entered the tent in which the scrap took place, and saw the smaller animal defeat his huge antagonist.

GARIBALDI" USED SCIENCE. Cinnamon Bear, Trained by an Italian, Fought His rival a Bloody Battle to a Standstill. While nearly a thousand people cheered and groaned alternately 'Garibaldi,'" a 450 pound cinnamon bear, lought to a standstill a 860 pound grizzly bear called "Rocky" in the most terrific and bloody fight ever witnessed in the Central Park Zoo yesterday afternoon. The battle was fought on the cliff in the bear cage, and, although neither one was killed, both were so badly used up that they lay on the ground panting for half an hour. "Garibaldi" is a trained bear, and this fact is probably responsible for the defeat of his heavier rival.
Mount Carmel Item from Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania · Page 4

Black bear defeats lioness:

Muscle vs Fat


They are nearly pure muscle, stocky, short and stout:

Lioness kills grizzly bear:

Spitfire, the lioness which attacked and nearly killed Dyer, has slain two former trainers and one grizzly bear, and has a bad record for maiming spectators who have wandered too near the bars of her cage. Because of her bad reputation she was given hours to leave Germany, and her present owners, the Gaskill-Mundv Carnival Co.. secured hr almost as a sift Spitfire released Dyer and started for the manager. Spitfire killed her first trainer. Max Papes'-o. In Hamburg. Germany. . After she had torn a spectator ths German authorities required that she be taken out of that country. In London she killed Trainer Fred Woods. In San Francisco she killed a grizzly bear after a four hours' fight.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri · Page 1

Fight between 3 lionesses and 3 bears:

The guards went to the wagons containing the wild beasts, and found the wooden partitions which separated three lionesses from three bears, and these again from three hyenas broken down and the animals engaged in battle. One bear was missing. The lions had eaten him, skin and all. They had bitten another bear's paw off, and a hyena lay dead on the floor. Two lions in a' neighboring compartment remained calm.

Pete taylor, saves bear from lioness

CROWD IN PANIC AS LION ATTACKS TRAINER HUNDREDS WITNESS DESPERATE BATTLE BETWEEN MAN AND BEAST IN A CAGE. The finale Is the mounting of the beasts upon a large , pedestal and Taylor had two of the lions in their places and was leading Lioness Sprang Upon Him. the polar bear to Its station, when Duchess, another lion, sprang at the bear. She fell upon it and both beasts rolled on the floor of the cage, roaring with rage. Taylor drew his revolver and fired two blank cartridges In the hope of frightening the lioness.
The Beaver Herald from Beaver, Oklahoma · Page 2

A number of years ago I not only saw but personally participated in a battle to the death between a lioness and five grizzlies I was eighteen at the time— which explains why I did something a more experienced man would not have done. I slipped into the cage, armed only with a hammer, which was the one weapon within reach at the moment. My reception was that usually accorded peacemakers. The lioness and the bears, dropping their own row, pitched into me. I had to fight my way out of the cage with the hammer, and gained safety most inglo- riously, bespattered with my own and the animals' blood. I established peace, all right by the diversion, but one grizzly had closed his jaws over my nose and torn it in half. As referee, I awarded the battle to the lioness.

Fight In Boston Zoo Between Two Mddened Beasts Bostock's zoo, in Boston, was the scene of a vicious sanguinary encounter between a full grown lioness and a big black bear a few days ago. Poor bruin was killed, but not before he had convinced his fierce feline antagonist that a hand to hand fight with a husky bear is far from being a picnic. The keepers at the zoo, all of whom havehad long experience in the care of wild animals, pronounce the encounter between the beasts one of the most sanguinary and ferocious they have ever witnessed. The lioness gained the victory, but it was only after a long and terrific struggle, during which the fur flew in such quantities that the bloody floor was carpeted with it. The cage looked like a slaughter house after the battle.
The Fort Wayne News from Fort Wayne, Indiana · Page 6

stated that he is having pure hell, trying to get his five black bears to get along with his African lion. It seems that they try to fight all the time. What’s an African lion and five bears doing in Comanche?
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Jan 30, 2016
Lion 7 times out of 10

The size of them bears is what gets me





For lions, buffalo is not a staple. But for male lions, at least, buffalo are a valuable prize in their quest to build condition. Ironically, the very buffalo they target are themselves engaged in the pursuit of dominance.

As we stood on a service road along the park’s western edge, Vance tested the air with a radio receiving aerial, hunting for a bleep bleep bleep of signal that would tell him where one of his collared lions was. The dry grass at his feet was spun back on itself like a party ribbon that’s been drawn over the edge of a blade. The softest drizzle of rain had fallen here earlier, cementing for a moment the telltale spoor of a lone male lion which had padded through during the night. Crossing his path, probably a few hours later, were the hoof prints of a bachelor herd of buffalo.The circle of life etched in mud. Predator and prey, ghosting past one another in the African bushveld.


“Park, George Schaller (1972) reported that an amazing 62% of all lion prey was made up of Cape buffalo, with 81% of this 62% being adult male buffalo. Buffalo-killing is also important to the lions of Kruger National Park, and studies here have shown, significantly, that male lions are not just frequent and successful hunters: they are also the lions that are best at killing buffalo (Funston et al. 1998)"

Dr. Craig Packer

"Males are quick to challenge lions they do not know real or not. Whenever we broadcast tape recordings of a strange male roaring within a coalition’s territory, the response was immediate..Indeed, the males’ responses sometimes bordered on suicidal, approaching the speaker even when they were outnumbered by three recorded lions to one."

"Lions are almost a different species at night. This is their element; this is when they really do seem like kings, afraid of nothing, less concerned about being seen by either humans or their prey."


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Jan 30, 2016
Why speculate brehs :eat:

Who you got?:patrice:




(1902)Just as s ho gave her last kick and the panther rose In triumph, Saunders took a hand in the fight. and with two bullets killed the panther
The Portsmouth Herald from Portsmouth, New Hampshire · Page 2

(1899)Bear dies in fight with puma
https://books.google.com/books?id=gCYTAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA462&d q=%22panther%22+%22bear%22+%22la cerated%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=tbxuVfD 7CNjWoATspYDACA&ved=0CBQQ6AEwAA# v=onepage&q=%22panther%22%20%22b ear%22%20%22lacerated%22&f=false


The Indians say, that in a battle between the grizzly bear and the cougar the latter
always proves the victor...highly probable when we consider the injury to be
inflicted by the long keen claws of the beast, and its wonderful strength and agility

[/b] (1894)Bear dies in fight with puma:at the coward of the plains and crushed the life out of him.
.Sacramento Daily Union 19 February 1894 — California Digital Newspaper Collection


The bear was now in extremities. There was but one remedy. So he wound himself up In a brown ball and dropped to the ground. fie struck with a sort of a smash, unbound himself, and started on a frantic lope" for safety. But with ftwo or three bounds the panther was low,h the. tree and near to him. She sprang upon the bear, burled her leeth in his throat and with her pow-'erful claws tore out his entrails
Independence Daily Reporter from Independence, Kansas · Page 4


The bear, a cinnamon, was a monster of his species. As near as they could estimate he would have weighed 1000 pounds. Each was a mass of cuts and wounds. The lion had one fore-leg crushed and mangled, as though from a bite, and the bear was cub from muzzle to tail .by the knife-like claws of his more active opponent.—" Buckskin," in the Ontario Observer,


The lion had buried its teeth in the bear's throat, and before he could move a paw in self-defeuso had torn him literally into shreds with its powerful, sharp claws. The whole thing had happened so quickly that I had scarce time to catch my breath when the fight was over, the bear dead,


This lithe beast, weighing full- grown perhaps one hundred and fifty pounds, is the terror of thegrizzly, for through sheer litheness and agility this great cat can vanquish this terrible bear. The indians say that they sometimes find a bear killed by a panther
https://books.google.com/books?id=w-RaAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA382&dq=%22black+ bear%22+%22agility%22+panther&hl =en&sa=X&ei=QopuVe6gJIrXoASPjoLg Bw&ved=0CCUQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=% 22black%20bear%22%20%22agility%2 2%20panther&f=false


Panther...and credible authorities state that they are not louth to attack boldly even the dreaded grizzly bear, and often come off victorious.
https://books.google.com/books?id=HeYRAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA219&d q=%22grizzly+bear%22+panther+%22 ferocity%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xl9vVf q6MoGLsQXpm4CACA&ved=0CDsQ6AEwBz gU#v=onepage&q=%22grizzly%20bear %22%20panther%20%22ferocity%22&f =false


He once saw a fight between a black bear and a cougar and the latter killed his advesary in less than 20 minutes


Livingston Stone (1883 : 1189) was told by the McCloud River Indians that the panther always killed the grizzly when the two fought. They said that the grizzly was afraid of the lion and that the latter would spring on the bear's shoulders and cut its throat.


Panther kills bear by jumping on back and ripping out his throat
https://books.google.com/books?id=rfBHAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA134&d q=%22bruin%22+%22agility%22+pant her&hl=en&sa=X&ei=qo5uVfSQIo32oA TCpIPIAw&ved=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v=onepa ge&q=%22bruin%22%20%22agility%22 %20panther&f=false


puma killed a black bear
https://books.google.com/books?id=6JBBAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA110&d q=cougar+%22fight+between%22+bea r&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7sU5VanSNomuoQ SA-4CADA&ved=0CD0Q6AEwBTgU#v=onepag e&q=cougar%20%22fight%20between% 22%20bear&f=false


Puma kills black bear


The lion, which seemed to have no fear, leaped onto the bear's back and while clinging there and facing forward scratched the grizzly's eyes and nose with its claws. The bear repeatedly rolled over onto the ground to rid himself of his adversary; but as soon as the bear was upright, the cat would leap onto his back again. This agility finally decided the struggle in favor of the lion."


As they neared the spot, the victorious ainnita passed before them Into the jungle. On coming to the place of the deadly struggle they found dead and bleeding a large she bear, that would weigh probably 900 or 1000 pounds.
https://books.google.com/books?id=f9DhAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA232&d q=%22fight+between%22+bear+dead& hl=en&sa=X&ei=KL7mVPqTN5HZoAS55I DADg&ved=0CAYQ6AEwADha


He missed his object, but suddenly gathering his energies, he made a_California_Magazine_1000831108/251


We could see them struggling in the depths of the pool; bubbles of air rose to the surface, and the water became dark with gore. It may have been five minutes or more before they floated up dead, and their bodies rolled slowly down the stream. (Anon., 1857 : 823., California Grizzly)


panther mangles a full grown bear to death:
https://books.google.com/books?id=rbsRAAAAYAAJ&pg=RA1-PA146&dq=%22panther%22+%22bear%2 2+%22entrails%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3 MBuVce4O4_1oASS6IOoBg&ved=0CDgQ6 AEwBw#v=onepage&q=%22panther%22% 20%22bear%22%20%22entrails%22&f= false


The bear released his hold and both animals sank to the ground in the agony of death. Bruin died first but his enemy lived but a minute or two after. They had fought to a finish and ceased to be in each other’s way. Both animals were of medium size and in good condition. I went home for assistance and we skinned the panther and took the bear home and used the meat. Since that time," remarked Mr. Baughman, "I have witnessed many hard fights between animals but the encounter between the bear and panther was the fiercest and most bloody I ever witnessed between domestic or wild animals."
S. C. Turnbo: A Fight to a Finish Between a Bear and Panther


Panther slaughters a bear:
https://books.google.com/books?id=BYkAAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA87&dq =%22panther%22+%22bear%22+%22ent rails%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3MBuVce4O 4_1oASS6IOoBg&ved=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v= onepage&q=%22panther%22%20%22bea r%22%20%22entrails%22&f=false


I saw a huge panther crouched down at the side of a dead bear which lay at the foot of a post oak tree that stood at the side of the pathway. The panther was guarding the bear. The two savage animals had met here and engaged in a terrific fight and the bear was killed. The scene of the encounter was in a small prairie bottom with a few scattering trees and nearly ¡ of a mile above the mouth of the hollow.
S. C. Turnbo: Finding a Panther Guarding a Dead Bear


Bear dies fighting panther
https://books.google.com/books?id=2HoEAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA119&d q=%22panther%22+%22bear%22+%22ra ge%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xrZuVZ3_Mcn8 oQSyrIO4CQ&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAw#v=one page&q=%22panther%22%20%22bear%2 2%20%22rage%22&f=false


A few years ago an Englishman who had hunted lions In Africa ventured, upon a visit here, to express the opinion that an African lion could whip a grizzly in fair fight. His' opinion was so warmly disputed by partisans of the grizzly that he determined to settle the matter. He brought a full grown lion to this Park and it was put into a cage'along with a grizzly. The lion at once sprang to the attack^ leaping upon the bear's' back and trying to dig in with claws and teeth. The grizzly sincerely shook him off.The lion again sprang and was again shaken off. A third time it was shaken off, but this time the lion, annoyed, gave it a swipe with one of its paws, and broke its back. killing it with a single blow.
The Iola Register from Iola, Kansas · Page 6

King of swedens Barbary lion kills a european brown bear with one blow:


Frederick I of Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The king, of whom I have just narrated so many anecdotes, had a very large lion‘ presented to him by one of the Barbary powers. There were at this time several bears kept by the butchers about the shambles in Stockholm, and his majesty, being anxious to witness a rencontre between one of these animals and the lion, ordered them to be brought into contact with each other. lu the lion's den there were two apartments, into one of which the bear was introduced. On the lion, however, getting access to that animal, he found him posted in a corner; when, going up to him, he gave him a slight rap with his paw, as if to see of what materials his visiter was composed. The bear, not liking this kind of salutation, growled, and endeavoured to parry it. This made the lion angry: when, ‘ with one- fell swoop,‘ with -his paw, as the story goes, he laid the bear dead at his feet.
http://books.google.com/books?id=Io5NAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA195&d q=african+lions+paw+blow+bear&hl
=en&sa=X&ei=6zR_U8D1HNDdoATcioFI &ved=0CAYQ6AEwADg


Lion kills bear with one blow:

Lion Kills Bear. In a phorl battle at the carnival grounds in Corry Monday night. bettween members of the bear and the lion families the latter was returned the victor an Having delivered a vicious assault on the bruin's head quarters. There was nothing to the skirmish, for the bear was outclassed out generaled and out slugged and never had a ghost of a show with the African jungle King, it was all over in the twinkling of an eye and the bear lay quite dead on the floor of his cage which the lion had invaded in making the attack.

Bears are pretty big, but lions are big game hunters:


White Rhino vs Lion Pride - Kariega

A white rhino is about 4 kodiak bears put together.
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Who's the best MCs? Biggie, Jay-Z, and Nas
Oct 17, 2014
Lion 7 times out of 10
I think y'all underestimate the bear's strength. A Kodiak would toss the tallest and strongest man you know around like a ragdoll, I can see it being a close fight but I think the Kodiak takes the majority of the fights. I don't even think a Silverback Gorilla could take a Kodiak, much less a lion.


Jan 30, 2016
I think y'all underestimate the bear's strength. A Kodiak would toss the tallest and strongest man you know around like a ragdoll, I can see it being a close fight but I think the Kodiak takes the majority of the fights. I don't even think a Silverback Gorilla could take a Kodiak, much less a lion.

But what does the kodiak has to show for? He rarely hunts big game larger than himself. An when brown bears do go against them, they are not usually the winners.


Bears occasionally killed by big game attacked as prey, one grizzly gored to death by large bison bull.

open, in the small pen the bull often won, chasing and goring the bearmultiple times.) ...

My grandfather used to get a great big mean bull and put it in with a bearand they would fight. This was before my time but I heard of it. Lots of people would come and watch. Usually the bull won

Cremony, in his Life among the Apaches, describes an incident in which acougar killed a black bear

cougar killed a medium-sized brown bear"

At length he arrived there whither the Pumawas coming, dragging the black bear which he had just killed

with the grizzly bear, and one author even stated that carcasses of bears killed by cougars had been found in northern California.
Indians say that they sometimes found a grizzly bear killed by a mountain lion, but never a mountain lion killed by a grizzly

female cougar kills bear:
https://books.google.com/books?id=T0I9AQAAMAAJ&pg=RA5-PA149&dq=%22cougar%22+%22bear%27 s+throat%22&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUK Ewi8_s7TtojMAhVGzGMKHQO6DE0Q6AEI MDAB#v=onepage&q=%22cougar%22%20 %22bear's%20throat%22&f=false

In one case a mountain lion's leg was broken by wolverine and a bear was disemboweled.

In a fight to the death, the mountain lion is more game than the black bear.

Sometimes the two animals killed each other and other times the cougar won. In a few stories the cougar vanquished even the massive grizzly bear.

While lions kill things 3-6 x bigger than bears:


Following up the tracks, they found a hippo killed by a lionabout a mile north of the rice field
African Wildlifehttps://www.google.com/search?q=%22tracks%2C+they+found +a+hippo+killed+by+a+lion+about+ a+mile+north+of+the+rice+field%2 2&tbm=bks&tbo=1&oq=%22tracks%2C+ they+found+a+hippo+killed+by+a+l ion+about+a+mile+north+of+the+ri ce+field%22&gs_l=heirloom-serp.3...15300.18174.0.18392.2.2 . 1ac.1.34.heirloom-serp..2.0.0.Oj8ORnwe5ig

Guarding the kill: The photographer said she saw a mound in the long grass but only realised it was a hippo when they got much closer



Not far from this pride another pride in Linyanti Botswana specializes in killing Hippo.

lLions were seen regularly this month, but unusually, three or four of the male intruders appear to haveadopted new tactics in their hunting techniques. Three times, the lions killed adult hippos during thenight.
http://www.kwando.com/pdfs/October 2013.pdf

4 lions kill adult hippo, and 2 lions kill adult hippo

Based on biomass, buffalo represented50% of the diet followed by hippopotamus (17%),

two young male lions kill adult female hippo:The next day, the two intruders were found feeding on a female adult hippo which they appear tohave killed during the night.
http://www.kwando.co.za/pdfs/December 2014.pdf

Notch and the four males were seen near the saltlick on the Ntiaktiak River where they had killeda hippo. These lion have killed and fed off three hippos this month two of which were closeapparently a few days apart On the 20th the four notch males and the maternity pride killed a male hippo the other side of theTalek River on the Burrangat plains.

The Paradise Pride of lions are still living up to their formidable reputation of hunting hippo.The 5 younger male lions have apparently killed about 10 so far,

For several years, the pridewas regularly observed hunting adult hippos,


So lions know how to handle things stronger than them, bears dont face heavy competition and wouldnt know how to react to a animal just as strong and more willing to fight to the end.

Lions feats:

- Crocodiles 1,000 - 2,000 lbs and the strongest bite in the world
- Buffalo 1,000 - 2,000 lbs and hooked horns
- Elands 2,000 - 4,000 lbs two barbed horns
- Giraffes 2,000 - 4,000 lbs and 17 feet tall strongest kick in the world
- Hippos 4,000 - 8,000 lbs one of deadlist bites
- Rhinos 5,000 - 9,000 lbs long spear like horn
- Elephants 8,000 - 15,000 lbs and long truck an tusks as weapons

Bears feats:

Carribou 500 - 1,000 lbs
Horses 800 - 1,500
Moose 800 - 1,600 lbs
Bison 1,500 - 3,000 lbs

And yet, we still dont have all that much accounts of bears killing bull moose or bull bison, not even 10 accounts are there to show for of large brown bears killing them just several times. Yet for lions, they hunt big game almost occasionally. In one hand we have lions killing over a 1,000 big game animals on record, in the other we dont even have 10 records of brown bears killing anything bigger than them.
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Who's the best MCs? Biggie, Jay-Z, and Nas
Oct 17, 2014
So lions know how to handle things stronger than them, bears dont face heavy competition and wouldnt know how to react to a animal just as strong and more willing to fight to the end.

Lions feats:

- Crocodiles 1,000 - 2,000 lbs and the strongest bite in the world
- Buffalo 1,000 - 2,000 lbs and hooked horns
- Elands 2,000 - 4,000 lbs two barbed horns
- Giraffes 2,000 - 4,000 lbs and 17 feet tall strongest kick in the world
- Hippos 4,000 - 8,000 lbs one of deadlist bites
- Rhinos 5,000 - 9,000 lbs long spear like horn
- Elephants 8,000 - 15,000 lbs and long truck an tusks as weapons

Bears feats:

Carribou 500 - 1,000 lbs
Horses 800 - 1,500
Moose 800 - 1,600 lbs
Bison 1,500 - 3,000 lbs

And yet, we still dont have all that much accounts of bears killing bull moose or bull bison, not even 10 accounts are there to show for of large brown bears killing them just several times. Yet for lions, they hunt big game almost occasionally. In one hand we have lions killing over a 1,000 big game animals on record, in the other we dont even have 10 records of brown bears killing anything bigger than them.

Admittedly, I don't know much about bear fighting tactics. I figured that the Kodiak would have the size and strength advantage and the fact that its insides are protected by layers of fat. No matter who wins the fight, both sides would probably be injured.


Jan 30, 2016
Admittedly, I don't know much about bear fighting tactics. I figured that the Kodiak would have the size and strength advantage and the fact that its insides are protected by layers of fat. No matter who wins the fight, both sides would probably be injured.

The lion is strong as well, even in india, lions have been known to pull down adult elephants to the ground:

largest elephants, and to have fairly pulled them to the ground, riders and all.
A Treasury of Natural History Or a Popular Dictionary of Zoology in which the Characteristics that Distinguish the Different Classes... by Samuel Maunder

Both have there strengths, the bear is stronger in grappling, the lion is stronger at striking. You dont see bears striking like this:



Yet you can find hundreds of videos of lions using there paws to strike at the head. Look at the video @SheriffOG posted, when the bear fights the puma, he puts his head down, lions dont do that, they dodge, parry and sway there head side to side. If a bear rushed in head first, he would get a stunning whack to the skull from the lion, because thats just how they fight, which is why theres like 4 or 5 or so accounts of lions killing bears with one blow...if a lion can crush the skull of a ox or buffalo or even a 2,000 - 4,000 lb eland, then a 1,000 -1,500 lb bear is still suspect to having his skull shattered.


Jan 30, 2016
Bear. Easy.


(In the wild)

Finally when I had lost consciousness one of the party sneaked up and placed the muzzle of his gun at the lions ear and let her go killing him instantly I was three months recovering and then three of my ribs were crushed and this arm was a reminder The lion weighed 900 pounds and measured over seven feet
The Salt Lake Herald from Salt Lake City, Utah · Page 1

1,000 pound captive lion named samson:
https://www.google.com/search?biw=1297&bih=610&tbm=bks& q="Attractions+of+this+unusual+s teak+house+include+Samson,+1,000-pound+African"&oq="Attractions+o f+this+unusual+steak+house+inclu de+Samson,+1,000-pound+African"&gs_l=serp.3...239 556.248796.0.248979. 142.263.0j2.2.0....0...1c.1.64.s erp..2.0.0.yNVEC8JAkoM

Swede and sultan


1,000 pound lion:

Lions arent usually this big in the wild, but they can get almost as big as kodiak bears under the right circumstances. Dont see the bear with that much combat advantages.

And highly doubt a kodiak bear will find it easy to kill lions, who in verse can die taking down a full grown rhino by himself:


(Rhino dies in fight with lion)
Papers Past — Wairarapa Daily Times — 22 November 1898 — LION V. RHINOCEROS.

It even states the lion knocked the rhino down, dont know how a kodiak would fair any better.
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Jan 30, 2016

There just aren't that many male lion acts anymore. There are numerous reasons, 1 main reason in my book is breeding,when the Chipperfields brought the drive through safari park concept to America, lion breeding went down the tubes. second Lions are social animals vs. tigers being naturaly solitary animals. this has a great effect on their attitudes and habits in life. Lions grow up fighting for position in their social group, both as punks and then later in bachelor groups.

They seem to truly enjoy fighting and losing has little meaning to it. A limping lion that can make it to the group feed can survive. The tiger on the other hand is solitary basically from the time of puberty. Even small injuries can effect their ability to hunt, thus meaning death by starvation. Consequently, I believe, tigers are not as willing to quarrel over insignificant insults to their social rules.As a seperate specie we make many social errors,in their world. Tigers seem to be more studious and manipulative of their environment (heirarchy) knowing this is very useful in manipulating the learning processes.They seem to me to be more thoughtful, being less willing to be argumentative, just for arguments sake. Male lions seem to have more testicle to testicle conversations, so it helps to have a pair so as not to get left out of the conversation. So where male lions like to fight more often, tigers are more treacherous when they do decide to fight.


This is true even in the wild, lions love to fight, losing isnt an issue, defeat isnt an issue, getting whopped isnt an issue, they just are fighters by nature....theres nothing the bear is gona do to scare or intimidate a lion, if they meet the bear is gona have a fury of a 500 lb wrecking ball messing him up, and I doubt the bear can take that type of punishment.