Kobe Bryant Was Not Impressed by the Miami Heat’s Trayvon Martin Protest

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Tha Gawd Amen

Mamba Mentality
Nov 17, 2013
Don't you think the fact that Kobe nearly went to jail for something he didn't do has given him a different perspective on objectivity in situations like this?

All he's really saying in this quote is he's not going to rush to comment on something where he has no idea what actually happened, just based alone on race. I have no idea what his personal feelings on Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman are based on this quote, and nobody else does either. And I prefer it that way.

Jumping to conclusions based upon race I can agree with to an extent, but the topic he used for the example is what got me. He made showing support for a family who's son was killed, regardless of race, seem beneath him.


Laughing at you n*ggaz like “ha ha ha”
May 1, 2012
Of course the ATL
It's rare that I label anybody a c00n for their opinion on social issues, but it's seems obvious that by the comments Mr. Bryant just made he has forever defined himself as a self hating c00n with identity issues related to being black and being black in America. We already knew he was a snitch, rapist, terrible teammate & had an a$$hole persona, but this seals it

Can't see anybody who values being black or representing on issues important to black people supporting this clown anymore :camby:

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Did he say it was wrong to protest? You just making shyt up right now. Dude never made one peep either way about this until someone asked him about it, and he ALL he said was he didn't feel it's right to jump to the defense of something without knowing all the facts. He said NOTHING about this specific incident. Just a general statement that people shouldn't rush to back something they dont fully know about just based on race.

He attached the Trayvon Martin case to his opinion. Are u overlooking that

Buggsy Mogues

My spot is solidified if you ask me
May 2, 2012
City of Angels :blessed:
Jumping to conclusions based upon race I can agree with to an extent, but the topic he used for the example is what got me. He made showing support for a family who's son was killed, regardless of race, seem beneath him.

Not at all. The only thing I saw him say there is he's not gonna throw his support behind something JUST because he's black, without knowing the entire story and facts. I don't think that's unreasonable. And he's not saying it's wrong for anyone else to do it, just that he doesn't feel that's his place. As a guy who was falsely accused of a crime, I think it's a pretty fair and objective stance to take. I don't think Kobe would have wanted people supporting him thru that just because he was black. He would have wanted people supporting him because they thought he was innocent.

Buggsy Mogues

My spot is solidified if you ask me
May 2, 2012
City of Angels :blessed:
He attached the Trayvon Martin case to his opinion. Are u overlooking that

He was asked a question about it and he answered. It's not like he's out there saying he doesn't support Trayvon Martin's family and shyt like some dumbasses here are trying to portray.

We don't know what the actual question that was asked was. At least I dont. I haven't read the full article, but I know it was something about the Heat's picture with the hoods on. And Kobe's response is he personally doesn't do things like that because he doesn't want to throw support behind something based on race. He wants to know the whole story. That doesn't mean he doesn't think Trayvon was wronged. It just means he's not gonna make public protests on shyt he doesn't know the whole story on.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
He was asked a question about it and he answered. It's not like he's out there saying he doesn't support Trayvon Martin's family and shyt like some dumbasses here are trying to portray.

We don't know what the actual question that was asked was. At least I dont. I haven't read the full article, but I know it was something about the Heat's picture with the hoods on. And Kobe's response is he personally doesn't do things like that because he doesn't want to throw support behind something based on race. He wants to know the whole story. That doesn't mean he doesn't think Trayvon was wronged. It just means he's not gonna make public protests on shyt he doesn't know the whole story on.

Bruh, you need to read the complete article.

Tha Gawd Amen

Mamba Mentality
Nov 17, 2013
Not at all. The only thing I saw him say there is he's not gonna throw his support behind something JUST because he's black, without knowing the entire story and facts. I don't think that's unreasonable. And he's not saying it's wrong for anyone else to do it, just that he doesn't feel that's his place. As a guy who was falsely accused of a crime, I think it's a pretty fair and objective stance to take. I don't think Kobe would have wanted people supporting him thru that just because he was black. He would have wanted people supporting him because they thought he was innocent.

But in the example he used, he specifically called out the Heat for the whole hoodie protest. By that time, there were enough facts to at least know that Trayvon was unarmed and that the police told Zimmerman not to follow him. Also Zimmerman still wasn't arrested by the time the Heat took the photo.

Now maybe Kobe was too busy to watch the news to learn these facts, but for how easy it is to to turn on your phone and find it? Why should he assume it was too hard for the Heat players or other supporters?

I just don't agree with him calling out other people for showing support for someone's son who was murdered and the police swept it under the rug without a thorough investigation. He could have reworded his comments to say that he was ignorant to the case, and didn't want to jump to conclusions before learning the facts instead of calling other people out.
May 18, 2012
I picked up on the Trayvon story before any media outlets. I saw Twitter users and small media outlets discuss the incident thereabouts too. For your imformation, that's how the big media outlets picked up the story, not that how the story got picked up somehow changes the poignancy of Trayvon's story, but that's how the transition happened. The racial framing was always there as the facts were reported as such from the outset. Racial profiling was the assumption well before Martin's family lawyer ever showed his face. You saying otherwise is patently false.
I did some digging in the archives and I came across some regional coverage of the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Boy, 17, shot to death in Sanford during 'altercation,' police say
7:22 p.m. EST, February 29, 2012|
By Susan Jacobson, Orlando Sentinel

The man who shot a 17-year-old boy to death Sunday in a gated community in Sanford was a member of Neighborhood Watch, police said Wednesday.

Trayvon Martin, a Miami high-school student, was visiting a relative when he got into an encounter that led to his death, police said Monday.

The shooter, who lives at Retreat at Twin Lakes town houses, told officers he shot the boy, said Sgt. David Morgenstern, a police spokesman. The man, who is in his 20s, was not arrested, but police continue to investigate.



The Orlando Sentinel is not releasing the man's name because he has not been charged.

FOX-Channel 35 reported that the shooter and Martin had been in a fistfight right before the killing. That detail could not be confirmed.

Martin attended high school in Miami. FOX-Channel 35 reported that Martin was visiting his mother in Sanford. Friends said Martin attended Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School.

Police Monday notified people who live in Retreat at Twin Lakes, which is near Interstate 4 and State Road 417, that one of their neighbors had been shot to death Sunday night.

The letter says officers will meet with the community in the next few days to answer questions and promises that police will investigate thoroughly

"We realize that this incident is very disturbing for your community," the letter reads in part.

The killing happened about 7:15 p.m. The body was found behind a building on Twin Trees Lane.

sjacobson@tribune.com or 407-540-5981
You can see when local media first brokes Shooting of Trayvon Martin story it did not have the “racial framing” around the story.
This is essentially the argument you made and I refuted in my last post. I said that your argument is that "black men die all the time" and that because of this assumption, which is true for every group, Trayvon's story wasn't important enough to be singled out. And I explained, you are wrong. The media picked up on the story as the cops involved refused to arrest and people
I’ve never argued that "black men die all the time therefore Trayvon's story wasn't improvement enough to be singled out". You must interpreted one of my post that way, so I guess I should have been clearer.
No kiddin, cacs and cac media doesn't care about Trayvon Martin. I don't need them to care. I need them to report the story.

You're telling me hat cacs and cac media doesn't care about Trayvon Martin? I know that, they don't

The media works in its own interest, but that doesn't mean anything vis-a-vis the Trayvon's story legitimacy as a social justice topic. The Trayvon story should have been run so that people could see the miscarriage of justice he received at the hands of the courts and public. It doesn't matter if you think the story causes division; a serial killer's spree causes "division" too; Nazi uprisings "cause division". Should these events not be reported because you and your mother don't like it? The mainstream media is only my enemy when it does things that I don't like. I like that the media reported on this story, even if the cacs in the media tried their hardest to defend Zimmerman. Blaming the "media" for Trayvon's death and Zimmerman's exoneration, lionization and enrichment is ridiculous. The people at fault are Zimmerman and cacs. No one else.
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