Kodiak bear vs African lion


Jan 30, 2016
A big bear has a strong enough blow to take some animals' heads off, breh. I don't think too many animals are taking down a Kodiak or Grizzly bear by itself

I'm pretty sure it states by several biologist thats not how they attack, they grapple down there prey and continually bite, lions strike with there paws knock you down or out then bite you one time.

Dont see why a lion wouldnt fair well against a kodiak, grizzly bears dont seem to do all that well against pumas:

- Cougar/Puma/Mountain lion



Female panther kills female black bear


The two animals spent some time licking their rounds, but at last the lion charged the bear again and this time with his claws he tore open he bear's back and his claws must have reached some deadly part, for presently the bear fell over dead and the lion went off to his old place and began to lick his wounds again.
https://books.google.com/books?id=6BccAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA532&d q=%22fight+between%22+bear+dead& hl=en&sa=X&ei=7b_mVLLXIIPxoASBwI LoDg&ved=0CA4Q6AEwBDhu


Bear dies in fight with panther
https://books.google.com/books?id=Sem9B2acPfkC&pg=PA151&d q=%22Panther%22+%22bear%22+%22cl awed%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=PJpvVeS6BI aQyQSS34PoDA&ved=0CDAQ6AEwAw#v=o nepage&q=%22Panther%22%20%22bear %22%20%22clawed%22&f=false


terror of all other creatures except, perhaps, the grizzly bear (and a few stories had panthers vanquishing even them).Wilderness


Thompson (1860) of Montpelier, Vermont provides a heavily dramatized account, of doubtful authenticity, ofa cougar attacking a bear. Bailey wastold by E. F. Averill that a small bear, immobilized by a trap, waskilled, partially
eaten, and covered with leaves, presumably by a mountain lion.

https://www.google.com/search?q=%22immobilized+by+a+tra p%2C+was+killed%2C+partially+eat en%22&tbm=bks&tbo=1&oq=%22immobi lized+by+a+trap%2C+was+killed%2C +partially+eaten%22&gs_l=heirloo m-serp.3...102806.110989.0.111187.


pumas are known to kill bears


By whatever name it might be called, mountain lion, cougar, puma, this member of the cat family plays an ... The apotheosis of American carnivores, the cougar's strength and agility are legendary. ... of wild felids in the Western Hemisphere, he has proven more than the equal of even the grizzly bear in staged combat.
Voices for the Earth: a treasury of the Sierra Club bulletin


Bear dies in fight with female puma:


If such a thing ever did occur the result was doubtless due to the superior agility and general elusiveness of the great cat; for with a strength sufficient to permit it to strike a bull dead with one blow of its massive paw the grizzly must have lost in such a conflict merely
because itsmovements were too ponderous. I am referring here, of course, to a grown grizzly,


Once Mynheer Barhydt saw close by his clearing a fight between a bear and a panther which lasted more than an hour and ended only when both were dead
https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&tbo=1&q=Mynheer+B arhydt+saw+close+by+his+clearing +a+fight+between+a+bear+and+a+pa nt



Phillip R. Goodwins~Book of hunting records (1929)Ernest Thompson Seton (1929, 90-91) writes that G. W. Ferguson "recorded" a fight between a grizzly and a female cougar that was witnessed by two miners working a claim near Murry, Idaho. It was reported that a female cougar had a den and kittens in the vicinity, and when a grizzly, apparently unknowingly, approached the den, the mother cougar attacked the grizzly. During what the miners described as a fierce battle, the combatants fell off a mountain ledge and both where killed as a result of the fall. The miners claimed the cougar was still hanging on to the grizzly's cheek with her teeth; the bears back and throat were torn and lacerated and "his belly hide ripped into ribbons, mute evidence of the fact that all her paws with their 18 sharp claws had not been idle" (612).
~ Ernest Thompson Seton (1929, 90-91)


Black bear dies in fight with puma (a good illustration of a puma an bear), his hide all over his body was shredded to ribbons:
https://books.google.com/books?id=V9rzwOODPSIC&pg=PA28&dq =lion+bear+%22sprang%22&hl=en&sa =X&ei=zilMVcShHoKLoQSy5IAI&ved=0 CEMQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=lion%20be ar%20%22sprang%22&f=false


Man is told that pumas always killed bears, and gives his own eye witness account of a puma killing a bear 4x his own size.


In a fight to the death, the mountain lion is more game than the black bear. He will fight to the last breath, when the black bear will quit and cover his head with his paws and bawl like a calf.



Mountain lion kills bear in fair fight
https://books.google.com/books?id=MHw7AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA403&d q=%22bruin%22+lion+fight&hl=en&s a=X&ei=IMO4VNXOK5LsoASs5YHwAw&ve d=0CAYQ6AEwAA

She was ready for fight The panther came straight for the bear. She gave one leap and struck on thebear. There was a fierce struggle, with screaming and snarling, and In less than ten min utes the bear was tern to fragments. The panther walked Into the cave and came right out again and gave a scream that was bloodcurdling. Just then she saw the cubs. She gave a leap and brought one down and killed It, and went after the rest and killed them.
The Allentown Leader from Allentown, Pennsylvania · Page 2


Female panther kills she-bear

(1917)bear dies in fight with female cougar

https://books.google.com/books?id=RqMqAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA147&d q=%22female+cougar%22+%22bear%22 +fight&hl=en&sa=X&ei=zqBvVYuTK8O SyAStsYDwCQ&ved=0CCAQ6AEwAQ#v=on epage&q=%22female%20cougar%22%20 %22bear%22%20fight&f=false


Panthers were known to attack bears until they were torn and exhuasted further backing down:
https://books.google.com/books?id=IbUUAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA201&d q=%22panther%22+%22bear%22+%22ra ge%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xrZuVZ3_Mcn8 oQSyrIO4CQ&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAg#v=one page&q=%22panther%22%20%22bear%2 2%20%22rage%22&f=false


Big grizzly dies fighting female puma:


On approaching the stream the deadly conflict between the bear and panther was still raging, but right soon the bear gave a tad moan, which told...that the fight was over and the bear killed


Who's the best MCs? Biggie, Jay-Z, and Nas
Oct 17, 2014
I'm pretty sure it states by several biologist thats not how they attack, they grapple down there prey and continually bite, lions strike with there paws knock you down or out then bite you one time.

Dont see why a lion wouldnt fair well against a kodiak, grizzly bears dont seem to do all that well against pumas:

- Cougar/Puma/Mountain lion



Female panther kills female black bear


The two animals spent some time licking their rounds, but at last the lion charged the bear again and this time with his claws he tore open he bear's back and his claws must have reached some deadly part, for presently the bear fell over dead and the lion went off to his old place and began to lick his wounds again.
https://books.google.com/books?id=6BccAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA532&d q=%22fight+between%22+bear+dead& hl=en&sa=X&ei=7b_mVLLXIIPxoASBwI LoDg&ved=0CA4Q6AEwBDhu


Bear dies in fight with panther
https://books.google.com/books?id=Sem9B2acPfkC&pg=PA151&d q=%22Panther%22+%22bear%22+%22cl awed%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=PJpvVeS6BI aQyQSS34PoDA&ved=0CDAQ6AEwAw#v=o nepage&q=%22Panther%22%20%22bear %22%20%22clawed%22&f=false


terror of all other creatures except, perhaps, the grizzly bear (and a few stories had panthers vanquishing even them).Wilderness


Thompson (1860) of Montpelier, Vermont provides a heavily dramatized account, of doubtful authenticity, ofa cougar attacking a bear. Bailey wastold by E. F. Averill that a small bear, immobilized by a trap, waskilled, partially
eaten, and covered with leaves, presumably by a mountain lion.

https://www.google.com/search?q=%22immobilized+by+a+tra p%2C+was+killed%2C+partially+eat en%22&tbm=bks&tbo=1&oq=%22immobi lized+by+a+trap%2C+was+killed%2C +partially+eaten%22&gs_l=heirloo m-serp.3...102806.110989.0.111187.


pumas are known to kill bears


By whatever name it might be called, mountain lion, cougar, puma, this member of the cat family plays an ... The apotheosis of American carnivores, the cougar's strength and agility are legendary. ... of wild felids in the Western Hemisphere, he has proven more than the equal of even the grizzly bear in staged combat.
Voices for the Earth: a treasury of the Sierra Club bulletin


Bear dies in fight with female puma:


If such a thing ever did occur the result was doubtless due to the superior agility and general elusiveness of the great cat; for with a strength sufficient to permit it to strike a bull dead with one blow of its massive paw the grizzly must have lost in such a conflict merely
because itsmovements were too ponderous. I am referring here, of course, to a grown grizzly,



Once Mynheer Barhydt saw close by his clearing a fight between a bear and a panther which lasted more than an hour and ended only when both were dead
https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&tbo=1&q=Mynheer+B arhydt+saw+close+by+his+clearing +a+fight+between+a+bear+and+a+pa nt



Phillip R. Goodwins~Book of hunting records (1929)Ernest Thompson Seton (1929, 90-91) writes that G. W. Ferguson "recorded" a fight between a grizzly and a female cougar that was witnessed by two miners working a claim near Murry, Idaho. It was reported that a female cougar had a den and kittens in the vicinity, and when a grizzly, apparently unknowingly, approached the den, the mother cougar attacked the grizzly. During what the miners described as a fierce battle, the combatants fell off a mountain ledge and both where killed as a result of the fall. The miners claimed the cougar was still hanging on to the grizzly's cheek with her teeth; the bears back and throat were torn and lacerated and "his belly hide ripped into ribbons, mute evidence of the fact that all her paws with their 18 sharp claws had not been idle" (612).
~ Ernest Thompson Seton (1929, 90-91)


Black bear dies in fight with puma (a good illustration of a puma an bear), his hide all over his body was shredded to ribbons:
https://books.google.com/books?id=V9rzwOODPSIC&pg=PA28&dq =lion+bear+%22sprang%22&hl=en&sa =X&ei=zilMVcShHoKLoQSy5IAI&ved=0 CEMQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=lion%20be ar%20%22sprang%22&f=false


Man is told that pumas always killed bears, and gives his own eye witness account of a puma killing a bear 4x his own size.


In a fight to the death, the mountain lion is more game than the black bear. He will fight to the last breath, when the black bear will quit and cover his head with his paws and bawl like a calf.



Mountain lion kills bear in fair fight
https://books.google.com/books?id=MHw7AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA403&d q=%22bruin%22+lion+fight&hl=en&s a=X&ei=IMO4VNXOK5LsoASs5YHwAw&ve d=0CAYQ6AEwAA

She was ready for fight The panther came straight for the bear. She gave one leap and struck on thebear. There was a fierce struggle, with screaming and snarling, and In less than ten min utes the bear was tern to fragments. The panther walked Into the cave and came right out again and gave a scream that was bloodcurdling. Just then she saw the cubs. She gave a leap and brought one down and killed It, and went after the rest and killed them.
The Allentown Leader from Allentown, Pennsylvania · Page 2


Female panther kills she-bear

(1917)bear dies in fight with female cougar

https://books.google.com/books?id=RqMqAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA147&d q=%22female+cougar%22+%22bear%22 +fight&hl=en&sa=X&ei=zqBvVYuTK8O SyAStsYDwCQ&ved=0CCAQ6AEwAQ#v=on epage&q=%22female%20cougar%22%20 %22bear%22%20fight&f=false


Panthers were known to attack bears until they were torn and exhuasted further backing down:
https://books.google.com/books?id=IbUUAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA201&d q=%22panther%22+%22bear%22+%22ra ge%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xrZuVZ3_Mcn8 oQSyrIO4CQ&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAg#v=one page&q=%22panther%22%20%22bear%2 2%20%22rage%22&f=false


Big grizzly dies fighting female puma:


On approaching the stream the deadly conflict between the bear and panther was still raging, but right soon the bear gave a tad moan, which told...that the fight was over and the bear killed

It may be a closer fight than I thought but I'd still put money on the bear :yeshrug: The sheer size and force gives it an advantage imo


Jan 30, 2016
It may be a closer fight than I thought but I'd still put money on the bear :yeshrug: The sheer size and force gives it an advantage imo

A bear is big, twice as the lion at his heaviest and stand ten tall. But a giraffe is twice as heavy as a bear an can stand nearly twice as stall as the biggest bears. Even lone sub-adult lions can kill bull giraffes, so I doubt the lion would give a shyt about something smaller than he usually hunts:

The size difference is ridiculous:

SAFFAscapes: May 2014

The largest prey were constituted by adult male giraffe, weighing around 1200 kg, approximately 10 times the mass of the predatorHayward & Kerley (2005) found that lion selected prey species preferentially within a mass range of 190–550 kg, but made no adjustment for the under-recording of smaller prey species. Over half of the giraffe and two-thirds of the buffalo killed by lion were adult animals in the Mala Mala Reserve adjoining Kruger (Radloff & du Toit 2004). A substantial fraction of the adult buffalo falling prey to lions are killed by male lions hunting independently of female prides (Funston et al. 1998, 2001; Radloff & du Toit 2004). In northern Botswana, lions hunting in groups of around10 killed young elephants weighing up to 2500 kg in body mass, more than 10 times the mass of a male lion (Joubert 2006
http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_1433 2678518958&drKey=1082&libId=iafl uspz01000bl0000DA7i5m1ddg&loc=ht tp://carnivoraforum.com/topic/9348622/267/&v=1&out=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2656.2007.01314.x/full&ref=http://carnivoraforum.com/topic/9348622/268/&title=Lion v Tiger&txt=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2656.2007.01314.x/full

in two years lions have killed 93 giraffes, and all together 675 giraffes were killed by lions and 108 more a few years later:https://books.google.com/books?id=7Qd-AgAAQBAJ&pg=PA55&dq=%22lion%22+% 22giraffe%22+%22killed%22&hl=en& sa=X&ei=LrhyVcrHHoGXsQX53YKwDA&v ed=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22li on%22%20%22giraffe%22%20%22kille d%22&f=false

Hunting Large Prey Although solitary lions may on occasion successfully attack adult giraffe

https://books.google.com/books?id=7ann2dYn9iYC&pg=PA259&d q=%22lion%22+%22adult+giraffe%22 &hl=en&sa=X&ei=6FZyVb6dPInAtQWxk IGIBw&ved=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage& q=%22lion%22%20%22adult%20giraff e%22&f=false

Once, while on a real vacation in a game park in Rhodesia, they learned that alion had killed a giraffe nearby

https://books.google.com/books?id=IAkv4es1hI8C&pg=PA175&d q=%22male+lion%22+%22killed+a+gi raffe%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Dl5yVf3LL IKFsAWx5YPAAw&ved=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v= onepage&q=%22male%20lion%22%20%2 2killed%20a%20giraffe%22&f=false

On one occasion, a lion killed a giraffe in typical fashion by leaping onto its back and biting into its neck.
https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&tbo=1&q=On one occasion, a lion killed a giraffe in typical fashion by leaping onto its back+Lion kills bull giraffe:

News 2008

We had just found the carcass of a big male giraffe, killed by a male lion,
Shoot Straight and Stay Alive: A Lifetime of Hunting Experienceshttps://www.google.com/search?q=%22We+had+just+found+th e+carcass+of+a+big+male+giraffe% 2C+killed+by+a+male+lion%22&tbm= bks&tbo=1&oq=%22We+had+just+foun d+the+carcass+of+a+big+male+gira ffe%2C+killed+by+a+male+lion%22& gs_l=heirloom-serp.3...3491.5913.0.6148.2.2.0. .1.34.heirloom-serp..2.0.0.q6aBSYPZdZQ

We found them feeding on an adult bull giraffe that they had killed the nightbefore

Another young solitary male killed two adult bull giraffe also within a week's time

Like the page back, it says a lone male lion has been seen knocking down a 6 year old 6,000 pound elephant...thats the size and weight of a moose, a kodiak bear, a bison and a carribou combined.
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Jan 30, 2016

A lone lion who killed a pretty big elephant:
this male killed this elephant entirely on its own - Google Search

Over the 4 years, we observed a total of 74 elephants killed by lions, including elevenelephants in 1993, seventeen in 1994, nineteen in 1995,
Lion predation on elephants

The two Lionesses had just brought down an elephant cow of approximately ten years old.
http://lionprides.files.wordpress...ion elephant14.jpg?w=300&h=199

Single male lions killing 7,000+ lb elephants and two lions killing 4 ton elephants, is like the weight of a horse, polar bear, bison, moose, carribou and kodiak bear, combined.
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Who's the best MCs? Biggie, Jay-Z, and Nas
Oct 17, 2014
A bear is big, twice as the lion at his heaviest and stand ten tall. But a giraffe is twice as heavy as a bear an can stand nearly twice as stall as the biggest bears. Even lone sub-adult lions can kill bull giraffes, so I doubt the lion would give a shyt about something smaller than he usually hunts:

I also forgot a Kodiak or Grizzly can stand up on its hind legs, which is a huge advantage in its favor. Also, I'm still not convinced that a lion is surviving a swipe or blow to the head from a big bear.


Jan 30, 2016
I also forgot a Kodiak or Grizzly can stand up on its hind legs, which is a huge advantage in its favor. Also, I'm still not convinced that a lion is surviving a swipe or blow to the head from a big bear.

I think a giraffes kick is the only thing behind the slap from a whales tail in power, never heard of bears swiping anything nor see them throw blows in fights.

In terms the elephants size a kodiak or polar bear is like the size of a dog compared to a man. Tigers kill russian bears, and theres two cases a lion had killed 3 tigers in one fight, so I think the lion is more battle savy. No doubt the bear will be bringing the fight and see no reason why the bear will have a reason to fear a predator smaller than him, but doubt he has ever faced a foe as aggressive and top notch as the lion.


Lion kills bear and tiger in one fight, source and links below.
Sir Thomas Lawrence's Letter-bag

All a lion wants to do if fukk shyt up, thats all they do in the wild, when they are paired with other big animals, all a lion wants to do is fight:

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Who's the best MCs? Biggie, Jay-Z, and Nas
Oct 17, 2014
In terms the elephants size a kodiak or polar bear is like the size of a dog compared to a man. Tigers kill russian bears, and theres two cases a lion had killed 3 tigers in one fight, so I think the lion is more battle savy. No doubt the bear will be bringing the fight and see no reason why the bear will have a reason to fear a predator smaller than him, but doubt he has ever faced a foe as aggressive and top notch as the lion.

Watch this video, breh. A bear is literally built to fight. They have layers of fat which protect their organs, it gives them an advantage similar to the lion's mane. It would definitely be a :whew: battle though.

EDIT: We can't post videos now? :francis:

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
even though i hate them, bear would win :francis:

hope all bears go extinct
The food chain would probably implode
A big bear has a strong enough blow to take some animals' heads off, breh. I don't think too many animals are taking down a Kodiak or Grizzly bear by itself
Siberian tigers kill brown bears. I don't think the Russian bears are as big as the Kodiak but still
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