(1902)Just as s ho gave her last kick and the panther rose In triumph, Saunders took a hand in the fight. and with two bullets killed the panther
The Portsmouth Herald from Portsmouth, New Hampshire · Page 2
(1899)Bear dies in fight with puma
https://books.google.com/books?id=gCYTAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA462&d q=%22panther%22+%22bear%22+%22la cerated%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=tbxuVfD 7CNjWoATspYDACA&ved=0CBQQ6AEwAA# v=onepage&q=%22panther%22%20%22b ear%22%20%22lacerated%22&f=false
The Indians say, that in a battle between the grizzly
bear and the
cougar the latter
always proves the victor...highly probable when we consider the injury to be
inflicted by the long keen claws of the beast, and its wonderful strength and
[/b] (1894)Bear dies in fight with puma:at the coward of the plains and crushed the life out of him.
.Sacramento Daily Union 19 February 1894 — California Digital Newspaper Collection
The bear was now in extremities. There was but one remedy. So he wound himself up In a brown ball and dropped to the ground. fie struck with a sort of a smash, unbound himself, and started on a frantic lope" for safety. But with ftwo or three bounds the panther was low,h the. tree and near to him. She sprang upon the bear, burled her leeth in his throat and with her pow-'erful claws tore out his entrails
Independence Daily Reporter from Independence, Kansas · Page 4
The bear, a cinnamon, was a monster of his species. As near as they could estimate he would have weighed 1000 pounds. Each was a mass of cuts and wounds. The lion had one fore-leg crushed and mangled, as though from a bite, and the bear was cub from muzzle to tail .by the knife-like claws of his more active opponent.—" Buckskin," in the Ontario Observer,
The lion had buried its teeth in the bear's throat, and before he could move a paw in self-defeuso had torn him literally into shreds with its powerful, sharp claws. The whole thing had happened so quickly that I had scarce time to catch my breath when the fight was over, the bear dead,
This lithe beast, weighing full- grown perhaps one hundred and fifty pounds, is the terror of thegrizzly, for through sheer litheness and
agility this great cat can vanquish this terrible bear. The indians say that they sometimes find a bear killed by a panther
https://books.google.com/books?id=w-RaAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA382&dq=%22black+ bear%22+%22agility%22+panther&hl =en&sa=X&ei=QopuVe6gJIrXoASPjoLg Bw&ved=0CCUQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=% 22black%20bear%22%20%22agility%2 2%20panther&f=false
Panther...and credible authorities state that they are
not louth to attack boldly even the dreaded grizzly bear, and often come off victorious.
https://books.google.com/books?id=HeYRAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA219&d q=%22grizzly+bear%22+panther+%22 ferocity%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xl9vVf q6MoGLsQXpm4CACA&ved=0CDsQ6AEwBz gU#v=onepage&q=%22grizzly%20bear %22%20panther%20%22ferocity%22&f =false
He once saw a fight between a black bear and a cougar and the latter killed his advesary in less than 20 minutes
Livingston Stone (1883 : 1189) was told by the McCloud River Indians that the panther always killed the grizzly when the two fought. They said that the grizzly was afraid of the lion and that the latter would spring on the bear's shoulders and cut its throat.
Panther kills bear by jumping on back and ripping out his throat
https://books.google.com/books?id=rfBHAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA134&d q=%22bruin%22+%22agility%22+pant her&hl=en&sa=X&ei=qo5uVfSQIo32oA TCpIPIAw&ved=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v=onepa ge&q=%22bruin%22%20%22agility%22 %20panther&f=false
puma killed a black bear
https://books.google.com/books?id=6JBBAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA110&d q=cougar+%22fight+between%22+bea r&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7sU5VanSNomuoQ SA-4CADA&ved=0CD0Q6AEwBTgU#v=onepag e&q=cougar%20%22fight%20between% 22%20bear&f=false
Puma kills black bear
The lion, which seemed to have no fear, leaped onto the bear's back and while clinging there and facing forward scratched the grizzly's eyes and nose with its claws. The bear repeatedly rolled over onto the ground to rid himself of his adversary; but as soon as the bear was upright, the cat would leap onto his back again. This agility finally decided the struggle in favor of the lion."
As they neared the spot, the victorious ainnita passed before them Into the jungle. On coming to the place of the deadly struggle they found dead and bleeding a large she bear, that would weigh probably 900 or 1000 pounds.
https://books.google.com/books?id=f9DhAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA232&d q=%22fight+between%22+bear+dead& hl=en&sa=X&ei=KL7mVPqTN5HZoAS55I DADg&ved=0CAYQ6AEwADha
He missed his object, but suddenly gathering his energies, he made a
We could see them struggling in the depths of the pool; bubbles of air rose to the surface, and the water became dark with gore. It may have been five minutes or more before they floated up dead, and their bodies rolled slowly down the stream. (Anon., 1857 : 823., California Grizzly)
panther mangles a full grown bear to death:
https://books.google.com/books?id=rbsRAAAAYAAJ&pg=RA1-PA146&dq=%22panther%22+%22bear%2 2+%22entrails%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3 MBuVce4O4_1oASS6IOoBg&ved=0CDgQ6 AEwBw#v=onepage&q=%22panther%22% 20%22bear%22%20%22entrails%22&f= false
The bear released his hold and both animals sank to the ground in the agony of death. Bruin died first but his enemy lived but a minute or two after. They had fought to a finish and ceased to be in each other’s way. Both animals were of medium size and in good condition. I went home for assistance and we skinned the panther and took the bear home and used the meat. Since that time," remarked Mr. Baughman, "I have witnessed many hard fights between animals but the encounter between the bear and panther was the fiercest and most bloody I ever witnessed between domestic or wild animals."
S. C. Turnbo: A Fight to a Finish Between a Bear and Panther
Panther slaughters a bear:
https://books.google.com/books?id=BYkAAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA87&dq =%22panther%22+%22bear%22+%22ent rails%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3MBuVce4O 4_1oASS6IOoBg&ved=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v= onepage&q=%22panther%22%20%22bea r%22%20%22entrails%22&f=false
I saw a huge panther crouched down at the side of a dead bear which lay at the foot of a post oak tree that stood at the side of the pathway. The panther was guarding the bear. The two savage animals had met here and engaged in a terrific fight and the bear was killed. The scene of the encounter was in a small prairie bottom with a few scattering trees and nearly ¡ of a mile above the mouth of the hollow.
S. C. Turnbo: Finding a Panther Guarding a Dead Bear
Bear dies fighting panther
https://books.google.com/books?id=2HoEAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA119&d q=%22panther%22+%22bear%22+%22ra ge%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xrZuVZ3_Mcn8 oQSyrIO4CQ&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAw#v=one page&q=%22panther%22%20%22bear%2 2%20%22rage%22&f=false